More Than Lies (More Than #1)(39)

“Hey, man,” Matt greets me, "what’s happening? You’re home earlier than usual.”

“Yeah, I suppose I am.” Before I can ask him if he’s seen Tara, she comes running into the room from the kitchen.

“Matt.” Her voice is breathless, and her eyes shine with panic. I don’t like this. “Something’s not ri . . .” She grasps onto his biceps, but seems to need to catch her breath, not finishing her sentence. Looking to my left I see a guy waltzing out of the kitchen, where Tara came running from. The irritation on Matt’s face intensifies before shaking out of Tara’s grasp. His eyes pin the guy that comes up behind Tara with a hard look. I already don’t like this guy even though I’ve never seen him before tonight.

“What the fuck, Derrick?” Matt almost yells it in his direction. “Do I need to take her upstairs and fuck her for you, too?”

My eyes widen at his words and feel the rage bubbling. I’m close to ripping him a new one. Tara stumbles a step backwards. Her expression looks as though he’s slapped her across the face with his words.

“No worries, man, I got this.” Derrick, as I now know his name to be, oozes sleaze ball. I can immediately see why Tara wants nothing to do with him. He latches onto her elbow and then pulls her into his chest with a hard yank. “Just point me in the direction.” He laughs.

Oh, I don’t fucking think so.

What the hell is Matt’s problem, anyhow? He’s supposed to be Tara’s best friend. Instead, he just threw her to the wolves.

Tara snatches her arm out of his hold, and the movement causes her to stumble forward. Something is way off here. She looks drunk, but I know that’s not possible. She was sober when I left her at Mac’s less than an hour ago. When he reaches for her again, I step toward her, wrapping my hand around her waist and pulling her front flush with my torso. With both hands, she grabs onto my T-shirt like she’ll never release me again. Part of me doesn’t want her to, but I need to put that out of my head so I can figure this situation out.

“Taralynn.” Matt’s voice booms throughout the room as all eyes turn our way. If I didn’t have her standing in front of me right now I would have dropped him on his ass already. I place my hand around Tara’s lower back, pulling her as close to me as possible.

“Dude, what’s your deal?” Derrick whines. “Are you trying to cock block me?” This guy is a joke. I don’t have to cock block anyone, let alone this dipshit loser. “Not cool, man.”

Before I can address this freak and kick him out of my house, Tara lightly calls out my name. I almost don’t hear her, but when I realize her hands are loosening from around me I glance down at her. When I do, time freezes for a split second. I witness Tara’s eyes start to roll to the back of her head and her body starts to fall backwards. After shaking myself back to the present I tighten my arms around her just as she goes completely limp on me. I’m shocked for a small amount of time. I look up to see the same shocked expression on Matt’s face. My head snaps over to Derrick who’s got that flight look in his eyes. The moment it registers, he flees, running for the door.

“Mason,” I scream my best friend’s name. “Stop his ass, now. He’s done something to Tara.” I feel it in my fucking bones. Mason immediately high tails it after the motherfucker. Two of the guys he was standing around follow him out. I look to Matt. “What did you let him do to her?”

“I . . . what the . . . Taralynn.” He can’t make full sentences. He’s floored and isn’t grasping what’s going on.

“Get your ass out that door and find out what he did to her.” Matt’s eyes snap to mine. It’s registering and he stumbles before walking away from me. “Lawson,” I call out Matt’s last name. He turns. “Once you have an answer, beat that motherfucker within an inch of his life.” He nods, swings back around and leaves.

“Tara, baby.” I call out to her as I gather her up, hooking an arm under her knees and hoisting her up. I take her over to the couch. “Move.” I demand from Amanda and her friends. They comply immediately, not for Tara’s sake, but out of fear. My anger is palpable. I gently lay her down and brush her hair off her face. “Tara.” I call her name again, but there isn’t a response. I know I need to call an ambulance. My parents’ voices ring in my ears. They are both physicians and taught my brother and I well.

I’m scared shitless at this moment. I know I have to check for a pulse. I’m not medically trained, but I know the basics. Fumbling for her wrist, I secure my fingers around her. Concentrating on her pulse, I conclude it’s strong and steady.

I look up, scanning the room for Amanda. When my eyes land on her and I know she is looking at me, I instruct her on what I need. “Go get me a cool, wet washcloth.” She crosses her arm and scrunches up her face. “Amanda,” I bite out. “You can go get me a goddamn wet washcloth or you can take your ass back to Starkville tonight. What’s it going to be?”

She huffs, but spins on her six-inch heels and goes off to do as I requested. I turn my attention back to Tara. “Tara, please wake up.” I plead unsuccessfully. “Fuck.”

A few minutes later, Amanda strolls back in the room and tosses me the rag. “You took your sweet ass time,” I snap at her.

N. E. Henderson's Books