Broken Hill High (Broken Hill High #1)(44)

I think about it for all of two seconds and I know without a doubt what my answer is going to be. Not going any further would be a crime. I pull him back down to me and his lips hover just above mine. “I’m sure,” I tell him.

With that, he presses his lips back to mine and allows me to slide his pants down his hips before he does the same with mine. I feel him on me, and I mean all of him. I was wrong the other day. There’s so much more than four inches.

His hand comes down my body and he expertly pushes into me with his fingers as mine wrap around him. He works me and my body screams out for more. He reads me like a map and gives me exactly what I need.

Nate pushes up off me and reaches down to his discarded pants to pull a condom out of his pocket, while also giving me the best possible view of his body. It’s no wonder girls everywhere are drooling and dying to experience this with him.

He keeps one hand on me as he tears the condom open with his teeth before sliding it on. I swallow as I watch the show. This is it. The moment I’ve been waiting for. The moment I finally give up my V-card. And to be honest, I’m happy it’s happening like this. It isn’t rushed, it isn’t with some drunk asshole. It’s with someone who knows what he’s doing and is treating me right.

Nate comes back down to me and he lines himself up. His eyes meet mine and a million messages pass between us. I know I should probably tell him that I’ve never done this before, but I can’t. The words simply just don’t want to come out.

Nate makes his move and pushes up into me. I suck in a breath with the sudden sharp pain but thankfully, he’s going slow. His lips press down to mine and I allow my body to relax as it gets used to the foreign intrusion.

And then he starts to move and makes me feel things I’d never in a million years dream possible. He touches me in ways that my body has never experienced before and has me digging my nails into his back, desperate for more until he pushes me right over the edge, making my world explode with an unbelievable amount of pleasure.

At the end, he falls into the bed beside me and kisses me again.

I never knew it would be like that. I mean, sure, Brooke talks about how incredible it is all the time, but sometimes I get the feeling she’s just saying that and exaggerating because you’re supposed to think it’s this incredible, earth-shattering experience. I had thought she was always talking it up just because she wanted me to jump in the sack with someone and experience it firsthand.

But now that I have, I see how wrong I was because what just happened here, the way he made my body come alive, the way I responded to his touch and he set me on fire, that was a feeling I’d never forget. It was incredible and has me desperate to do it over and over again.

Nate pulls me in hard to his body and his hand runs up and down my side. The continuous motion has my eyes closing, and with a smile on my face and a sore body, he sends me into a blissful, needed sleep.

Chapter 15

I wake in the morning and stretch my arms out as hundreds of memories come crashing through my mind. A wide smile spreads over my face and I roll over to find him, more than ready to do it all over again.

My whole world comes crashing down. He’s not here. I reach my hand out over his side of the bed to find it cold and realize that he left a long time ago. Probably the second I fell asleep.

All sorts of emotions crash through me. Hurt. Betrayal. Disgust.

What have I done? I gave it up to the one guy who wasn’t going to stick around. How could I have been so stupid? I was lost in the moment and thought it actually meant something, after all, he called me beautiful and now, I feel anything but. I feel used. Dirty.

My eyes well with tears and I push myself up out of bed, desperate to shower and get the feel of him off my skin.

I stand under the scalding water until the tears have run their course. I was a fool to think Nate Ryder actually had a heart. Joke’s on me. He got exactly what he wanted. Hell, I’m sure I could probably go and move back home now, I’ll probably even be left alone.

And to think I was actually starting to like it here.

Once the initial shock wears off and my skin starts to become pruney from the water, I step out of the shower and pull a towel tight around me. I look into the mirror and don’t miss the little love bites along my neck. More evidence of him on my skin. Never again will he get the best of me like that.

I don’t think I’ve ever sunk so low. I wanted my first time to mean something and I thought it did, but now, it’s just another bad memory involving him.

With a fierce determination to never allow Nate Ryder to dictate my life again, I step out into the bedroom and walk over to the door, I flick the lock, refusing to let either of those brothers come tearing in here, trying to boss me around like they so happily do.

I get myself dressed and ready for the day. I grab the bed sheets and rip them off the bed before throwing them in a pile in the corner of the room.

How could I have gone from feeling so impossibly alive last night to feeling absolutely nothing this morning?

With a sigh, I pack all my clothes back in my bag and check the time. It’s still early so I can slip out of here without anybody knowing. With my bags in my hands, I make my way downstairs and without a backward glance, I slip out the front door. I unlock my car and throw my bags on the passenger side before starting the engine and peeling out of the Ryder driveway.

Hopefully, I’ll never have to come back here again.

Sheridan Anne's Books