Rising (Blue Phoenix, #4)(73)

Fortunately, Bryn appears and distracts everyone. He looks as f*cked off as I feel. A girl is with him and the rest of the group switches their attention to her. She’s as skinny as me, and taller with dark brown hair shining in the light like she’s stepped out of a shampoo commercial. Maybe she has, she looks model material. This girl is perfectly made-up; and I don’t know much about dresses, but what she’s wearing looks like the kind you see reported in magazines when awards night chicks have their clothing rated out of ten. I’m fairly sure I can guess my score; the looks I was given as we paused for the inevitable pictures when we arrived said it all. As the girl approaches, I try to gauge her age. Teenage? Older? Her layers of make-up make my thick kohl and bright red lips look minimal.

Bryn sits, ignoring her.

“Who’s your new friend?” asks Jem.

Bryn gestures at the girl who perches on the seat next to him. “Mia. Mia this is… well, the guys.”

Mia smiles broadly. “Hey, everyone! How awesome is this?”


Mia’s oblivious to the surprised looks the other table occupants are giving Bryn and her. Bryn pours himself a drink and slumps back. Interesting date if they’re not talking.

“Can I take pictures?” she asks Bryn.

Bryn snaps his head around. “Pictures of what?”

“You guys. Everyone.” She leans in. “Kelly Holland is at the table behind. If I take a selfie, then she’ll be in the picture too.” Mia giggles.

I don’t know Bryn well, but I thought I knew him well enough never to pin him as a guy interested in someone like Mia. Her fingers and neck are covered in expensive jewellery and the red dress is one I’d label ‘barely decent’. I hazard a guess at spoilt, rich girl.

“Do what you like, but don’t piss anyone off,” mutters Bryn.

Mia kisses his cheek. “You’re so awesome!”

As Bryn shakes his hair from his face and rubs his cheek. Jem laughs. “Don’t worry, Ruby will have the pissing people off part covered.

“Yeah, I’m just awesome too,” I say snidely.

Mia purses her lips for a moment then tips her head at Jem. “Bryn told me about you guys, so cute that Jem Jones finally fell in love.”

Jem chokes on his water before turning a sour face to Bryn’s companion. “I don’t fall in love, sweetheart.”

“Oh, okay, well, you guys are so cute together. Ruby and Jem. Precious. Gems? Rubies? Get it?” She smiles at her obvious joke.

So cute. Awesome. How old is she? But all I can hear is Jem’s words about not falling in love. I thought we were over this; that we had what he termed our own version of love. We have mismatched ideas still it appears. This doesn’t help the insecurity caused by his recent whispered phone calls, which he claims are from the guys we’re sitting with now.

“Sorry,” says Bryn, “she has no internal filter. She’s a bit of a pain in the ass.”

“You love me really,” says Mia and pinches his cheek.

By this point, Liam and Dylan have joined in the stunned, silent staring at Bryn and Mia. If the Phoenix guys have no idea who she is then the media will get a story that happily pushes me off the radar.

“Quit it, Mia,” says Bryn.

Pulling her hair over a shoulder, Mia picks up a glass of champagne and surreptitiously looks around at the other guests as she drinks, mouth open goldfish-style between sips.

“Where do you know Bryn from?” asks Sky. “I didn’t know he’d started dating.” Dylan digs her in the ribs. “What? I’m only asking what everyone else is thinking.”

Mia sips her champagne. “Oh, we’re not dating. Not yet anyway.” Bryn crosses his arms. “He’s keeping an eye on me.”

“Ah, Bryn, the Babysitter!” says Jem.

“f-uck off,” he replies. “Do you seriously think an eighteen year old princess is my type?”

“Princess?” says Dylan.

“Eighteen?” splutters Jem.

“Not a real princess, jeez. You know what I mean, look at her!”

I cringe for Mia who appears to think the insult is hilarious. Is she stupid?

“He’s always so rude to me,” she says, “but I know he loves me really, otherwise why would I be here?”

“You just said why! I’m keeping an eye on you,” snaps Bryn.

“Keep telling yourself that,” she says with a smirk then catches the looks from Jem and Liam. “Oh, I’m winding him up! He’s used to it.”

“Weird,” mutters Jem too loudly, echoing what I’m sure are the thoughts of those around.

Following an excruciating evening of back-slapping amongst the music industry darlings and the fact only the obvious people win awards, including Blue Phoenix, and Jem decides we should go to the after party. I protest again; but Jem says there’s people he wants to chat to.

In the semi-darkened function room filled with the A Listers, I sit with the band on a plush sofa and stare at the contents of the low metal table in front of me. I give up on the water and start on the champagne. I don’t normally drink wine; but it’s closest and flowing the most. Jem disappears and I sit awkwardly with Liam and Cerys. Sky and Dylan have the right idea; they don’t hang around and leave straight after the ceremony. Skulking in the darkened corner, I’m not interesting to anyone around so I wait for Jem to return. This is a side of Jem’s life I’ve not seen before and hope it’s not one he indulges in too often. I wish the Ruby Riot boys had been invited too.

Lisa Swallow's Books