Stay with Me (Wait for You, #3)(96)

His full lips curved into a wide smile. “I’m assuming it’s good news.”

“Totally! I got approved. It’s enough money. The aid is going to go ahead and push my classes through,” I told him, practically bouncing in my seat.

He reached over, placing his hand on my knee, and squeezed gently. “That’s great news, honey.”

It really was. “That’s one giant stress off my shoulders. At least I know I’ll be able to finish up school. That’s huge.”

“It is. I’m thrilled for you.”

From the tone and the smile on his face, I could tell he really was happy for me, and that made me all warm and fuzzy until I realized that meant I seriously would be leaving in August to go back to school and Jax would be here.


How could I have forgotten about that?

Some of my happiness took a nosedive, not a big one, but enough that I was annoyed at myself for letting it do that and frustrated because I suddenly felt like I needed to define exactly what we were and what that would mean when school started back up.

By the time we got inside Mona’s, and I was behind the bar, chopping up limes and some fresh green, minty stuff, I managed to find a happy medium between the two. I was going to enjoy what I had now and not worry about what the future held, because there was a lot of stuff still unknown about my future. Like the fact I had to produce my mom before tomorrow night.

And that wasn’t looking like it was going to happen.

The fact Jax had kissed me before he disappeared into the office, in front of Nick and Clyde, might’ve had something to do with not stressing out over a ton of things I had no control over.

“That’s my boy,” was all Clyde had said before he ambled off into the kitchen.

Grinning, I shook my head as I moved the cutting board aside. All and all, things were good, I supposed. I was no longer a virgin. I was in love with the guy who took said virginity, and I was pretty sure he liked me. A lot. My financial aid was approved.

And I made it to Wednesday evening without anyone running us over, bodies being dumped on the front lawn, or wearing Dermablend.

A great three days, I decided.

The bar was slow, with just me and Nick behind the bar when a young couple walked in. In the time I’d been here, I knew they weren’t regulars as I watched them occupy two empty stools.

They made an adorable couple—she was short, like teeny-tiny Roxy sized, and he was supertall, with messy brown hair. The girl had the prettiest blue eyes, a stark contrast against her darker hair.

“What can I get you two?” I asked.

The girl smoothed a hand over a University of Maryland shirt. “Just a Coke, please.”

“And a menu,” the guy added, dropping his elbows on the bar top. “And another Coke.”

“Coming up.” After grabbing their drinks, I handed over a plastic-covered menu for them to share. “The fries are great. So are the chicken wings if you’re a fan of Old Bay Seasoning.”

The girl’s eyes lit up. “I love Old Bay. I think it’s a requirement of going to school in Maryland.”

University of Maryland wasn’t too far from Shepherd. “You guys traveling through?”

He nodded. “Visiting Philly for the day. Syd’s never been.”

“Have a good time?”

Syd nodded. “He took me to my first Phillies game, but I didn’t order anything to eat, so now I’m starving.”

The guy scanned the menu. “I think we’ll go for an order of fries and wings. Bone in. Sixteen.”

I skedaddled off to place the order and when I returned, old man Melvin was at the bar, waiting for me.

Oh no.

I smiled at him even though he looked like he was ready to unload, but my smile faltered as the door opened, and Aimee with two e’s rolled in. Her gaze swept the bar, and not finding Jax, she made her way over to the bar farthest from me, in front of an annoyed-looking Nick.

I sat the beer down on a napkin in front of Melvin without him asking, hoping that would somehow fend him off.

It didn’t work.

“What’s this I hear about Rooster’s body being tossed on your doorstep?” he demanded, wrapping his hand around the bottle.

The guy stiffened, and the girl’s eyes widened.

“Damn shame what these druggies are doing to this town,” Melvin went on, oblivious to the eyes on him. He took a hefty swig of his beer. “This used to be a good town, a good place. Now we have them keeling over dead, bullet wounds to their heads. Freaking shame.”

“Kyler,” the girl whispered as she talked to him slowly. “Um . . . ?”

He said nothing as his gaze moved to me. Before I could speak, Melvin decided he wasn’t done. “Can’t say it’s a shame about Rooster, though. Who didn’t see that messy end coming for him? He was nothing but a lowlife and—”

“Are you wanting wings or fries today?” I asked, hoping to distract him before he sent the poor couple running off into the night screaming bloody murder.

Distracted by my question, he eventually grumbled out an order for wings. As I left to place that order, the couple’s wings and fries were ready. When I returned, I was thanking the heavens that Melvin’s buddy had showed up and they moved away from the bar.

“Sorry about that,” I said, placing the baskets on the counter. “We usually don’t have those kinds of problems.”

J. Lynn, Jennifer L.'s Books