Dazed (Connections, #2.5)(22)

I look at him and run a hand down the smooth skin of his chest. “What do you say we order in?”

His lips fight back a smile and his arms wrap around my waist. “As long as we can eat in your room,” he says seductively.

“Only if you we can pull the bedspread back,” I say, and we both laugh.

Chapter 5

Here’s To Us

Sunlight filters through the honeycomb shades in my room and I curse myself for choosing ambiance over practicality. I throw my hand over my eyes and then suddenly smile when I hear the faint noise of someone sleeping next to me.

We ordered pizza last night and ate in my bed—I never eat in my room. While we talked, I picked the pepperoni off my slice and fed it to him. As he licked the grease from my fingers one thing led to another. And two orgasms later, I felt like I was on top of the world. I actually still do. There was never a question about him sleeping over, and once we settled against each other for the night, our topic of discussion turned to sex. It started in a way that actually made me laugh. He apologized for being quick to climax. I hadn’t thought that at all. He told me he hadn’t had sex in a while—not since his breakup in the fall. I pushed aside the twinge of jealousy I felt toward the other woman.

And then I told him everything—including how Levi had taken my virginity in a lie. I even told him I had never experienced anything like I had with him. That put a huge smug smile on his face. And before we fell asleep, we both agreed that practice makes perfect.

Now I’m awake before him and I have to resist the urge to skim my fingers down his chest and over the ridges of his ribs. His dark hair is sticking up everywhere, and there is more stubble on his jaw than usual. He’s utterly beautiful and I want to pinch myself to make sure this is real. An eye cracks open and a smile splays across his full lips. “Good morning,” he says groggily.

“Good morning,” I say back with a grin.

In a blink he’s on top of me and when our eyes pin each other, he returns my grin—but his is sly, and full of promise. I like it—a lot. Rolling to his side, he skims my naked flesh with his fingertips and the ache between my legs is back. But this time I know it will be eased in the best way possible. My hands are on him as his soft lips find mine. I have to confess, although I’ve spent the night with men, I’ve never had sex in the morning. The thought of two mouths connecting without brushed teeth and two unshowered bodies covered in the smell of sex from the previous night had been a complete turnoff. But right now, I couldn’t be more turned on.

I run my palms down his back and back up. Then finally my hands roam between his thighs—he is already hard. My lips trail down the taut flesh of his chest and a green blinking light catches my attention. I want to ignore it, but suddenly I sit up in horror. My alarm clock is flashing. The power must have gone out. The early morning light should have alerted me, but I’m not thinking straight. Crap. I missed my training session—I owe my trainer a huge apology.

“Hey, where are you going?” he asks grabbing my wrist as I jump out of bed.

“I didn’t realize the time. I’m going to be late for work!”

He glances toward the clock and down to the tent his cock is making in the sheet. “If I drive you, does that give you an extra ten minutes?”

Throwing caution to the wind, I nod and decide to start my day in a way I never have.


It’s a cloudy, colder than normal, winter day in California. But the blah day isn’t bothering me. Even though the sun stays hidden behind the clouds, I have a ray of sunshine sitting beside me. I know he can barely contain his excitement that I’m finally sitting in his car. Today I’m getting a chauffeured ride, not only to work, but also home.

He drives fast, really fast, and I really like it. I can see why he chose this car—it handles a lot like him. He parts his full lips to ask me a question as we discuss his career and his time in Paris, when thoughts of kissing them overtake me. He stops at a light and that’s just what I do. Honking behind us warns us the light has turned and I pull away, touching my fingers to my lips to still feel his.

A sneaky grin crosses his mouth.

“So do you have a runway walk?”

He lowers the sunglasses he doesn’t need to be wearing and looks over to me. Raising an eyebrow he asks, “Do I look like I walk with runway swagger?”

I giggle. Okay the giggling needs to get checked.

“I’ll tell you the funniest advice I ever got about male runway walks,” he says. “I was doing a show and Vera Wang’s assistant showed up. She was a friendly older woman and she treated us like we were eighth-grade boys and girls. She gathered us all together and introduced us to modeling 101.” He smirks at the thought. “If that was my first show, I’d have gotten a hard-on that Vera Wang’s assistant was giving me pointers, but I’d been doing shows for two years by then.” His voice goes low and my guess is that he’s doing his best impersonation of the woman as he says, “ ‘Look at where the cameras are while you walk. Don’t cut the walls. Come out center. And please don’t forget to make a clean turn.’ ” He pauses. “We were all restless and when us guys practiced walking, it was with a normal, nothing walk. But the girls, they brought it. Their elbows were up, they leaned back, and clomped down the runway. She brought us back together after and said,” his voice goes low again, “ ‘Now men, stop walking like you were caught thinking about the vanilla sex you had last night.’ ”

Kim Karr's Books