Stay with Me (Wait for You, #3)(95)

My fingers dug into Jax’s chest as I threw my head back, crying out as I came. His hands palmed my breasts and his hips powered up as I all but collapsed onto his chest. His arms circled around me as he came, and I focused on breathing, because it was a chore, as I felt his body shuddering around me.

I was sated and made up of nothing but air as one of his hands circled the back of my head, pressing my cheek against his chest. I could feel his heart pounding as fast as mine. Smiling, I closed my eyes.

How he managed to convince me to do it this way—me on top—I had no idea. It probably started with waking up Monday morning with his mouth on my breast, nipping and licking. That had led to him moving inside me, much slower than the night before, if that was possible. And it might have had something to do with the way he got me naked from the waist down Monday night in his kitchen, and we’d re-created what we did the night before, but with his cock and not his tongue.

I’d never, ever look at that kitchen counter the same again.

Or it could’ve been Tuesday evening, after we’d headed to the campground where Ike was supposed to be hanging out, which turned out to be a total bust. He wasn’t there. No one had seen him in days. He was gone, like ashes in a hurricane. That had been disappointing, because I’d been hoping he’d be a good lead, but that disappointment faded in the truck ride back to Jax’s place.

Jax could multitask like a beast, driving with one hand on the steering wheel, the other in my pants. And I paid him back for that when we got back to his place, happily on my knees in the living room. There was something incredibly naughty about that.

Maybe it was Tuesday night that helped him convince me to be on top this afternoon, because I was pretty sure after last night, I knew firsthand what “f*ck each other’s brains out” really meant and felt like.

And it felt good.

It could’ve also been this morning, because he was definitely into morning sex. That was when it took longer for both of us and it turned into an epic sexcapade. But it was when he interrupted me trying to prepare for the shower that I ended up in his bed, with him on his back and me astride him.

I’d been nervous, though. With him being on top, I really wasn’t thinking of the condition of my body. He could totally see my entire front, but it had worked out. Very well. Like I think being on top would probably be my new favorite position of all time.

“We need to get ready for work,” he said.

“I don’t want to move.”

He chuckled. “I really don’t want you to, but . . .”

I sighed. “Can I just stay here, like this, forever?”

That got another laugh and then he tapped my ass with his palm. Grumbling under my breath, I rolled off him and landed in a pile of bones and mush on the bed beside him. “You can shower first. I’m gonna nap.”

He moved onto his side, running his fingers over the curve of my hip. “We can shower together.”

I snorted. “We wouldn’t shower.”

“Why not?” he teased, kissing the tip of my shoulder.

“We’d end up doing it and I’m not sure if I can withstand another orgasm without losing precious brain cells.”

He laughed against my skin. “You have a point.” Then he moved his head, finding my lips and kissing me. “I won’t be long.”


Jax took showers longer than any girl I ever knew. I was constantly amazed that there was any hot water left when he got his ass out of there. But whatever. A cold shower might be a good thing at the rate we were going.

So I lay there, drifting in and out of sleep, letting myself go to that warm and fuzzy place where I totally admitted that I was madly, deeply, and maybe dumbly in love with him. But whatever. I didn’t care about potential heart-destroying, end-of-the-world heartbreak during post-sex bliss.

When Jax was finally out of the shower, it took me a little longer to get ready. I was moving at turtle speed. As I blow-dried my hair boringly straight, because I was beyond the point of putting any effort into it, I wondered how work would be now that we had totally done it. Like multiple times. All over the house. Sex exploding everywhere kind of done it.

I was a wee bit anxious about that as he drove us to Mona’s. I was doing everything not to worry about that when I heard my phone ding in my purse. Happy for the distraction, I reached inside and pulled it out, discovering I had an e-mail from the financial aid adviser at Shepherd.

My heartbeat stuttered. “Oh God.”

“What?” Jax asked, glancing at me as he hit the main road.

“I have an e-mail from my financial adviser. It has to be about the student loans, if I got my application in on time,” I told him.

His gaze moved back to the road. “Well?”

“I’m afraid to read it.”

“Want me to read it?” he offered.

I could’ve hugged and kissed him then. “Yes, but you’re driving, and if it’s good or bad news I don’t want to die in a fifty-car pileup.”

He snorted.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the e-mail and waited for the damn message to download. Of course, it took freaking forever and I was close to slamming my head against the dashboard while I waited, but the message finally appeared. I hastily scanned it, looking for key words. When I found the word congratulations among other things like loan amounts, I let out an excited squeal and twisted toward Jax so fast I almost choked myself with the seat belt.

J. Lynn, Jennifer L.'s Books