Tales & Time (Lost Time Academy #1)(36)

"He knew you were with us, Sleepy. Remember?" Sin says, placing his hand on my shoulder. "I think there is more going on than we know about."

"Quin wouldn't ever hurt me. You all know that, you grew up with him as well!" I say, getting frustrated by their tone. Before any of them can say anything, Tobias walks into the room with a woman right behind him. The woman is dressed in a long white cloak that matches the rest of the room, and there is a white circle in the middle of her forehead.

"Now, now, all of you have class. As you can see, Miss Dormiens is awake, and I will let you know if she needs you all. Your teachers are waiting," the woman states, squaring up to them.

"We aren't leaving," Sin remarks.

"Go. I'm tired. I'm just going to rest anyway," I tell them, knowing I need some space and time alone to think about all of this and Quinton. I rest back, not looking at any of them as they leave the room, but Tavvy stays.

"You as well, little fairy," the healer demands. I feel Tavvy's hand on my shoulder a moment later, and I look up at her.

"They only tell the truth, but your dreams don't mean Quin is bad. They just mean Quin is clearly not just in your past," she tells me before she leaves the room. Quin isn't bad, he never was, and he never could be. The Tale brothers know this, and I just have to hope they don't find anything that says something different.

Chapter 22

"Now, Miss Dormiens, which Master set up Lost Time Academy?" Mr. Newman, the professor of this class, decides to ask me as I doodle on my notepad, drawing a raven. For some reason, he always singles me out for questions, and over the last few weeks, I've noticed it more and more. Tobias, Tavvy and even Ella are in this class and would be much better to answer this, but oh no, he has to ask me. This class completely sucks in every way, and I don't have the answer, of course. I haven’t gotten that far in the text book, even though I’m a hundred and fifty pages in. I’m sure Mr. Newman knows that, from the arsehole smile he is wearing.

"I know, sir," Ella states, holding her hand up in the air. Of course she does.

"Go on then, Miss Wateredge," Mr. Newman says, flashing a disappointed look my way as he talks.

"Master Tale, the very first of the Tale line, set up Lost Time Academy," Ella answers, and I quickly realise that must have been Tobias and Noah's ancestor. Even though Sin and Knox took the Tale name as children, they had other parents and different names before. They just never speak about it to anyone, and I'm not sure they even know much of their parents. A memory flashes into my mind as I look down at my book in front of me.

"Knox, what are you doing? We are all waiting outside for you to come back and play football," I breathlessly say after running around their big house to look for him. It's rare we come to their house, but their nanny made us food, and my parents said it was okay to come over. Knox is sitting in the kitchen, on a stool, but he doesn't look up at me. His hair is long, messy as it covers his face, but I hear the slight sob that escapes his lips. I run over, wrapping my arms around him. I've never hugged Knox before, not in the eight years we have known each other. He freezes for a second before hugging me back just as tightly, and he doesn't let go. Knox smells like peaches and chocolate, much like the ice creams his nanny gave us to eat.

"No one ever hugs me...not even the new nanny because she says she is here temporarily, and hugs are for people who are permanent," he tells me.

"Is that why you're upset?" I ask, not letting go and hugging him tighter.

"No and yes. Everyone is temporary, and my parents aren't even our real parents. Last night, I found a letter that said Oisin and I are adopted," he tells me, and I had suspected something just because all the brothers are so close in age. Also Knox and Oisin don’t look like Noah and Tobias’s parents.

"No matter who your parents are, we are your family. Me, your brothers and Quin," I tell him, knowing it is true but slightly shocked from the knowledge. It doesn't matter though, they are all brothers even if they aren't blood-related. Knox looks up, still holding me closely, and smiles even though his lips are wet from tears.

"You won't leave me, will you, Madi?" he asks.

"Nope," I say and hug him once more, knowing I mean it. The Tale brothers and I are forever.

"That's correct. Now I want you all to continue to read your history books in your spare time, but the class is over," Mr. Newman States, and everyone swiftly grabs their things before starting to make their way out of class. I watch Tobias as he pushes through people to escape the class—or me. Either way, he is moving quickly enough that I’m going to struggle to catch up with him. I shove my book into my bag.

“Hey! I’m not just a book, I’m a person you know!” Lane complains as I do my bag up.

“It wasn’t that bad,” I mutter to him before sliding my bag onto my back.

"Where are you off to in a hurry?" Ella asks, and Tavvy simply blocks her view of me as I get out of the door. Tavvy is pretty awesome, and I really need to tell her that more often. I look around, searching for Tobias until I see him walking up the stairs. As quickly as I can, I slide past people and run up the stairs, following him as he goes to his own staircase and continues to walk up. I keep a good distance away as I follow him down the long corridor, well past his room, but he doesn't notice me either way. It soon becomes clear he is heading for the roof.

G. Bailey's Books