Dazed (Connections, #2.5)(21)

My fingers graze along the outside of the fabric—he is long and full. I have to see him. With a prowess I’ve never possessed in the bedroom, I push him onto the bed and ease off those Calvin Kleins. Now it’s my turn to admire him. The leanness of his body doesn’t reflect the fullness of his cock—it’s beautiful, just like him. And when he looks at me with those stormy gray eyes, my stomach flutters again. Sure, there’s no doubt this man is model material, but it’s not only his looks that have me in a daze—it’s everything I’ve gotten to know about him. But right then there’s only one thing I want and since I’m not a patient person, I don’t hesitate with my exploration. I don’t even care that we’re lying on the silk of my bedspread.

My hands move without thought, stroking up and back down. He’s hard and hot and my hands move to the rhythm we seem to have established as our own—not too fast, but not too slow. When my fingers close around him, loosely at first, then more tightly, he makes that sound that sets me on fire. I watch his eyes close and notice his breath quicken and words flow from my mouth unlike anything I have ever said to a man. “You’re so beautiful,” I tell him as I stand between his legs stroking him.

He laughs from deep in his throat and pulls me down to him. “That’s my line,” he breathes and rolls us over. I writhe under him, impatient, and wanting so much to feel him inside me. I’ve craved human contact, but never have I felt a guttural need for a man to f*ck me like I do now.

We roll to our sides so we’re lying face to face and study each other. I watch as his fingers find my clit and move slow and smooth. He watches as my palm follows the same beat, pumping his cock. When he inserts a finger inside me, he asks, “Do you like this?”

No one I’ve been with ever has asked me such a question, but then no one has ever succeeded in making me orgasm, either. Although I doubt what Dahlia has told me about having multiple orgasms applies to me, I’m willing to let him try. “Yes,” I answer in a low, shaky voice.

He inserts another finger and I let go of the grip I have on him.

“Yes!” I yell out, pushing my hips into his hand. His touch is immediately satisfying, electric, heady.

I roll on top of him and steady myself on his shoulders. I stare into his eyes and know what we are about to do is going to, without a doubt, rock my world. Time freezes in the few seconds we gaze at each other, but then his face goes blank. He cups my head, tangling his fingers in my hair, and pulls me down to him. I try to figure out what is going on. His breath whispers across my neck, tickling it, but then he reaches my ear and says, “I don’t have any condoms.”

I kiss him hard. But my laughter falls between our mouths, causing my kiss to be sloppy and maybe even out of synch.

He rolls on top me and pushes up on his elbows. He moves the hair out of my eyes. “Why is that funny?”

“Because you were so serious. I thought maybe you didn’t want to do this,” I grin playing with the wisps of hair around his ear. “I am nothing if not religious about getting my shot.” I nip his lip and reach my hand down between his legs.

But when his fingers find their way back to my clit, my laughter tapers off into small moans. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

I bite down on my bottom lip and almost draw blood when one of his palms hits the mattress near my shoulder and the other takes his cock in his hand to guide himself inside me. I close my eyes as he eases in. The gasp that leaves me echoes throughout the room. As I stretch to accommodate him he teases me, pulling back out and re-entering and again I automatically gasp in pleasure. As he pushes farther into me, I inhale a breath as more pangs of pleasure ripple through my body.

I’ve never had an active libido, but right now I can’t imagine not wanting to feel this over and over. He fills me completely with his next movement and the sensations from every nerve in my body that touches his body become amplified. His mouth finds mine, and as he pushes into me, I press my hips forward. His cock throbs and my clit pulses—again there’s a rhythm we seem to find in everything that exists between the two of us. His movements become faster as my need increases. A feeling of pure sensation spreading through me, not just around my clit, has my body shaking.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” he growls around our kiss.

Our lips crash together at the same pace as our f*cking—now hard and fast. He grabs my waist with one hand and my ass with the other and just like that he’s so deep inside me and I’m so incredibly turned on that when pings of pleasure engulf me, I scream out his name over and over. The ache that’s been building within me now peaks and pleasure radiates in waves that roll from one to the next. This feels so different from the orgasm he gave me with his mouth, but equally as satisfying—instead, the pulsing radiates from everywhere.

Jagger groans my name as he comes with me and together we ride out our pleasure. He rolls over next to me and pulls me to his chest. I’m not sure how much time passes before either of us is able to move—maybe fifteen minutes. But when he sits up he looks around again. “You have a really nice place,” he remarks.

“Thank you.” I sit up next to him.

He strokes his hand down my back. “It’s beautiful, like you.”

Now I’m not the kind of girl to get stars in her eyes, but I swear my blue eyes have to be twinkling. He pulls me off the bed. “Come on, I still have to feed you.”

Kim Karr's Books