Real Bad Things(99)
Thanks to the Pruski Clan for welcoming me into the family and making me feel like a proper redneck Pole. Na zdrowie!
Love to all my Ford boys, but especially Jesse, my first friend. Thanks for taking care of me. And Anita for texts, fingerless gloves, and assurances that I didn’t fuck it up.
Thanks to Linda for providing shelter, security, and stability to us Wild Dog Fords all those years ago.
My love of stories (especially the weird ones) came from my dad, Glen Ford. Thanks for answering every single text I send about various ways to die and get dismembered in Arkansas.
And Sarah for #allthethings. Thank you for agreeing to join Poor Dead Bob, Simon, and me for this game of Life. We spun the wheel and picked the right pegs. None of this means anything without you. #LLL.