Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(81)

Reaching my hand in my pocket to feel his note, I added, “Have a great night up there. You guys are sounding really good.” She tilted her dark head at me, bouncing up on her toes a little bit.

“Thanks! I was so excited to play tonight. I couldn’t wait to get here.” She looked around the mostly empty hallway. “When do the cute guys come in anyway?”

I bit back a smile. Well, they usually strolled in hours before they played, too. Shrugging, I only told her, “Business picks up in an hour or so.”

She nodded, giggling. “I’m gonna shoot some pool then. Catch you later!” With that, she turned and skipped down the hall, the pleats of her skirt showing way more of her bare leg than I’d ever dare to show in public.

Jenny looped her arm through mine. “Stop it right now.” I looked back at her, frowning. “Stop what?”

“Comparing yourself.” She nodded up the hall to where the sprightly girl had disappeared. “I know you heard her and Rita talking about having sex with Kellan. I saw your face when they were describing their moments.” She frowned. “Well, before you hightailed it and ran…and I don’t blame you for that one.”

I cringed, remembering walking into a conversation that I’d never wanted to hear…ever. Apparently Rita and Kellan’s hookup had happened right here at the bar, after closing one night. And when I say

“bar” I mean that literally…he’d taken her right next to the soda dis-penser. I’d dashed out of the conversation just as Rain had been explaining how they’d made his car shake so much that she’d been worried it 225

would tip over. I was not thrilled to have that in my head every time I drove his…baby…somewhere.

I sighed as I started walking down the hall. “It doesn’t matter. That’s his history,” I smiled weakly, “and I’m his future.” Hopefully.

Jenny clapped me on the back, smiling brightly. “That’s the spirit.

Now the next time you say it, say it without looking like your puppy just died.”

I laughed at her comment, genuinely feeling better. I still clutched Kellan’s love note all throughout my shift, though, especially when Poetic Bliss took the stage.

When I got home that night and stared at all of the evidence of Kellan’s affection around my room—notes, lyrics, pictures—I grabbed a suitcase from my closet and started packing. I was leaving Monday with my sister to head back home for the holidays. By this time next week, Kellan and I would be reunited. Just the thought spurred me to action. I couldn’t sleep, I needed to do something, and packing seemed as good a distraction as any.

Humming one of Poetic Bliss’s songs to myself, I pulled out my warmest sweaters. I made sure I included the ugly green one that made me look like a frumpy housewife. My parents had given it to me last year and I knew my mom would ask about it if I didn’t wear it. Since I’d invited Kellan to crash the party, I wanted them in the best mood possible.

Stuffing some socks around the edge of my bag, I startled when my phone trilled at me. Seeing who was calling, I brightened even more.

“Hey, you,” I sighed, “I’ve missed you all day.” Kellan laughed in my ear, the sound sending a shiver down my spine.

“I missed you, too. Anything noteworthy today?” He emphasized the word note and I giggled, sitting down on my pile of them. “Ah, yeah, actually. The cleaning staff at school has been slack-ing off lately. I found at least a hundred slips of paper that the janitors missed.”


“Hmmm…just a hundred? Guess some got nabbed by your class-mates.” He laughed again. “I hope they got the kinky ones.” I flushed, wondering what he meant by kinky. Biting my lip, I smiled and ran a hand back through my hair. “I’m packing right now…I can’t wait to see you next week.” I looked out the window, east, to where he was miles and miles away from me. “Is there anything you need from your place? I could grab it?”

“I can’t wait to see you either. In fact, I bought this lingerie for you before I left, tucked it away for when I got back…you could bring that?” I sat up straight, flushing even more. I had no idea if he was joking or not. “Uh, I don’t…um…”

He chuckled in my ear as I stammered for a response. Just the thought of wearing something sultry and having those bedroom eyes wash over me…it made me tingle. “I’m kidding, Kiera. You don’t have to dress sexy for me…you already are.”

Smiling, I looked down at the plain tank top and lounge pants I’d put on. Yep, that was me…sexy as all get out. I sighed and he heard it. “You okay?”

Not meaning to say anything, I blurted out, “Rain says thank you…again.”

“Oh.” His voice sounded surprised. He’d probably been expecting something much different to come out of my mouth. “Well, tell her it was no big deal. Her band is great, they deserve the opportunity.”

“Yeah,” I muttered, “And she’s not one to pass up an opportunity.” I bit my lip and cringed, hating that I’d actually said that out loud. I hated sounding jealous and petty.

Kellan, of course, heard my tone and deciphered it correctly. His voice a little tight, he quietly said, “She told you, didn’t she?” 227

S.C. Stephens's Books