More Than Lies (More Than #1)(40)

“You know, Shawn, she is probably just drunk. I doubt anything is wrong with her except blowing it with some guy that finally showed her the time of day.” This bitch needs to thank the stars my mom drilled it into me that a man never lays a hand on any woman in a bad way. I’ve never in my life wanted to strangle a female.

“Tara.” I call out again knowing I’m not going to reach her. Pulling out my cell phone from my pocket, I start to unlock it, knowing I have no choice. I have to call an ambulance. The noise of people shuffling behind me catches my attention. Before I’m able to input 911 into the phone, I turn to see Mason walk in, his body drawn tight and fists clenched together at his sides. Matt follows in behind him, sporting a busted lip. A few more guys come in as well. More than the two people that went out with my friends. They are guys from the neighborhood.

“Rohypnol.” Mason states the word like it’s a bad taste in his mouth. The fuck? That’s the date rape drug.

“He fed her a goddamn roofie.” It’s not a question. I clearly heard what Mason said. I’m stunned. I had no idea people could still get that shit. I’ve been around the college scene as long as my friends have. Longer, really, since all of us used to come up here on weekends when my brother lived here. I’ve never seen nor heard about anyone giving or receiving the date rape pill. This is blowing my mind, but I’ve got to get her to the hospital. I don’t know much about this. For all I know, people could overdose and die from it. I look back down at my cell. The screen is back to black so I input my code again.

“What are you doing?” It’s Matt that asks the question. I want to beat his ass so bad. He let this happen. I witnessed him push her onto that fucker.

“I’m calling 911. What do you think I’m doing?”

“You can’t.” Panic has set into his voice. I stop before entering the last number.

“Excuse me? You fucking let that piece of shit drug her, and now you don’t want to take her to the hospital?! She could die!” What in God’s name is going through his head?

“Oh, please!” Amanda’s voice is nails on a chalkboard. “Let her sleep it off. She’ll be fine.”

“Get that bitch away from me.” I point my index finger in her direction. She gasps and I want to throttle the fuck out of her.

“Upstairs.” Matt orders his girlfriend. Amanda cuts her eyes to Matt, giving him her best “I hope you die” look.

“Lindsey, Trena, let’s go, we’re leaving.” Good. I’m not sorry to see her exit.

“That goes for everyone in the house that doesn’t live here. Get out.” I eye everyone standing around to make sure they heed my words. They do, so I look back down at Tara before I put the last digit into my phone.

“Shawn, I’m serious, you can’t. Think about it.”

“Think about what? Making sure she lives through the night?” What in the flying fuck is wrong with him? Maybe Tara needs to rethink who she is friends with, and maybe I need to rethink who I let live in my grandparents’ house.

“She is Jacob Evans’ daughter. This isn’t just some local college girl being drugged. The media will pick that shit up and it’ll be, ‘Well respected Tupelo lawyer Jacob Evans’ college daughter OD’ed at a party last night.’ That’s what will be on the news tomorrow morning. Tara will flip out.”

“That’s ridiculous.” It’s not really. In all honesty, it’s something I can see happening. People around here love gossip and don’t care if it’s factual or not.

“Her parents would disown her for sure. Her mother is waiting for her to screw up.”

I have to get her checked out. I can’t sit here and play the waiting game. I don’t think it’s a serious enough drug to cause lasting damage, but then I don’t know medical shit outside of how to take care of a fresh tattoo.

There is only one option I can think of, and I’m the one who’s gonna feel the blowback. They’re going to kill me for letting this happen.

I clear the number on my phone and search for the contact in my favorites. When my eyes land on the number I have to call even though I’m dreading the conversation, I press the button to initiate the call.

“Did you not hear a word I said?”

“Yeah, I heard you,” I bark. “I’m calling my mom.” Matt relaxes and Mason walks over, placing his palm on my shoulder.

“I’ll watch over her. You go call Pam.”

I stand, leaving Tara’s side to walk into the kitchen.

The call is answered within a few rings. I’m sure I’m waking them. It’s after 11 pm as it is.

“Shawn, baby, what’s wrong?” My mother has never grown out of calling me baby. I hated it as a kid, but now I kind of love it.

What am I going to say?

God, give me the strength I need to get this out.

“Mom, I need you to come to the house.” I take a breath and finish. “Bring any medical supplies you have with you, please.”

“Shawn, you’re scaring me.”

“How fast can you be here?”

“I’ll be there in forty, baby.” It’s an hour from my hometown to the place I’ve come to think of as my real home. Good to know my mom is taking this seriously.

N. E. Henderson's Books