Frayed (Connections, #4)(92)

“Don’t laugh at my choice of words. Why don’t you tell me how good that felt for you?”

I want to be embarrassed but I’m not, so I decide to answer honestly. “Sex with you is like heaven. Plain and simple.”

He grins devilishly and then grabs hold of me and pins me to the bed. “You seem perfectly fine.”

My laughter fades as the heat surges between us again. “I told you I am.”

He dips his head. “Good,” he growls in my ear, “because this time when I take you to heaven, I’m not taking it slow.”


Shape of Love


The creamy white sheet that perfectly matches her skin tone covers our bodies from head to toe as I caress my hand down her back, dusting light kisses all over her face. She giggles and my heart skips every time. I really f*cking love that sound.

“That tickles.” She laughs from inside our cocoon.

I bury my face in her neck and suck on the spot behind her ear I’ve already discovered doesn’t tickle her but encourages her to make those sounds that drive me insane.

Her breathing picks up the minute my lips apply pressure. She might not be ticklish in that spot, but it definitely turns her on.

“Does that tickle?” I murmur in her ear, knowing already it doesn’t. Knowing the more I suck the wetter she’ll get.

“No.” But her voice sounds breathy.

We stay up most of the night exploring each other’s bodies. We fall asleep much later than the six hours she was prescribed to wait and wake up before the sunrise. Aside from water breaks, bathroom runs, and one small food run, we haven’t moved from her bed.

I nip at her earlobe, then roll over onto my back, pulling the sheet from our heads. I blink the brightness of the daylight away. “What time is it?”

She burrows out of the sheet and crawls up to lie beside me on the pillow. “When I called my mom it was ten.”

“That had to be hours ago.” I reach for my phone, but then I look over toward her. With her freckles bright, her smile wide, and her hair a beautiful mess of tangles, I unclench my hand and leave my phone where it is. “You know what, it doesn’t really matter what time it is.”

She takes a grape from the bowl beside her bed and pops it in my mouth before taking another one for herself. Once she’s done chewing she flops back down. “We should probably get something to eat soon.”

I raise myself up on my elbow and look down at her. “Let’s order in. I don’t want you to leave this bed.”

“Pasta?” Her eyes light up at the thought.

“You’re hungry, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, a little.”

I pull the sheet back over our heads and entwine my legs with hers. “Okay, tell me what you want.”

“You,” she whispers.

With a growl I roll her and pin her to the mattress. “I meant what restaurant, but I like your answer better.” I let go of her wrists and glide my palm up her thigh. “Tell me what you want right now.”

She looks at me and covers her face with her hands.

“Why are you so shy during the day?”

She lifts her fingers from her eyes. “I don’t know. I’ve never really had sex with anyone during the day.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Anyone?”

“Other than myself,” she confesses.

The things she says are sexy as f*ck. Does she know that? “You’ll have to show me someday.” I offer her a grin.

She flips around so I can’t see her. “The first month we dated and you’d call me, all I wanted to do was listen to your voice and touch myself.”

For her it was a deep, dark confession. One I could relate to. I’d had to jerk myself off many times after hanging up the phone with her. A surge of some kind of emotion that again I can’t clarify flows through me. I push it aside and pull the sheet even higher so we’re covered in semidarkness again. And then I press myself into her back and skim my fingers over her clit.

“I’m here now. And if you’re ready to touch yourself in front of me, then tell me what you want me to do to you.”

Her eyes hood and her lips part. “I like it when you put your face between my legs.”

I crawl over her so I’m facing her and place a soft kiss above her bandage. What I feel when I look at her winds me. It’s more than just lust and desire—it’s a need to make her part of me. And with that sudden realization I kiss her mouth chastely, still trying to skate on the edge of softness. “See, that wasn’t so hard.”

I watch the rise and fall of her chest as the heat flares up again between us.

My pulse is racing at an uncontrollable level and I take a second to let it slow and to admire how beautiful she is—her fiery red hair fanning out under the sheets of her bed, her breasts full and perky. I draw my lips down her neck and stop at the hollow below it. I dip my tongue in and out of the space. Fueled by excitement, I continue down over the curves of her breasts and stop to suck and lick her already pebbled nipples. Her back arches and my dick twitches in response. But when my lips skate over her ribs and skim down to her navel, I have to stop the seduction and place a gentle kiss there. It’s not surprising that her body tenses in response. My own does as well. But I quickly push aside the sadness I feel crawling up my throat and move to nibble on her hip before blowing a breath across her clit. A shiver shakes her body. Her legs part and slowly the tension between us turns into passion, turns to nothing but pleasure.

Kim Karr's Books