Gentleman Sinner(20)

‘But you’re forgetting something, Miss White,’ he says roughly, and I tilt my head, prompting him to remind me. ‘If I want something, I have it.’

‘You buy it?’ I ask, referring to my fixed phone and flowers.


‘What if it can’t be bought?’

‘Then I take it.’

‘And what if it fights?’

His lips part, his gaze dropping to my mouth as he moves in and traps me against the wall. Our bodies meld into each other. I feel his chest inflate on a deep suck of air. He looks awed, happy, his head shaking mildly as if not believing how good it feels to touch me. It feels so good. He brings his mouth close to my ear. ‘Then it makes the victory so much sweeter when I win,’ he whispers, his hand sliding to the back of my neck and gripping gently, applying a little pressure to turn my head and bring my mouth closer to his. My breath diminishes as his lips skim over mine, and I whimper, the sensation of his mouth, the feel of his tongue tracing across my flesh, and the heat of his breath reeling me in that final stretch. He tastes divine.

Clamping his teeth lightly over my bottom lip, he retreats slowly until it pops free. My palms meet the wall behind me and press into the plaster, anything to hold on to except him. ‘You don’t feel or sound like you would fight very hard, Izzy.’ He peels his body from mine and pulls the door open, watching me disintegrate against the wall. ‘Think about dinner.’ He walks out, and my fingers come to my lips, feeling gently where his mouth was a moment ago.

‘Oh . . . fucking . . . hell . . .’ Why did I let him do that? I look to the doorway of the kitchen as if searching for the answer there, but I find Jess instead, looking as bamboozled as I am. ‘See?’ I laugh, shaken to my absolute core. ‘He won’t take no for an answer.’

‘You don’t need to be saying no to him.’ Jess looks to the closed door, her cheeks puffing out. ‘Shit, Izzy. You need to be letting him do what the hell he pleases with you, because it sure as shit looks like it would be quite an experience.’

‘I know.’ I’m done with denying it. I said I wouldn’t pass it up if he made a pass, but he didn’t give me a chance to. He left me hanging. And I’m devastated. ‘You need to get me to Vegas pronto.’ I need to get as far away from Theo Kane as possible before I cave and let him possess me. Because that’s exactly what will happen. He’ll possess me. One brief kiss and I’m all over the place. Anything more and I fear I’ll be signing my soul over to him.

Or the devil.

Chapter 5

We really have gone all out. Premium economy on our flight was lush, even if it has swallowed up most of my savings. I’m not going to beat myself up about it. I’ve never had savings to splurge so recklessly, and I’ve worked my fingers to the bone to tick this biggie off my bucket list.

Jess and I are smiling like a pair of prats as we tug our cases out of the airport. ‘Holy shit,’ I blurt, being smacked in the face with heat.

Jess retrieves her floppy hat from her bag and shoves it on her head. ‘Don’t breathe through your nose.’

I see my name on an iPad screen being held by a suited man and wave for his attention. ‘Why?’ I look behind me as I pull my case over to him, finding Jess pinching her nose.

‘You might singe your nasal hair.’

I burst out laughing, handing my case to our driver when he smiles and gestures for it. ‘Welcome to Vegas, ladies.’

‘Thanks!’ we sing in unison, following him onward. He takes us to a shiny black Escalade and gets us comfy before loading our cases.

Jess makes a dive for the bottled water positioned between our seats and drinks it down ravenously. ‘Oh, that’s so good.’

‘Hard Rock?’ the driver asks as he hops in, quickly pulling out of the car park.

‘Please,’ I confirm, giving Jess excited eyes, which she returns before diving into her bag and pulling out her makeup. She starts to freshen up, and though I roll my eyes, I accept her compact powder when she hands it to me. No work uniform for five whole days. I need to make the most of it.

The drive to our hotel is surprisingly quick, and I reluctantly vacate the cool car and step into the near-on unbearable heat again.

when this house is rocking, don’t bother

knocking . . . come on in!

‘Okay!’ Jess shouts after she’s read the sign over the entrance of the Hard Rock Hotel. ‘I can’t believe we’re here.’

I follow her in, and we both come to a stop as we’re hit by cool air. Bright lights glow at every turn, and a fuck-off big Harley is on display. ‘Oh, wow,’ I breathe.

‘Check in, dump our cases, and drink.’ Jess makes a dash for the insanely long reception desk, and I’m relieved to find only a few people in the queue after it feels like I’ve done nothing but queue since we left home. We’re armed with our key card ten minutes later, and up in our room ten minutes after that.

I dive on the bed and sigh. ‘We need to keep going or our body clocks will be buggered.’

Jess frowns and spins towards the long drapes keeping the room dark. ‘What’s that noise?’

I look towards the drawn curtain, where the vibrating beats of music sound beyond. ‘It’s coming from out there.’

Jodi Ellen Malpas's Books