More Than Lies (More Than #1)(44)

My stomach rumbles as if answering his inquiry. Usually I snack on stuff at the bar during my shift, but we were so busy last night that I never got a chance to eat anything. Of course, losing a meal probably doesn’t hurt me any, and with Pam’s delicious calorie infused meals it is best to skip a few.

“I’m starving, but I feel dirty. Can I shower first?” Why am I asking permission? Of course I can.

“Yeah. Does your head hurt?”

“Like a mother.” Shawn laughs at my nonuse of “fucker” to finish that sentence. I don’t see the need in excessive cuss words when there are so many other words available. Shawn does it enough for everyone in this house as it is.

“I’ll go start your water. The heat should help ease the pain, and I’ll grab you some aspirin.” Shawn rolls in the opposite direction of me before climbing out of my bed.

“Cherry powdered aspirin please, and make it two packs.” I turn to my left side to get out of bed as well.

“What is it with you and Mason taking excessive amounts of aspirin? Jeez, Tara.”

“Some of us want relief fast.” Plus, when you take over-the-counter medications for so long for pain, your system seems to get used to the medicine and they aren’t as effective any more. When I was in high school I started getting back pain due to the fact that the size of my boobs increased at a rapid pace. It seems like these babies showed up overnight. Sometimes it’s a plus having double D’s, but it usually isn’t worth the hassle. At least I didn’t have to buy my chest. Nope, these are God given.

I stand up too quickly and have to grab the bedside table for support so I don’t fall. My eyes close to ward off the dizzy spell.

“Whoa. Easy, Tara.” A large frame is before me and warm hands encase me. It’s nice; I’m not going to lie. Before I open my eyes, my legs are being removed from the floor. I open them to look at Shawn. “I got you.”

This is all too weird, Shawn being in here and Shawn taking care of me. Sure, I get it I guess. It happened in his house, so he feels somewhat responsible even though he shouldn’t.

“I understand why I feel like dog crap and I’m sure I look worse than I feel, but why do you look so rough?” His brown eyes are red, he has dark circles under his eyes and his hair is a mess. He’s still beautiful, but a beautiful mess at the moment.

“You look fine, Tara.” I doubt that. Shawn starts to move; walking toward the bathroom I’m sure. “I haven’t gotten much sleep. I’ve been awake since I got up yesterday morning.”

Damn, I feel bad.

“Because you’ve been taking care of me?”

“My mom took care of you. I simply watched you to make sure nothing happened.” Shawn places me down on the lid of the toilet and then turns away from me. Seconds later the water is running and he’s rummaging through the medicine cabinet above the bathroom sink.

“I’m sorry.” I need to pee really badly. He has to leave.

“There isn’t anything for you to be sorry about. Here, take your excessive amount of aspirin.” He hands me two open packs, I toss them onto the back of my tongue like they are a shot of tequila. I wash the powder down with a cool glass of water Shawn hands me.

“I need to use the bathroom, now.” That’s the politest way possible to tell him to get out so that I can use the toilet.

“Are you good, or do you need help with anything?”

“Nope, pants are already undone. I think I can handle the rest.” Shawn turns his face away from me. I’m not certain, but I think that might have been a blush. Today is bizarre. “Thank you for everything. I don’t know what all happened last night, but thank you.”

He nods and exits the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I make sure to lock the door and then shed my clothes.

He’s right; the heat of the water does help ease the tension inside my brain. I don’t want to get out, but my stomach is in need of food. Especially since I know Pam is here. My mouth is practically watering.

I towel off, slowly so I don’t have another dizzy spell and wrap the white fluffy material around my body.

Quickly as possible I brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out with minty mouthwash. After about twenty minutes of being awake, I’m feeling slightly better than when I opened my eyes.

The last step is to throw on some comfy clothes. I open the door leading to my room and jump backwards when I see Shawn on my bed. His legs are at the end of the bed with his feet on the ground, but he’s reclined onto his back with his arms behind his head. As if he hears me, Shawn leans up, resting on his forearms. His eyes scan my body from head to toe. I grasp the towel covering my nakedness even tighter, though I want nothing more than to release it. If my pain wasn’t so prominent I’d be tempted to drop the towel just to see what Shawn would do.

“I didn’t think you’d still be in here.”

Shawn’s eyes close and he drops back down onto the bed.

“You had a dizzy spell when you got up. I didn’t want you to fall coming down the stairs.” His eyes open again but he’s staring at the ceiling, or so I’m guessing.

“I’ll be fine. You can go. You don’t have to babysit me, Shawn. I know this isn’t your style.” I walk over to stand in front of my dresser.

“Yeah, and what is my style then?” Shawn pushes off the bed. I can see him in the mirror as I’m pulling out my sweat pants and a T-shirt. He walks up behind me, getting close without touching my back. He places his palm down flat onto the smooth surface of the dresser. He looks at me through the mirror and I look at him. I don’t answer his question. I don’t know how. “Are we going to address what happened in Mac’s office, or are we going to pretend it didn’t happen?”

N. E. Henderson's Books