Start a War (Saint View Psychos #1)(83)

Her mouth pulled into a line. “It is your business. We had a date. And a kiss…”

That kiss had been like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I could still taste her on my lips if I thought hard enough about it. But that didn’t give me the right to dictate who she was intimate with.


She grabbed my hand, and Scythe’s voice faded away. “I like you. I want another date. Another kiss. I want more everything. But I just got out of a long-term, very horrible relationship. I just want to live for a little bit. Without restraints.”

My life was all about restraints. The hold I constantly had to put on Scythe was only part of it. My family’s business and demands and threats made up the other half.

I would have loved to live without any of that. To know what it truly felt like to be free. That would never happen for me, but I would never stand in her way.

Maybe I could live it vicariously through her. “I won’t barge in next time you’re having sex with someone.”

She raised an eyebrow, then stifled a giggle. “Okay. That’s a good start. And you’ll take me out on a second date?”

She could have asked me to fly her to the moon. I would have said yes.

She could have asked me to kill for her. Fuck, I would have killed that Caleb asshole in the middle of the daycare parking lot, but what did you do? Nothing. Pussy. Who do you think she’d prefer? Your little boy romantic notions? Or me?

He’d be in my head for days now. He always was after I slipped and let him out for a moment. The urge to go find a knife to run my fingers over was there, and that was a very Scythe thing to do.

I should have said no. I was a danger to everyone around me.

Especially her.

But when I opened my mouth, all that came out was, “Yes.”



The roar of motorcycle engines had droned on, nearly constantly, for the past two days while steady streams of riders arrived for my old man’s funeral. Hundreds of them turned up at the gate, got checked over by Fang, and then were let in. They were everywhere I looked from the little porch of my property, deep in the woods within the compound’s fences.

I hated it. I had a room at the clubhouse when I wanted to be around people, but the rest of the time, I spent in my cabin. It was far enough away that I didn’t hear the noise of the other guys in the club, but with hundreds of extras, there was no hiding from people.

I stifled a groan as another figure strode through the trees surrounding me.

“Hey, Prez.”

At least it was just Hawk.

“I wish you wouldn’t call me that.”

Hawk rolled his eyes. “I’ll go back to ‘hey, fuckhead’ after everybody has left, but until then, you’re the prez, so quit being a whiny bitch and get used to it.”

I sniggered. “Fine. What do you want? Or you just out here, lurking around like a Peeping Tom, hoping to get a glimpse of my dick when I get changed?”

Hawk didn’t even bother responding to that. We were so used to each other’s ribbing. “We got a problem.”

I groaned. “Twelve hours ’til the funeral, so of course something has to go wrong. What now?”

“One of the Saint View Sinners is at the gate. Wants to talk to you.”

I blinked at him. “Does he have a death wish? Does he not know we have three hundred members here right now?”

Hawk lifted a shoulder. “I think he knows. It’d be near impossible not to with all the fucking racket they’re making. You can probably hear us from the main road.”

“You think he’s a spy?” I wouldn’t put anything past the rival club, though I used the term ‘club’ loosely. They were wannabe gangbangers for the most part. Mostly, they stuck to their side of town, and we stuck to ours.

Hawk shrugged. “Not a very good one since he walked right up to the gate and asked for you.”

I groaned. “Fine. I’m coming.”

I pulled my boots back on, not bothering to do up the laces, and trudged along the path that led to the front of the compound with Hawk by my side.

“How’s your shiner?”

I shot him a dirty look. “Do you want me to give you one of your own?”

His laughter mingled with the noises coming from ahead of us. “I’m never gonna forget walking into that room and seeing you laid out flat on the floor with your dick still hard and your pants around your ankles. Of all the places to get jumped, the great War Maynard goes down when he’s dick-deep in some ho.”

I shoved him so hard he stumbled the right. “It was Bliss. And she’s not a fucking ho. Don’t ever call her that.”

Hawk raised an eyebrow. “Touchy, touchy. I hope her pussy was worth it.”

We kept walking, and I started planning how I’d kill my best friend because the asshole kept fucking laughing.

She’d been worth it. The single punch to the face hadn’t been my favorite way to end an evening, and Hawk and Nash had hustled me out of there without even saying goodbye to Bliss. I hadn’t seen her since, but I’d been reliving the feel of her wrapped around my cock. If I didn’t have three hundred unwanted visitors, I would be camped out on her doorstep, begging her for another round.

Elle Thorpe's Books