Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(121)

As he pushed his hips into mine, grinding the hardness of his ache with the softness of mine, I wrapped my arms around his head, pulling him into me. God I’d missed him. His lips attached to my neck as his fingers worked their way up my shirt. When he had the material far enough, he pulled aside my bra and enclosed his hot mouth over a sensitive nipple. An overly sensitive nipple. A nipple that had apparently missed his caress, as just his mouth being on it brought me right to the edge of climaxing.

Knowing we were alone, I let out a long cry as his tongue threatened to push me over the edge. He moaned against my skin as he felt my body tensing for that glorious moment. Pulling back his hips, he used just one hand to quickly unbutton my jeans. I cried out, “Yes,” as his fingers headed down for the spot that would definitely send me spiraling into bliss. As nice as his erotic notes and steamy phone calls had been, there was just nothing that compared to him physically touching me.

I was gripping his shoulders and panting with everything I had, waiting for his finger to slide against me…just once…when a flash of light entering the room nearly blinded me.

Kellan instantly removed his hand from my jeans and released my breast, helping me smooth the fabric back into place. Ice washed over me, killing my near-release. I struggled to breathe like a normal person.


Kellan’s breath was fast too, as he stepped in front of me, shielding me from view even though he was much farther along in the undressing portion than I’d been.

As we both stared at the person entering the sleeping area from the other side, where I had to assume the bathrooms were, I quickly re-fastened my jeans. Holding onto Kellan’s bare shoulders, I peeked over at a disheveled looking rocker. He had crazy, going-everywhere hair—a poor imitation of Kellan’s sexy mess, if you asked me. And with heavy eye liner, corded bracelets all the way up his wrists, and skull rings on every darkly painted finger, he clearly didn’t want to be mistaken for anything but a stereotypical musician. He really only needed, I’m a rebel and you’ll never understand me, stamped to his forehead to spell it out any clearer.

Hoping this guy hadn’t heard me nearly orgasm, and knowing there was no way he hadn’t heard all of that, I turned beet red. The guy feigned surprise as he held the curtain open, still blinding us. “Hey, sorry, Kellan…didn’t mean to…interrupt.” He smirked and smiled at me as he stepped into the room. “Hey, cutie, what’s up?” I buried my head in Kellan’s shoulder, just wishing to disappear. Now I was mortified to be around two of Kellan’s tour mates. Wonderful.

Kellan shoved the guy’s shoulder, trying to get him to leave the private area we were trying to have a moment in. “Yeah, well, it happens, don’t worry about it.”

The man surrendered under Kellan’s force and chuckled as he walked to the other side of the curtained off area. “Yeah, yeah, I’m leaving.” Opening the other side, he grinned back at Kellan. “Damn man, I don’t know how you manage to always score with the hottest chick.” He eyed me up and down. “And two in one night, bro…I wish I had that kind of stamina.”

I felt all the blood draining from my face as I stared up at Kellan. He seemed paler, too. I vaguely heard the rocker say, “Hey, sweetie, I’m available, if you want to bang me next? I don’t mind getting his seconds…again.”


I was too dazed to respond. I was too dazed to do much of anything.

In a couple of sentences, that man had just confirmed all of my biggest fears. Kellan was cheating on me…repeatedly. As I heard chuckling from the rocker leaving, I dropped my hands from Kellan’s body. I didn’t feel like touching him anymore. I watched as Kellan closed his eyes, swallowed, then reopened them. In slow motion, he twisted to face me.

I did it without thinking. I did it without realizing I’d done it. My hand reached out, all on its own, and smacked him across the cheek. The promise ring around my finger dug into his skin, cutting his jaw, and a tiny drop of blood fell on his skin.

“You son of a bitch!” I snarled, backing away from him as far as I could in the cramped space.

He winced and rubbed his jaw. “Jesus, Kiera. Can I explain before you start wailing on me?”

His eyes flashed to mine, angry, but it was nothing compared to the anger and betrayal I felt. “You can explain ‘scoring the hottest chick’?

You can explain ‘two in one night’? You can explain him ‘getting your seconds…again’?”

Sighing, Kellan ran his hand over his face. When he looked at me again, he seemed less angry. I wasn’t. “Yes, Kiera. I can explain.” Poking my finger in his chiseled chest, I shoved him back a step. “Are you cheating on me?”

Grabbing my hand, he tried to lace ours together. “No, I’m not.” He ducked down to meet my eye, but I was so furious, I couldn’t look at him. “Hey, I’m not, Kiera. I’ve already told you that before…several times probably.”

Inhaling a steadying breath, I tried to calmly ask a question. My voice warbled as I tried to control it. “Then what…was he talking about?” Kellan grabbed my other hand, trying to loosen the fist I’d bunched it into. Maybe he realized that if I was going to hit him again, it wasn’t 340

going to be with an open palm. Funny, I’d never considered myself a violent person before Kellan. He just brought that out in me, I guess.

S.C. Stephens's Books