Objective (Bloodlines #2)(42)

“Mags! It’s a simple question. Answer it. I need to know,” he rumbles at me.

“It...it was…”

“ANSWER ME,” he demands.

“It was amazing, alright? I did feel alive. I did, and it was the first time in a long time that I felt anything at all and that’s terrifying to me!” I shriek, feeling completely unguarded. He scoots closer to me and sweeps my hair over my shoulder.

“I wasn't supposed to fall for you. You were supposed to be a job,” he says low into my ear. “Your life isn't the only one that’s been turned upside down, Mags.” I shiver as his breath washes over my neck. “I’d never forgive myself if I let something happen to you, not now. I had a life, a wife even, until a year ago.” I’m shocked at his admission to me. His fingers trail up and down my arm as he continues to speak quietly. “When you took off, I had to follow. The more I watched you, and yes, I watched you, the more I became determined to break through your walls. I fell in love with you long before you ever let me touch you, Magnolia. It tore my marriage apart, it’s put my job in jeopardy…I’d have to give up last night with you to change anything and I’m not capable of that. There is nothing the world could offer me to make me give up that moment.” His lips hit my shoulder and caress me.

“Bentley, stop,” I murmur. “Too much, too fast. Please. I need time to process all this.” He backs away from me, wounded.

“Okay. I’m still going to watch you, but okay, Magnolia. Do what you need to do. But know this: I can offer WITSEC. Keep you safe.”

“And start all over again alone? Lose you and everyone here and still know Ezra’s out there? No. I'm a big girl, Bentley. I've been taking care of myself long before you rode into town on your white horse,” I snort and stand. I don't know what's real or who I can trust. I feel like I'm drowning. If he's not who I thought he was how do I know if anyone’s safe? My world feels like it’s closing in too fast. I feel myself sway slightly and before I can steady myself Bentley’s arms steady me.

“Lay down, just rest, okay? I’ll leave, and check in later yeah?” he offers. I nod, feeling too weak to do anything else and let him guide me back to bed. He tucks me in and kisses me sweetly on the forehead before turning to leave.

“Your shirt…” I chirp to his back.

“Looks better on you anyways, Princess,” he calls over his shoulder and keeps right on going until I hear the door shut. I smile inwardly, and rest my eyes. I just need to figure this all out somehow.

“When are you coming home?” I asked, missing him already. It’s almost as if I need a dose of him every few hours just to feel alive. I’m irritated that Ezra called him away when we’d had plans and that Cane just gave in and went.

“Soon, sweetheart,” he cooed.

“When’s soon, Cane?” I asked tentatively.

“Just…soon, baby girl, I’ll be there soon.” He exhaled into the line. I said alright and hung up. His response pissed me off. When he’s vague like that it means he’s running an errand for Ezra and I desperately want him to realize that he’s better than that life and stop for good. I thought by now he’d be finished and I’m aggravated. I tossed the phone on the countertop and paced around the living room trying to blow off steam. The knock on the door jarred me from my thoughts. Maybe Cane had just been playing with me. I rushed to the door with a shit-eating grin on my face and swung it open. Ezra. My stomach sunk and my face fell.

“Aww, buck up, buttercup, I’m not that bad,” he said playfully. He stepped through the threshold, brushing past me and stopped in the living room. Something was off. Something more than normal. His eyes looked funny. His pupils were large, making his eyes look black in color, and he was fidgeting. He looked, crazed.

“What do you want, Ezra?” I asked politely.

“Where’s Cane?” he responded.

“Wouldn’t you know?” I asked, barely containing my irritation at his blatant disregard for our lives and for Cane’s wanting to make something of himself.

“He’s not back yet then…” he said while running his hand through his short hair repeatedly. I shook my head to confirm his statement and leaned against the countertop with my arms crossed over my chest.

“Well, looks like we’ll have to entertain each other until he returns then, yeah?” His face twisted into something resembling a smile but more...sinister.

“I’ll have him call you when he gets in. You know he doesn’t like us here alone.” These had been Cane’s firm words for Ezra for this exact situation. I feel anything but firm and in control though. He leered at me like I was a piece of meat. I knew his bark was worse than his bite but he seemed out of it tonight. His face twisted and his smile was no longer present as he started towards me.

“You think you run the roost, eh?”

“I don't know what you’re talking about.”

“I can have you if I want you, Cypress,” he spit out.

“Ezra, leave.” I pointed to the door and prayed my hand not to shake. He laughed at my request and closed the remaining distance between us. Pushing my extended arm down he ran his hands from my shoulders down to my fingertips and kept a hold of my hands.

K. Larsen's Books