Out of Breath (Breathing, #3)(114)

‘We’ll be on the beach,’ I said, leaving them to continue contemplating our fate.

I eyed the dress Sara had hung on the back of the bathroom door. I used to enjoy raiding Sara’s closet and letting her style me – as terrifying as it was at times. But now it wasn’t the same. I wasn’t the same. I hadn’t worn a dress since that night – except to my mother’s funeral. And considering I could barely function, I didn’t exactly have a choice.

I knew she was trying to reach me, to make me better somehow. ‘Oh, Sara.’ I sighed, pulling it off the hanger. ‘I’ll wear the dress.’

After drying my hair and tugging the short skirt one more time, I found the girls in the kitchen.

Sara’s eyes lit up when she saw me – and that look was worth the discomfort.

‘So, what do you need me to do?’

‘Take this out to the table,’ Meg instructed, handing me a pitcher and cups.

‘Hey,’ Jared said from the patio door. ‘Sara, I got your text. What do you need help with?’

‘We’re getting ready to eat, so can you and the guys bring everything out to the table? And can you put the umbrella up?’

‘No problem.’

I walked up the stairs after Jared told us lunch was ready. I just about fell over when I saw Emma leaning up on her toes, helping Jared secure the umbrella with the pin. She was wearing a white strapless dress with yellow flowers printed on it. I ran my eyes down her slender arms, extended above her, to the soft angles of her shoulders. The fabric clung to her curves until it flared out to reveal the length of her sculpted legs.

I finally got ‘Do you need help?’ out of my mouth. But they were done. Emma turned towards me; her cheeks flushed with colour and she smiled slightly. I grinned and got caught in her eyes before I heard Jared say impatiently, ‘Evan? Hello? Go inside and get food.’

‘All right,’ I said. ‘I like the dress,’ I whispered as I passed her. She ran a hand down its skirt, trying to add another inch to its revealing hemline.

‘Evan, bring out the tray of sandwiches,’ Sara instructed. Each of the girls passed me with something in her hands. By the time I’d returned with the tray, there was only one place left to sit – and I shouldn’t have been surprised that it was the one next to Emma.

If this was their way of backing off, the girls needed a few tips on subtlety.

Emma leaned away from me when I sat down. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, and she kept fidgeting, like she was nervous to be near me. It reminded of that time in high school …

I started laughing.

‘What’s so funny?’ Serena asked.

I shook my head. ‘Nothing. Would you mind handing me the pitcher?’

We were clearing the table after lunch when his chest brushed against my back as he leaned over to pick up the bowl of chips.

‘Excuse me,’ he said in my ear, sending a thrilling shiver down my spine. I glanced over at him, and he grinned that amused grin that sent a shot of adrenaline straight to my heart. I leaned away, needing space between us before my knees gave out. He smiled wider.

‘Are you going tell me what’s so funny?’ I asked.

‘You,’ he answered and walked away.

I scowled and watched him as he left, not liking his answer.

‘What’s wrong?’ Meg asked, following my gaze. I shook off her question and handed her a stack of plates.

When the girls came back out, Sara was gripping the handle of a small metal case. Evan exited with James and Jared a moment later, spinning a football on his palm.

‘You girls want to play football?’ Evan offered.

I opened my mouth to accept, but Sara intercepted with, ‘No, you guys go ahead. We’re having girl time.’

‘Girl time?’ I questioned warily.

‘Yes,’ Meg replied. ‘Pedicures. What colour polish do you want, Emma?’

I watched enviously as the guys continued down to the beach, Jared jogging out for a pass.

‘How about pink?’ Sara suggested.

‘I don’t do pink any more,’ I blurted quickly. And Sara knew this.

‘Maybe it’s time you gave it another try too,’ she said, looking me directly in the eye.

‘I think you would look good in pink,’ Serena noted sweetly.

‘I think you would look good in colour,’ Sara said, directing her attention to Serena. ‘Would you please let me do a makeover for you?’

‘No thanks, Sara,’ Serena replied. ‘I’m fond of my monochromatic individuality.’

Sara sighed. ‘Will you at least let me paint your toes red?’

‘Yes, that you can do.’ Serena smiled.

‘How about purple for me?’ I suggested to Meg, who was filtering through Sara’s caddy of polish. ‘And, Sara, who brings a box of nail polish on vacation?’

‘What are we doing tonight?’ Meg asked.

‘Let’s see if the guys want to hang out,’ Sara said. ‘We can play cards or something.’

‘Or we could play truth or dare!’ Serena suggested.

‘Because we’re twelve?’ Meg responded, shooting her down.

‘Why not poker?’ I offered, sitting back in the lounge chair to give Meg access to my toes.

Rebecca Donovan's Books