Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(120)

Squeezing my leg, Kellan shrugged. “Some.”

Picking his pen back up, Griffin started signing the papers. “Well that’s f*cked up.”

Kellan, finished with his stack, handed his papers to Lana. She smiled at him as she tucked them in her briefcase. It was a friendly smile, like she clearly liked him on a personal level as well as a professional one. I wasn’t exactly thrilled that he was friends with her, but I wasn’t really surprised either. Kellan made friends everywhere he went, even if he wasn’t always aware of it. Sometimes I think he thought he was completely alone in the world, but he wasn’t. Even without me, he had a wide circle of people who cared about him.


Kissing my cheek, he ran his lips up to my ear. Closing my eyes, I heard him whisper, “I still have forty-five minutes of free time…want to go somewhere more private?”

I could only nod as a flush of desire swept through me. I may still have doubts and insecurities, I may still question whether or not he’d been a little too friendly with Lana, or some fan, and I may still want to rip his phone out of his pocket and read his secretive messages…but ultimately, I loved him and I’d missed him, and I wanted to be alone with him.

Kellan stood, telling the guys he’d see them before they went on. Matt and Evan glanced at me, smiled, then nodded. Griffin stared at his contract, looking horribly confused. Anna leaned over his shoulder, her breasts pressing into his arm. He shifted his gaze to stare right down her cleavage. Then he didn’t seem so confused. Then he didn’t seem to care much about the contract at all.

Still gallantly holding my bag, Kellan led us out of the building through a secret, hidden exit. It let out right by their busses parked behind the building. Pushing open a bus door, Kellan smiled back at me and nodded to it. “Come on, let me show you where I live now.” I giggled a little as I clutched his hand. I’d never been on a tour bus before. Mirrored sets of plush chairs were under the huge windows, small tables tucked between them. It sort of reminded me of the inside of a train and I smiled, remembering that my first train ride was with Kellan…ages ago.

Kellan tossed my bag on one of the empty tables, then led us through a curtained off area. There were no outside windows in this portion of the bus and as the heavy curtain fell back into place, the only light reaching us was from the tiny bulbs embedded in the floor.

Kellan twisted to face me, wrapping his arms around my waist. It was quiet in here, our breathing the only sound not absorbed by the heavy fabric doors. Leaning his head against mine, Kellan softly said,

“Welcome to my bedroom.”


My breath picked up as his lips inched closer to mine. “Your bedroom?” I whispered, my voice coming out a little huskily. The anticipation of being with him made my body feel like Jell-O.

His lips angled away from my mouth, to rub against my jaw. My eyes fluttered as his breath washed over my skin. “Mine and the other guys…” One of his hands slid down my backside as he trailed soft kisses down my neck. Breathing heavier, I tilted my head so he could explore all the way down.

Murmuring as he went, his voice just as husky as mine, he continued describing his traveling home. “We’re all packed into these cubbies, like sardines.” He got to the base of my throat and moved over to lightly run his tongue up the center. I gasped, dropping my head back as my hands ran over his backside.

Making a deep, satisfied noise as he reached the top, his free hand not cupping my bottom grabbed my cheek. “It’s not as spacious as your bed back home, but there’s just enough room for two…” He rested his face against mine, his lips so close, we were nearly touching. It was hard to focus on anything other than those lips, but I made myself look over at what he was talking about. Lining the walls of this enclosed area, were bunk beds. There were four beds per stack, with two stacks per wall. Each bed had a curtain closing it off…for privacy, I guess. They looked exceedingly small and claustrophobic.

Kellan’s hand on my cheek released me, as he pointed to the bottom one in the stack we were leaning against. “That’s mine,” he whispered.

“My home away from home, where I try and get some sleep with a bunch of snoring, smelly dudes around me.” He chuckled a little, then sighed and brought his hand back to my face. Pulling back to look at me, his face gorgeous, highlighted by the soft lighting along the floor, his dark eyes searched mine. “Where I dream about you…where I miss you…”

His eyes watered a little as I watched him take me in, which made mine water a little. “I miss you too, Kellan.” 337

Then I couldn’t hold off anymore, and my hand came up to tangle into his hair, pulling his lips into mine. He groaned at my force, then kissed me back just as hard as I was kissing him. The quiet space was quickly filled with fast breaths and noisy moans as we reconnected. Pushing me against the bunk bed frame, Kellan reached down to hitch my leg around his hip. I scratched my nails down his back as his body lined up with mine. Damn, maybe I’d just let him take me right here, pressed up against the beds.

Filling with need every second his mouth was on mine, I reached down and pushed up his shirt. He helped me halfway through, tossing his shirt somewhere over his shoulder. I drug my fingers over the swirls of my name inked across his chest and he hissed in an erotic breath, whispering something that sounded like I love you, or I miss you, or maybe even I want you…I was too dazed to know for sure.

S.C. Stephens's Books