The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(25)

“And the fact that he isn’t truly dead doesn’t help at all.” Zoelyn concluded quietly and let out a long breath.

Valor shook his head slowly and smiled sadly. “Not in the least bit, though I’m glad he is. Hindsight is perfect Zoelyn and given a chance to go back and do things differently I’m quite sure Jala would be living a simple life in Firym and Merro would still be in ruins. She has a lot on her shoulders and keeps reaching for more. I think she is afraid if she focuses herself on just Merro she will run out of things to keep herself busy with, and then she will have to face what she is trying to forget.” He chewed on the grass stem for a moment then pushed off the rail and rubbed his face. “And this isn’t getting us anywhere and it’s not something I want to dwell on.” He announced with a forced smile. “So back to business, if you truly want to sell her I’ll give you a hundred gold for her. Horses are selling high now, and she is better than most so she is worth it. Too many of the herds were lost in Arovan, so her colts will make the investment worthwhile. Will that suffice for travel money?”

Zoelyn blinked at him in shock and nodded slowly with a dumbfounded expression. “I was expecting perhaps twenty gold.” She admitted quietly. A hundred gold would be enough for her to book passage on a spell hawk if she could find one for hire soon. She had been expecting to have to take a ship out of Brannaford ports.

“Common plow horses are selling for twenty gold right now. Too many horses were killed during the fighting, and prices have sky rocketed on everything. Grain is high, hay is nearly impossible to find in most lands, and anything with four legs and a working body is bringing top coin.” Valor informed her with a shrug then paused as something behind her caught his attention. “But maybe this should wait until we see what this is about.” He murmured as a slight smile crept onto his face.

Zoelyn turned slowly to stare in the direction he was looking and caught the barest glimpse of metal against sunlight in the horizon. “Is that a Spell hawk?” she asked stupidly, though it was obvious it had to be. Nothing else would be in the sky and made of metal.

“Not just any Spell Hawk, I think that is The Shade. It’s well past time for him to return, Jala was beginning to fear the worst.” Valor said cheerfully as he patted her on the shoulder and smiled. “If you play your cards right you might be able to get a free ride to Delvay without having to sell your mare.”

“But I can’t take her with me to Delvay, Valor. She wouldn’t do well that high in the mountains and it’s possible the Snow Cats would see her as dinner.” Zoelyn protested as he started to head for the sky port. With an exasperated sigh she hurried after him.

“Too true so you should leave her here with me for the time being and allow me to raise a colt or two from her in return for board. She would still be yours, and I would have fresh stock with good lines. It would be beneficial to us both.” Valor called over his shoulder as his pace quickened. Jala had noticed the approaching ship too, and it was clear that Valor wanted to reach the port at the same time Jala did to ensure he didn’t miss anything.

They reached the edge of the port as the Spell hawk touched down and even Zoelyn noticed how rough the landing was. Valor moved silently to stand beside Jala with a worried expression on his face.

“Are we certain that is Shade flying? I saw sparks when he touched down. Shade never lands that roughly.” Valor said quietly as Jala started to move toward the Spell Hawk’s door.

“Who else would it be?” Jala asked with a shrug.

“Someone that doesn’t bloody well know how to fly well.” Valor suggested dryly.

“It’s Shade, and others.” Dray spoke up quietly and Zoelyn felt him move closer to her, almost within touch, but not quite. Even though her control of her powers had improved drastically she still took care that no one got too close to her, and Dray knew the boundaries well.

Valor glanced over his shoulder toward the main house and then back to Jala. “Would you mind telling Wisp to keep Legacy inside with her until we know who else is on that ship?” he asked quietly and his hand dropped to his belt for a sword that wasn’t there.

“You were playing stable hand all morning love. That doesn’t require a weapon.” Jala reminded him and smiled faintly. “I sent her the message and she has agreed that he won’t even look out a window until we tell her things are well.”

The ship door slid open as she finished speaking and all three of them fell silent as they watched a large man step down and then half drag Shade from the ship behind him.

“Shade!” Jala cried in alarm. She started to rush toward him, but Valor caught her wrist and gave her a shake of his head.

“Grim.” Zoelyn gasped as the larger man turned and she got a clear look at his face. He was thinner than she remembered, but she had no doubt it was him. He was wearing the uniform of a High Marshall of Arovan, and his expression matched his nickname well.

He turned and looked at her, but there was no sign of recognition on his face until he found Valor beside her. “He passed out right after landing. Do you have someplace we can put him to rest?” Caleb asked Valor without bothering with so much as a greeting.

“Grim.” Valor echoed Zoelyn with equal disbelief in his tone and Jala stepped forward with a quick nod only to pause once more as a goblin clambered from the ship and wrapped its arms around Shade’s leg.

Melissa Myers's Books