The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(19)

“I’m willing to bet Divine or not that I can still bruise you, and interrupting my shower is reason enough for me to try. Keep being an ass Sovaesh, test my patience further.” Caleb’s voice was low and filled with warning.

Finn slowly turned in his seat and Shade found himself glancing back as well. Caleb stood just beyond the door of the back room still dripping wet from the shower. He wore black uniform pants and had a towel wrapped over his shoulder with no sign of a weapon on him, but he still looked ready for a fight if Finn chose to rise from his seat.

“Now is really not the time Grim, and I don’t want you in hell any more than I do Shade. So it wouldn’t be in my best interest to kill you should you decide we should fight. Why don’t you sit down, shut up, and listen instead? I have a few things to say to you as well.” Finn pointed sharply at an empty chair as he spoke and then turned back to Shade.

“My friends call me Grim and you are nothing I would consider a friend. I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t use the title.” Caleb snapped as he dropped into the indicated seat with an expression of annoyance on his face.

“Shall I call you the Black Bastard then or Bloody Huntsman?” Finn growled in response.

Shade’s eyes widened at the words and he slowly glanced back at Caleb once more. He knew those titles. Everyone in Sanctuary knew of the Black Bastard of Arovan or the Bloody Huntsman, he simply hadn’t realized Caleb Faulklin was either. He hadn’t even realized the bastard and the huntsman were the same person for that matter. It made the reputation even more infamous. If the stories about either held any truth at all Caleb Faulklin really was a psychopath as he had suggested to Onvalla.

“You aren’t really?” Shade began quietly and his voice trailed off as he glanced from Caleb to Finn and then back to the view screen.

“What you didn’t realize you were giving a ride to the Bloody Huntsman Shade? Didn’t you wonder when he told you his friends called him Grim? That isn’t exactly a nickname that one gives to a sweet tempered individual.” Finn said dryly.

“This is neither here nor there. I sincerely doubt you came here to discuss my reputation.” Caleb snapped with obvious irritation.

“Quite right, I have gotten a bit off track, back to business then.” Finn conceded with a faint nod, but his smirk was still present. It was clear that he found Shade’s current dismay entertaining. “The favor can wait a moment. I have a question for you first Shade. Do you know what Kevala’drin means?”

“This is none of your affair Finn.” Caleb snarled and half rose from his seat.

“The bloody hell it isn’t my affair. I rule hell, Huntsman, and where exactly do you think you will end up? I know the truth about you even if the bards of Arovan fill their lives by telling lies about you. I know what you truly are. If you continue down this path you will die and I will make you my pet when you do.” Finn roared and the power of his voice drove even Caleb back to his seat. Finn’s green eyes flashed with anger and he turned back to Shade who was once again staring at him in utter shock.

“I have no idea what Kevala’drin means.” Shade admitted meekly. He had thought Finn was bluffing about being a Divine right up until his anger had shown. Now he was certain it was the truth. He had never seen so much raw power in anyone, not even Jala.

“It is an old Glis term. It means the Final Reckoning. Your new found friend intends to commit suicide in a very colorful manner.” Finn explained calmly and glanced back at Caleb once more shaking his head with disgust.

“I intend to deliver vengeance for Micah and my family.” Caleb growled.

“And you will die for it, but I have a very compelling reason for you to change those plans.” Finn said with a sigh.

“I sincerely doubt there is anything you can say that will change my mind.” Caleb argued stubbornly.

“Really? Let’s try. Syrah still lives.” Finn shot back without pause.

All color drained from Caleb’s face at the words and Shade glanced quickly between the two of them before turning his attention once more to flying. “Who is Syrah?” He asked quietly.

“Syrah Khalia Faulklin, his daughter.” Finn answered simply his gaze still locked on Caleb. “She is being held in Rivasa at the Citadel in Prendington. I don’t know of her condition beyond the fact that she is not close to death. I wish I could say the same for Evanell or Ryven, but they were both lost in Amdany. I’m sorry for the losses you have endured Caleb, but you haven’t lost everything.” Finn’s voice had taken on a gentle quality that Shade had never heard him use before, and the expression on his face was filled with sympathy rather than his typical smirk. Swallowing heavily Finn shifted in his seat to face Caleb more directly and cleared his throat quietly. “Look, we have always been at odds, and I know this likely won’t mean much to you coming from me, but I know what it’s like to lose everything. I also know what it is like to have one thing left to grasp onto. Syrah is your lifeline here Caleb, grab on and hold tight. You have a reputation across Arovan for being a hero, and Syrah could really use a hero right now more than a martyr. For once you need to truly be what the people of Arovan believe you are.” Finn paused and his expression looked almost pained for a moment. With a deep breath he leaned closer to Caleb’s chair and his expression became one of such sincerity that Shade almost doubted it was truly Finn. “You can’t throw your life away. You are needed. I don’t know if you have noticed or not, but most of the heroes are dropping like flies. I was trying to be a better person before my death, Caleb, but I failed, and I’m out of the game now for the most part. You could be what Arovan believes you are, and they need you to be that now more than ever.”

Melissa Myers's Books