The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(24)

“Who is her envoy? What task?” Faramir growled and leaned forward on the table once more her eyes intent on Azashy.

“Shade…Morcaillo…he…must…” Azashy’s voice faltered with each word and she gave a shudder as she sagged forward in her chair. Her breathing was labored and she was shaking. Slowly a choking laugh began to rise from her and she shakily lifted her head to meet Myth’s gaze. “I’m afraid you will have to wait for that information Myth. You have pushed me too far today. Were conditions different I could offer you more, but you are too intent on keeping me weakened so you must deal with the consequences.” Her voice was a bare whisper, but it was filled with bitter amusement.

“Worthless bitch.” Faramir growled as she rose from her chair and snatched the dagger from the table. With another glare at Azashy she stormed across the room toward the hidden panel.

“Irony that it is your son that will undo you.” Azashy gasped as the panel slid open.

“No one will undo me Azashy. This world will burn and I will be free of this prison. I promise you that.” Faramir hissed as she disappeared through the tunnel.

Remedy watched her go, but remained where he was as the panel slid shut behind her. It was possible that the wall wouldn’t open for anyone aside from Myth, but he was curious about Azashy. She was obviously an unwilling ally, and it was possible that very thing made her the only one in the palace he could trust to help him. It would require watching her though, and learning more of her before he trusted her enough to reveal himself. He just had to pray he had the time to spare for it. Things in the world beyond were falling far faster than he liked, and he wasn’t sure there was still time to save anything.

Chapter 4


“Are you sure you want to sell her?” Valor asked quietly as he leaned against the paddock gate and watched the bay mare within. He was dressed simply today in light linen trousers and a thin work shirt. A stranger approaching would never guess he was the second most powerful person in Merro by the way he looked. A stem of grass hung out of one corner of his mouth, and his attention seemed entirely devoted to the mare, as if nothing beyond the stable yard was a concern of his.

Zoelyn shifted beside him and lowered her chin to rest on the rail of the fence. She didn’t really want to sell the mare, but the horse would have a good home with Valor and she knew it. He was Arovan, and Arovan prized their horses. If she had any hope of making it to Delvay she would need the money, and she could no longer stand to remain in Merro. “I know you will care for her well Valor.” She sighed and nodded with obvious hesitation. “So yes she is for sale if you want her.”

Valor glanced down at her with a questioning look in his dark blue eyes and nodded in return. “I’d be a fool to turn aside the chance to buy her. She is obviously from good lines even if I don’t know her pedigree. I’d like to know what you want the money for though. We provide your room and board as well as clothes. If there is something else that you require just say the word and it will be given without you having to sell the one thing you can truly call your own.” His voice was gentle and her chest tightened in response

They had all been so kind to her, and the thought of leaving some of them was as painful as a fresh wound, but this wasn’t her place. Her home was in Delvay and with every memory that returned she became more certain that she should be there rather than in Merro. And Seth isn’t in Delvay. A small voice inside her whispered as her eyes rose to scan the surrounding sky for any sign of black feathers. It wasn’t that she hated Seth, but the memory of him was painful. She had trusted him fully and considered him a friend, and he had turned on her. The anger he had shown the last time she had seen him had been terrifying, and she had no desire to be near him again.

“I need the money for travel.” Zoelyn answered quietly. She hadn’t told anyone aside from Dray of her plans to leave yet, and she knew the Blight had kept her secret. By Valor’s expression it was the last thing he had expected her to say, but he covered his shocked expression quickly. “I’m going to Delvay.” She added and swallowed heavily as her throat tightened. There was no way she could say goodbye to Jala or Valor without tears and she knew it.

Valor nodded and his gaze moved past her to rest on Jala who was still busy trying to get the portal stones perfect. It was obvious he was wondering if Jala knew and simply hadn’t told him yet.

Zoelyn followed his gaze and watched Jala for several moments before staring down at the ground. “I meant to tell you both before now, but you are both always so busy. I don’t think Jala ever truly rests. Every time I try to find time to speak with her she is busy at three or more tasks and contemplating another.”

“She can’t rest, and neither can I. When we stop we have time to think, and neither of us can bear that. She dwells on her regrets, and I dwell on guilt. So we push ourselves to exhaustion and pray that one day our hearts will mend and we can find peace.” Valor said softly as he turned to watch the mare once more. “I’m not Finn and I never will be. I know she loves me, I have no doubts of that, but it’s something that takes time. Jala never had a chance to grieve, and she still isn’t allowing herself too. I wish I could help her with it, but I can’t. I’m the bastard that failed to save him and fell in love with his Widow while doing so.”

Melissa Myers's Books