Tales & Time (Lost Time Academy #1)(39)

"I learnt you only bow for a queen, king or goddess. That is what my parents told me...are you any of those too?" I say, regretting it a little when she slides off her chair and storms over to me. She harshly slaps me around the face the moment she can, so hard that I trip a little but manage to hold myself up all the same. Mrs. Tale goes back to her seat, clearing her throat as I place my hand on my cheek, feeling hot blood dripping from the corner of my mouth. I wipe a thumb across it before steeling my back and meeting her gaze.

"I will ignore your impudence this one time, due to the mere fact you were a good friend to my sons. When we come face to face again, you will bow, Miss Dormiens, or I will break your back to make sure you do. Do you understand?" she asks, and I don't doubt her words. She would have to break me if she thinks I’m going to bow for her.

"I understand perfectly," I bite out, tasting blood on my lip that is feeling more swollen by the minute.

"Now, I called you here because we have fantastic news. The Masters’ council has decided that you will be married," she says, a big smile on her red painted lips. Mrs. Tale feels like a snake in pretty clothing.

"To whom?" I immediately ask, feeling frightened for the first time since I came in here as her words register. Mrs. Tale knows it too, from the smile she is wearing.

"Mr. Roger Stalk. I believe you know of him," she replies, and my heart sinks almost instantly. Roger Stalk is not who I want to be with. Not now or ever. I’d rather throw myself off one of the large cliffs of this island than be forced into a marriage with someone I don’t love. This isn’t the middle ages, and she has to be crazy to expect me to just agree. Her sons won’t agree, or at least I hope they wouldn’t.

"What?" I whisper.

"Who else did you expect?" she asks and smiles before she laughs, because she knows the answer I won’t admit to myself. "My sons? No, no. They will be engaged to Ella Wateredge who is a Master’s child and only heir. They will make such lovely children with her, don't you think?" she says, pleased so much that it's a wonder her teeth don't pop out her mouth as she grins. I glance down at the tiled floor, seeing nothing but smooth, perfect flooring without a single crack. It’s perfect, just like how Mrs. Tale expects her life to be. The Masters want complete silence and for us all to do what they want. Knox told me they are losing the war, and yet instead of defending us, they are spending their time planning arranged marriages by the sounds of it.

"No." The one word leaves my lips before I raise my head to meet Mrs. Tale’s eyes that look so much like her sons’. This is risky of me, I’m too smart not to realise that, but I won’t live a life where I’m commanded in everything I do. Mrs. Tale wants to take me away from the Tale brothers…and that isn’t happening again. Ever. I’ve lost Quin, and I will not lose them too.

"No? I do hope you mean they wouldn't make lovely children and not that you protest about your engagement?" she asks, needing me to make it clearer, even though we both know what I mean.

"I won't marry Roger, or anyone that I don't choose myself," I slowly explain to her, making sure she understands me.

"Then you will be sent to the Masters’ army, beaten until there is no personality left in you, and then you will die as a dark tale takes your pathetic life in the war," she replies, waving a hand.

"No wonder your sons always called you cruel and heartless. I feel sorry for Mr. Tale; at least your sons can escape you at times," I remark, and to my surprise Mr. Tale chuckles as Mrs. Tale goes a strange shade of red.

"Get out! Now!" she screams at me, and I smile tightly before pulling the door open and walking out. Even though I got to walk away, she still won the battle. I'm engaged...how do I tell the Tale brothers that?

Chapter 24

I quickly run up the stairs after Mr. Newman congratulated me on my engagement and I couldn't say a word in response to him. He looked very happy, too smug, and I was inches from wanting to punch him for that look. I don’t look around or at anyone; I just run. I head straight for the only space I feel remotely safe in this place and the single place not all eyes are on me. The moment I step out into the cold air on the roof, I feel like I can finally breathe out the sob caught in the back of my throat. My cheek throbs and blood drips from where my teeth caught my lip when she hit me, but it's not the physical pain that makes me feel like I can't breathe. It's the dread and fear in my chest, the knowledge that I have no control over my life any longer. I was living a fairy tale, thinking that I'd be given to the brothers and at least they would treat me right. I don't know Roger, nor do I like him from the time he spends kicking my ass in fight class. I wonder if Miss A knew all along we would be pushed together, so that's why for two months now, I've only fought him. At least I know I can put him to sleep easy if he pisses me off in our marriage. God, marriage. I'm seventeen, still in love with a human who haunts my dreams, falling for four brothers I was brought up with, and now engaged to another guy. What kind of fucked fairy tale is that?

"Madi?" I hear Sin call my name, and I gasp, realising that I have moved extremely close to the edge of the roof without realising it. "Whatever it is, whatever has happened, don't you dare jump. I swear I will follow you anywhere, even death."

G. Bailey's Books