How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water (30)

Number of Toddlers (18–36 months): 2

Number of Preschool (3 years–K): 2

Number of school-age (K–12 years): 2

Hours of Operation

Every day 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. is possible.

Director Qualifications

Levels of Education: I did skool. I no my números and letras.

Childcare Experience: I am moder. I take kare of ángela y Hernán’s 3 children.

Qualification of Typical Duties of Day-Care Staff

Lifting and carrying children

Desk work

Driver of vehicle

Food preparation

Facility maintenance

Evacuation of children in an emergency


Reference #1. Lulú Sánchez

Reference #2. Hernán Ortiz

Reference #3. ángela Romero Ortiz

To the best of my knowledge, the statements that I have provided in this application are true and accurate.




In-Home Small Day-Care Application

Behavior Management (Discipline) Plan

Acceptable Methods

Focus on Do rather than Don’t. For example, “Let’s choose a better word” instead of “Don’t say that.”

Redirect. In a conflict, distract with an alternate toy or activity.

Offer choices: “You can either sit on the floor or at the table to play.”

Praise positive behavior: “Thank you for putting away the toys!”

Listen to the children and respond to their needs before trouble starts; keeping the children busy helps prevent conflict.

Children learn by example: Use please and thank you.


Corporal punishment is prohibited. Shaking, slapping, twisting, squeezing, and spanking.

The use of room isolation is prohibited. No child can be isolated in an adjacent room, hallway, closet, darkened area, play area, or any other area where a child cannot be seen or supervised.

Food cannot be used or withheld as a punishment or reward.

I,__________________ agree to comply with the Behavior Management Plan.



?Ay, look! You have a glass of water ready for me? Today, I didn’t even have to ask. Ha! You must want to get to work right away. Yes, I understand we don’t have much time left together and you want me to get a job soon. And that is very good, because I need a job. But I don’t think taking care of children in my apartment is a good idea for me. No.

Did you see how many papers it is? A bible of papers. I thought for many hours about this possibility and decided—no.

It’s true that sometimes the new people that live in the building ask me if I could take care of their babies. And it’s true that I want to work from the apartment, but after what happened to me this week, I say no. No, y no, y no. I can do it, but not officially. I don’t want to get in trouble with the authorities or have problems with the people.

OK, let me explain.

I’ll start with poor Lulú. The situation with Adonis is destroying her. She was more fat than me, but now she’s empty, her clothes dancing on her. It’s terrible. I try to make her eat, but she has lost her appetite. Her hair, like una vieja and now you only see the canas. It’s another Lulú. If only I had the money to pay for her to go to the salón I would make her do it.

Lulú, in front of me, tries to be strong. But in the night I hear her laments traveling through the tube in my kitchen. The problem is that in the beginning Adonis thought they could temporarily rent a place until he finds a good job, but his wife Patricia confessed to Lulú that every day she learns of something else Adonis bought with credit and never paid. Every day there is a bill. For example, the school of the children, that he didn’t pay for many months. Patricia trusted Adonis because he has a financial degree from one of the best schools in the country, but now they are in big trouble.

Of course, Lulú feels responsible. I understand this. A children’s mistake is a mother’s responsibility. Lulú told them they can live with her until they find their feet, but Adonis, because he’s especial, said he will never return to Washington Heights. Never.

I don’t make opinions. I hold Lulú’s hand. I let her desahogarse in my kitchen. Lulú can’t cry but, like I told you, she talks and drinks wine to undrown.

But the point is that this week Adonis left the children with Lulú for many, many days. He told Lulú he can’t look for a job if he has the children to care for in the apartment. And Patricia has to work every day. Even Saturday. In the past Lulú would go to their apartment for a few hours to stay with the children. For a few hours it was easy. But now that they stay with her, she is destroyed. Patricia has a long list of rules that Lulú has to follow, punto final.

No bobo.

No leche before bed. No leche, not even water, outside the schedule.

No saying no!

Lulu can’t say no to the children, never. Or make an angry face when the three-year-old makes pictures on the wall. Patricia and Adonis are worse than ángela, who try to control everything. Not even ángela has so many rules.

Angie Cruz's Books