Dazed (Connections, #2.5)(20)

He pulls the elastic from my hair and it falls forward, grazing my shoulders. He walks me backward and then pauses to look around. His hands glide up my back and tangle in my hair. When my calves brush against the wool of the carpet runner on the staircase, I’m surprised by how close it is and I fall back. His strong hands catch me and ease me down. I didn’t even realize we were in motion. I feel drunk, dizzy, lost in the moment.

“Do you have any idea how much I want you right now!” he growls not meaning for it to be a question.

“I want you, too,” I respond shakily.

With one hand braced beside my head, his other finds my hip again. Electricity shoots through me. And this time when he slides his fingers down, he moves even closer to the inside of my thigh and heat flares under my skin. When he grazes my sex he touches that ache that won’t go away and the sensation is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. Then in a move of utter boldness I cup his cock through his denim and stroke it.

He groans again and that noise floods me with a kind of desire I’ve never felt before. Raw is the only way I can describe it. His hand finds my bra and when his fingers slip inside it, I moan. And this isn’t like a When Harry Met Sally moan. This is the real thing—true and authentic. I feel his smile around our kisses and then a moment later, he pulls back and tugs my shirt over my head.

I rest both my elbows on the stairs and his eyes go immediately to my red lace bra. His control is unexpected as he admires me for the longest time. “Fuck, Aerie. You’re so beautiful.”

Our gazes lock as he finds my eyes and I get lost in his, lost in watching him, lost in wanting him. His hands cup my breasts, which fit perfectly in his palms. He unsnaps the front closure of my bra and my breasts spring free. He’s fast and before I can register the look in his eyes, his knee is pressing into my side and his long, lean body is draped over me. God, he’s so handsome. When his mouth closes around one of my nipples, I moan even louder. He moves to the other side and I kick my shoes off. I press one of my knees into his crotch and move it up and down over the hardness of his erection.

His mouth nips at the soft skin of my shoulder and I breathe in his scent as he kisses his way up my neck, alternating between licking and sucking. I’ve never liked a man to lick me. It always reminded me of a dog or a cat, but I more than like it now. His hands are on my zipper before long and he’s tugging the tight denim down. I know this is the point of no return. But honestly I think I hit that point the moment he called me Alice.

He tugs my jeans off one leg at a time. I’m breathing hard, trying not to pant as his fingertips glide down my legs. I sit up before he even has my foot out of the second leg and skim his shirt off. I sit here on the steps of my house, the house that has never seen a male visitor, in my underwear and just stare at the guy before me. I feel connected to him in a way I’ve never experienced. And my desire for him soars unlike anything I have ever felt.

“What do you like?” he asks.

I stop breathing. “I don’t know.”

I can feel the corners of his mouth curve upwards as he moves to kiss my stomach.

“Well let’s find out,” he smirks.

His lips course their way down my body and I start to quiver. When his wet mouth moves over the lace of my panties, I can feel his hot breath on me and I shake harder. His hands cover my ass and my * and in a flash my panties are off. My legs spread apart and when his tongue circles my clit, it starts throbbing in a way that I’ve never felt before. His touch is hot. His breath is warm. His lips are wet. And I’m pulsating everywhere.

“Let go, Aerie,” he says lifting his mouth from between my legs for only a few short seconds.

And when his lips touch my soft flesh again, I cry out and let myself go. Let him rid me of the aching pain I’ve been feeling for days. My head falls and I arch my back as he licks, sucks, and kisses all of me. My toes curl as an exquisite sensation overcomes me, rocks me unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. And in this single moment of ecstasy, my body trembles as it comes alive and I cry out louder than I ever have with what can only be described as pure pleasure.

Our conversations have been full of laughter, interesting topics, and in-depth discussions, but right now there is nothing I want to talk about. All I want to do is feel. The nerves within my body are alive wherever he touches me. And when his lips rejoin mine and he runs his hand up my stomach, my muscles jump. My fingers unbutton his jeans and I mutter around his lips, “Do you want to go to my room?”

His mouth opens to answer, but all that comes out is the word f*ck, which sounds more like a groan. Before I can slide my fingers inside his pants, he is on his feet with his hand extended. “Lead the way.”

With his lips on my neck, I lead him to my room and he flicks the lights on. My first instinct is to turn them off, but I have an overwhelming urge to see him completely naked, and that outweighs any issues I have about the lights being on.

He stops and again looks around, but only long enough to untie his boots and kick them off one at a time. Any rules I have about not wearing shoes in the house are completely tossed out the window. I chew my thumbnail as I watch the orange laces come undone. Once they are he comes at me without hesitation. He walks us backward, and when my thighs graze the silk coverlet of my high mattress, I find his pants by touch and I unzip them. He shoves them down. He stands before me in his white boxer briefs and my arousal escalates to an alarming level. It’s unlike me to swear, my parents strictly forbade it, but, f*ck, he is beautiful.

Kim Karr's Books