Last on the List (Wait With Me #5)(92)

“Max, this is…so impressive,” I say, eyeing a long table of items that look like they’re set up for a silent auction. On the opposite side of the room, there’s a runway where models are showcasing various outfits that I expect must be created by LGBTQ+ designers. “How involved are you in planning all of this?”

Max clicks his tongue. “I’m more the money than the creative vision, but we all have our roles to play. Jessica and I joined the board when Everly was five so I’ve learned over the years that I’m most helpful on the financial side of the charity. Jessica is usually a big part of the event planning.”

“You do all this with Jess?” I ask curiously.

Max nods. “Yeah, she joined first and then hit me up for a donation, and after that I was pulled into the fold.”

“That’s amazing,” I sputter, realizing that with Jessica gone all summer I haven’t really had much of a chance to see Max and Jessica interact. “You two must get along well.”

Max nods again. “We’re not perfect by any means, but I told you in Aspen that it’s important for me to support Jess and her wife and be a part of this community in a real way…not just…I know someone gay way. You know?”

“Yeah, I know,” I reply, and take a fortifying sip of my fruity drink wondering once again how Max Fletcher is even human.

My eyes widen when I spot Max’s brother waving at us from a table up by the stage. “Shoot, your brother is coming over,” I murmur into Max’s shoulder and feel my body start to twitch. “We should have talked about this. What do I say?”

“About what?” Max’s sexy brows furrow down at me.

“About why I’m here,” I respond quickly, knowing there’s no way in hell Max told his brothers about us. They see Everly every week, they can’t be trusted with this highly secure information. “Should we tell him your Aspen girl got sick and I’m filling in?” Excellent plan, Cozy.

“Oh…um…” Max gets a funny look on his face as his brother appears beside him and gives his shoulder a playful shove.

“How are you late to your own fucking party?” Calder says, looking at me and shaking his head knowingly as he stretches past me to grab a signature drink off the bar.

My cheeks feel hot as I stealthily pull away from Max who’s just draped his arm on the bar behind me. I take in Calder’s tattooed wrists peeking out of his sleek, black tux. It’s quite a sight with that pink martini drink in his hand.

I open my mouth to give him my stellar excuse for being here when Max’s warm hand touches my back. “Calder, you remember my girl, Cassandra, right?”

My girl?

Did Max just refer to me as his girl?

Calder smiles and winks at me. “Oh yes, I remember you. You had my brother’s panties all in a wad on poker night.”

“What?” I croak, feeling my stomach literally fall out of my ass. I glance down to check. “I didn’t touch his panties.”

“No panty touching that night?” Calder frowns and looks at Max, who appears completely unphased by this interaction. “Dammit, I owe Luke five bucks.”

“He doesn’t even…I mean…I wouldn’t…” I’m stuttering like a moron, and I need to close my mouth.

“Relax, Cozy,” Max laughs and touches the top of my head as he kisses me on the temple. “I texted my brothers last week and told them you and I are together.”

He props his elbow on the bar and rakes his eyes over my body like he’s internally enjoying this entire moment. What the hell?

I slap my hand over my artful makeup that took me an entire hour to apply. “You could have mentioned that to me before I started stuttering like an idiot.”

He licks his lips and waggles his brows. “I never miss an opportunity to watch you squirm, sweet cheeks.”

My face heats at that sexy look in his eye when Calder deadpans, “Okay, I’m not drunk enough for this.” He downs the last of his pink drink and pushes between us to grab another one.

Wyatt and Luke join us at the bar a second later, and I’m greeted by Luke with, “I called it first, just so you know.”

“Called what?” Max asks, narrowing his eyes on his youngest brother.

“You and her…you were so obvious that night I picked up Everly.”

My brows furrow. “Nothing had happened at that point yet.”

Luke shrugs. “Max was like a lost puppy.”

Wyatt grunts his agreement, continuing that brooding, man of few words vibe he puts out as he sips a pink drink through his thick beard. Another stunning sight. Honestly, Rainbow Project should put these brothers on their event fliers. They’d sell tickets like crazy.

“Did you guys bring dates tonight?” I inquire, glancing around for three women who look like they’ve been abandoned.

“Hell no,” Calder answers with a laugh. “We come to this thing every year, dump a bunch of money on the auction stuff, and hit up downtown in our tuxes. Three dudes in tuxes is like a fucking bat signal to the single ladies in Denver. It’s a win-win because we don’t have to buy a ticket for some random chick to the event, and we still get laid because of the tuxes.” Calder snaps his fingers proudly and I laugh.

“Ignore him,” Max huffs, rolling his eyes. “And I regret to inform you they are seated at our table because I can’t trust them alone with anyone else.”

Amy Daws's Books