
Chapter Fifteen

“You’re a hard person to catch alone,” the voice comes from out of the darkness.

It’s some stupid hour of the morning. Two or so. And I’m standing out front of the apartment building beside the dogwood tree because Gordy needed to pee. Also, I did too, but I did my business in the bathroom as per human tradition.

I startle at the sound of the voice, keys already held in my fist with the ends pointing out between my fingers just in case. Eyes-throat-groin. Eyes-throat-groin. I almost blurt the words out, so strongly has Gavin welded them into my brain. “Who’s there?”

A shadowy figure wanders up the footpath toward me. Better lighting in this area would be really fucking helpful right about now.

“Clementine,” the voice drawls. Male.

I say nothing.

Finally, he’s close enough for me to make out his face. It’s Tim, the friendly neighborhood creeper. Great. His hands are in his pockets, a sly sort of smile on his face as he stands closer than necessary. “Out with the dog, huh?”

“Gordon. Yes.”

Gordy raises his head and wags his tail once, before going back to sniffing along the fence line.

“Haven’t had a chance to talk to you in ages. You’re always with your boyfriend.”

“Ed. Yes.”

“Guy acts like he’s your bodyguard or something.” Tim chuckles. “Like you need protecting.”

I can’t step back on account of the tree so I step to the side, putting some distance between us. Tim steps toward me, getting back in my personal space. All the little hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, my shoulders tensing.

“Am I making you nervous?” he asks, still smiling.

“I don’t know. Does my dog make you nervous?” I bump Gordy’s butt with my knee, wishing he’d mount some kind of protective display. Growl even. But his tail just wags a little and he snuffles more deeply at the fence. Worst. Dog. Ever. “You’re out late.”

He just shrugs. Probably been out peeking through bedroom windows. Or riding public transport, standing too close to women so he can sniff their hair or something. Whiskey taints his breath. So not only is he gross in general, he’s probably drunk too. My luck just can’t get any better. And my fight or flight instinct is screaming at me to get away. Meanwhile, with me in only a small pair of sleep shorts and a tank top, the guy is eyeing my chest. Full on fucking ogling the outline of my breasts beneath the thin fabric. It’s so gross, the way he’s staring. I feel dirty, exposed, and I’m not doing a damn thing, but walking my dog. It’s all him, this disgusting horrible person. Amazing what he can achieve by doing so little. Just a few looks and a couple of words really. Shit.

“Gordy,” I say, voice trembling. Dammit. “Time to go in.”

Unfortunately, whatever has caught his canine fascination is far more interesting than me. The good boy does not come. Should have put the leash on him after all. Ed would give me such a lecture for yet again not maintaining strict doggy protocol.

“Clem, c’mon,” protests Tim. “I only just got here. Surely you can spare me a minute.”

“Good night.”


“You’re acting like I owe you my time or attention or something. I don’t. Goodbye.”

He grabs at my elbow and I yank it back, dislodging his hold. “Hey—”

“Do not touch me!”

“Jesus.” The face he makes, like I’m the one being unreasonable. He staggers a few steps away. Give me strength, the hurt expression he casts over his shoulder. “Fine. I was just trying to be friendly. There’s no need to be such a cunt.”

I stand there, blinking. My heart going approximately a zillion miles an hour. Even my hands are shaking as Tim makes his way up the stairs, dicks around drunkenly with his keys for a minute, before finally managing to get the door open. And all the while, I’m trying to remember my self-defense training. Trying to call up what Gavin would tell me to do at moments like this. But my brains are scrambled from the fear. My mind is a useless blank. Then Tim’s gone, disappeared inside.

Oh thank fuck. Holy shit. I take a deep breath and let it out slow. Everything’s okay.

“Gordy. Not cool, buddy. You need to come when I call you.”

Gordon hangs his head.

“Come here.” I hold out my hand until he’s pressing his head against it, angling for an ear rub. If he wasn’t so gorgeous I’d be seriously irritated. But how can anyone stay cranky in the face of such doggy perfection. “Are you finally finished screwing around out there? Does everything within a ten-mile radius now carry your scent, hmm?”

His butt wiggles, tail whipping back and forth. I crouch down to give him a cuddle. One of us needs the comfort. Let’s not say who. “We need to keep a baseball bat by the door like Frances has, don’t we? Or I should have brought my mace out with me. That would have been the smart thing to do.”

Gordy gives me a nice sloppy kiss on the cheek.

“I love you too. Yes, I do.”

In fact, I’m so busy focusing on the puppy love and catching my breath, I don’t even hear the door reopen. Miss the light tread coming down the front steps.

“Hey, Clem.”

Kylie Scott's Books