Out of Breath (Breathing, #3)(137)

Jenn, my destined friend, with whom I share my passion for storytelling, and who helped me find Emma’s voice when she needed to be heard.

Sarah, without whom I would never have found my way back to the beginning to make this a story that is so much more than just ‘a story’.

Tracey, Colleen and Tammara, my inspiring and talented friends, for reading my words and sharing theirs in return. They have each touched my life more than I can ever express!

The dedicated team at Trident Media Group, especially my agent Erica, who has been by my side every step of the way; even when I felt I was about to fall off the cliff, she kept holding on. Alex, for his patience, perseverance, and always being there when I needed him. And Meredith for her amazing efforts in sharing my words with the world.

Lindsey, Wendy and all at Penguin UK for allowing this story to reach across the ocean, to be shared with your readers. It is that important, and I am grateful.

I had the privilege of meeting and befriending many talented and fabulous authors over the past year, along with some vivacious bloggers. I am a better person for having them in my life. We live in a world in which we create, and invite readers in with us to share in the vividness of our imagination. How fortunate are we to be able to touch someone we’ve never met, inspire with words and invoke emotion with the flip of a page. I am honoured to be among them.

And that leaves me with the reason for all that I do … my readers. If they were not there to share in my world, it would not truly exist. I am thankful to have them as a part of my life – it will never be the same.

Lastly, I must express my admiration for the strength and perseverance of every survivor of abuse. There is hope. There is love. There is help. You are not alone.

Rebecca Donovan's Books