Broken Hill High (Broken Hill High #1)(49)

I watch on with a pain in my chest as he walks out the door and gently closes it behind him, leaving me with more questions than I had started with.

I collapse into my bed as I touch my lips, loving the feel of his lips upon mine and hate that things are this way between us. Why did he have to start being an ass five years ago? If things were the way they used to be when we were kids, we probably would have ended up dating at some point, right? It was inevitable. But now, not so much.

After he’s gone, I make my way downstairs and put together something for dinner. It’s nothing great but after only eating an apple today, I’m actually pretty hungry, and to be honest, Nate telling me the truth and being open with me went a long way in erasing the self-doubt that had crept into my mind during the day. He told me he meant what he said and what’s more, I believe him.

I mean, nobody can possibly lie that convincingly. He told me with his heart on his sleeve and I know that he enjoys messing with me, but this past week with him has been different.

As I get through my dinner, my phone rings on the kitchen counter beside me. I smile down at the caller ID before swallowing my bite and bringing the phone up to my ear. “Hey, Mom.”

“Hi, honey,” she says on a yawn. “How are you?”

“I’ve had better days,” I tell her honestly.

“Oh, darling,” she sighs. “Do you need to talk about it?”

“No,” I say as I let out a breath. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“If you say so,” she says, not believing me one bit, but choosing to let it go which tells me she must be tired.

“Why are you calling so late?” I ask. “What’s the time over there?”

“Nearly two in the morning,” she sighs.

“Is everything ok?” She lets out a heavy breath before sucking in another. “Mom?” I question when she doesn’t respond.

“I’m so sorry, sweetie. It looks like we’ll be away for a little longer than we had expected,” she explains. “Nanna’s doctors are wanting to try some experimental treatments on her, and well, you know your Nanna.”

“Oh,” I sigh as a wave of sadness comes over me, for both my Nanna and my parents. “When do you think you’ll be back?” I question.

“I’m honestly not sure, Tora,” she tells me. “We should know some more details in the next few days.”

I let out another sigh, realizing there’s really nothing I can do about it. Nanna needs my parents more than I do right now and I’m not about to be the reason for my parents coming home. As far as I’m concerned, as long as Nanna needs them, then they are hers. I can suck it up, after all, I have Trish and Cade looking out for me.

“Ok, mom. That’s fine, take all the time you need.”

“Are you sure?” she asks. “You know we’d come home if you needed us.”

“I’ll be ok,” I tell her. “I have Trish and Jesse is being a good friend too. I also figured out how to do home delivery with the groceries.”

“What are you getting groceries delivered for? Aren’t you staying with Trish?”

“Oh, um… yeah. Kind of. It’s more like half/half. I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” I explain.

“Don’t be silly,” she tells me. “I would be much more comfortable if you were there all the time. I’d know you were safe that way. Promise me you’ll stay there?”

I let out a huff. “Fine,” I tell her, knowing if she wasn’t dealing with so much right now, I’d probably fight her on it. “I’ll go back tonight.”

“Thank you,” she says. “Listen, that reminds me. Your father got a notification that the code for the front gate was changed.”

“Oh, yeah,” I tell her. “I changed it. I hope that’s ok, but apparently, everybody knows it’s my birthday.”

“Oh,” she gasps. “Then, yes. Of course, you did the right thing, sweetie,” she says with another yawn. “I better get to bed,” she adds. “We have another big day tomorrow.”

“Ok, mom. Wish Nanna well for me.”

“I will,” she says with a smile in her voice. “Love you, honey. And remember, straight back to Trish’s place.”

“Alright,” I groan. “I promise.”

With that, she ends the call and I find myself huffing and puffing as I finish off my dinner and pack my bags again.

Half an hour later, I’m parking my car beside Nate’s and slipping through their front door. It’s after nine at night and nobody is downstairs, so I’m assuming everyone is already holed up in their rooms.

I make my way up the stairs and find Jesse in the hallway coming out of his room. Nate’s door is closed and right now, I’m thankful for that. “Well, well, well,” Jesse laughs. “Look who comes crawling back.”

“Shut up,” I laugh as I push through my door and drop my bag in the closet. I walk over and drop down onto my bed as Jesse walks on in with a DVD. He slides it into the player and turns it on before making himself comfortable on the couch. “You good?” I question as I watch him, completely dumbfounded.

“Shut up,” he says. “You’re ruining the movie.”

Sheridan Anne's Books