The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(44)

With a wail of pure agony Yasny rushed forward as the first of the flesh began to slough off of the body. Finn raised his other hand before she could close the full distance between them and held her frozen in place as his magic destroyed what remained of her hopes. There was nothing but crumbled bones remaining by the time he walked toward her.

“Serve your penance and I promise you will find peace.” Finn began his eyes moving over the crowded room. “Betray me and I will destroy that which you most desire before your eyes.” He finished coldly his eyes once more focused on Yasny. She writhed before him, but couldn’t summon enough power to break the hold his magic had on her. She was pinned neatly in place with no prayer of salvation. “You thought I was a fool.” He informed her with a grim smile. Ever so gently he brushed his hand across her pale cheek. She trembled beneath his touch and likely would have pulled away if he had given her that luxury. “I was watching the entire time Yasny. Had you turned away from Hemlock I would have rewarded you, but you chose the other path instead. Now you get to pay the full price for that choice.” His hand dropped away from her side and he smiled at Seth. “Since I have taken over the domain of Death you have been waiting patiently for a reward for your service. You prefer souls over penance.” A low wavering cry began to rise from Yasny as she realized what he was about to do. Finn paused in his words and nodded once to her. “That’s right sweetheart.” He whispered and winked at her. “She is yours Seth.” He finished loudly and walked back toward his throne. Yasny’s voice rose from a soft cry to an inhuman scream as Seth closed the distance between them.

“Bitch.” Seth snarled. The expression on his face was murderous as his hand closed around her throat. Her body convulsed at his touch and a soft glow began to form around his hand. Her scream turned from fear to raw agony as Seth slowly drained her power with as much pain as he could inflict.

Finn regarded the assembled crowd silently and watched their expressions of hunger slowly turn to concern. It was too easy for them to imagine themselves in Yasny’s place, and the death Seth was delivering was anything but merciful. “I have Firym blood and was raised by the Avanti. Mercy is not in my vocabulary, and I have been taught to take every advantage against my enemies. If you want to defy me you will follow in Yasny’s footsteps. No matter how clever you think you are, I am one step ahead. If you serve loyally you will be rewarded, if you betray me…” Finn’s voice trailed off and he turned back to Yasny once more. He didn’t need to say anymore. They could see what would happen clearly enough. He allowed them to watch for another few minutes before waving his hand toward the door in a dismissal.

The room emptied quickly leaving only Seth, Fiona and Exodus. It was obvious the rest wanted nothing more than to be away from him as quickly as they could manage it.

“That was well played. You didn’t really strike me as the sort that ruled by fear.” Exodus observed with a smile. She rose from the table she had been seated at with only a brief glance to the flickering remains of Yasny.

“They didn’t really give me much choice. My predecessor ruled by fear and so that is what they are used to. It tried to play nice with them, and look at where it got me.” Finn replied with a shrug.

“So now you are going to be a hard ass?” Exodus asked with a raised eyebrow. Her expression was doubtful and her smile suggested she didn’t think he could pull it off if he wanted to.

“When I have to be.” Finn agreed with a faint shrug. “I shouldn’t have to be by the time today is over though. I still have a few more things to cover, and I hope you will forgive me but I’d rather finish in private.” He glanced at Seth meaningfully and Exodus nodded once in understanding.

“Till next we meet then. Which I hope won’t be long Lord Death.” Exodus smiled and bowed in a mocking imitation of a noble court before fading away.

Fiona frowned at her departure and looked sharply at Finn. “That very closely resembled flirting. Be careful with that one, she is not one to get too involved with. The other Aspects are not very fond of her.” As always Fiona’s voice held the chiding of a disapproving parent and Finn had to suppress a sigh.

He nodded to her and waved toward the door. “Retire for now Fiona. I will need to speak with you later, but for now I’d like a few words with Seth in private.” Fiona scowled at his words but left the room walking so stiffly he couldn’t help but notice her displeasure.

He waited patiently until the doors had slammed closed behind Fiona before approaching Seth and stopped just a few feet away. Yasny had faded completely, but Seth still stood where he had drained her with a look of frustration on his face. Finn smiled faintly and waited to speak until Seth met his gaze. “That was revenge Seth. How was it?” he asked quietly.

“Not enough.” Seth muttered. With a heavy sigh he paced to the table Exodus had been seated at and dropped heavily into one of the chairs before looking back at Finn with expectation.

“It never is Seth. If that torment you served Yasny wasn’t enough, how can you possibly believe anything you do to Hemlock will repay him for all of the misery he has caused you over the years?” Finn kept his voice gentle. He knew the discussion was going to be a painful one for Seth, but it was a point that needed to be made.

“I have been thinking along those lines since our last talk.” Seth said with obvious hesitation and waved to the chair across from him. “I’ve been trying to gather the proper words for this for days, and I’m not sure I have, but we are both here so I might as well attempt it.”

Melissa Myers's Books