Whipped (Hitched #2)(26)

I break from my game and throw a couch pillow at his him. "Ass."

He winks at me and ducks back into the kitchen. "You know babe, I don't have time to do all the cooking and the cleaning."

"Then don't clean." Seems reasonable enough to me. I mean, it's not like I let things get gross. They just get a bit… untidy. There is a difference, which is lost on Mr. Neat Freak.

"You know that's not a possibility," he says.

"I did offer to cook," I remind him as I finally level up.

He groans. "Yes. About that. I'm still recovering from the last time. I can't eat spaghetti and meatballs without feeling nauseous. I didn't know a person could screw up spaghetti."

"It's a gift," I tell him. I'm aware of my shortcomings when it comes to domestic life. That's what take-out is for. And why I'll never live in a small town where shit closes early and pizza is the only option. Nope, I'm a big city girl that runs 24/7 in all weather.

I'm lost in my next quest when Lachlan takes my computer away and pulls me off the couch. "I've just realized something."

"That you interrupted my game and got me killed?" I frown at him and reach for my computer but he blocks me with his delicious body.

"No. I realized why we've been bickering more lately."

"Why's that?"

"It's been more than twenty-four hours since we f*cked."

I laugh. "And?"

"And that's obviously too long for us. It must be remedied, stat."

"Or what?"

He pulls me to him, tightening his grip around my waist. "You don't want to know the or what. Trust me."

And then he lifts me into his arms and carries me to my bedroom, which has become our bedroom in recent months.

I feign resisting, but I enjoy the teasing, the foreplay, the roughness as he throws me onto the bed and pulls off my pants. "I want you, Vi. Now."

"Then take me. If you can."

What ensues is an erotic wrestling match where he pushes my legs open, I fight him, there are love bites and a few playful slaps, and then I am on my knees, legs spread, as he pounds his cock into my eager *.

When he slaps my ass, the sting of it makes me so hot I come on his cock while he f*cks me more.

And then I come again when he comes, both of us sweaty, out of breath, and satiated. For now.

In his arms, I sigh, snuggling closer, enjoying the scent of his body and the feel of his muscles under my hands.

He nuzzles my hair and kisses my head, and I can feel his smile as he says, "I think we leveled up."



My phone rings, and I wake. Come on. You don't call people this early. I mean it's only… oh, it's three in the afternoon. Give me a break. I had a late show last night.

I sit up in bed, sheets falling off my body, and look around. Vi is already gone to work, probably about seven hours ago. She was asleep when I got home last night. These hours suck for us both sometimes, but soon we'll have a schedule that matches. I'm looking forward to that.

My phone rings again and I remember why I'm even awake at all right now and check the caller ID. It's Mrs. Wallace. She must have looked over the revised proposal. I sent it months ago and have been on pins and needles waiting, but didn't want to appear overeager. Shit has to happen soon, though. My contract is nearly up and I have to make a decision. My stomach turns. I take deep breaths.


"Hello, Mr. Pierce. Tell me, did you understand our last conversation?"

I swallow, and it feels like I'm swallowing a rock. "Yes."

"Oh, then perhaps you need to brush up on your math, because this center is still a waste of resources."

I squeeze the phone. "The center will do exactly what it's supposed to."

"Except make money." She sighs. "I'm sorry, but I can't invest in your business. Good luck, Mr.—"

"Wait. Wait—"

The line goes dead. The conversation is over. My funding is gone.

I sit there, unable to fully grasp what just happened. I've been working on this deal for months. I've busted my ass, kissed other people's asses, done everything I could to make this dream real… and it all just disappeared because of one phone call. I realize my hand is gripping the phone so hard I might break it, so I put it down and take a few deep breaths to calm myself.

This is for the best. It has to be.

And maybe I'll eventually believe that.

I hear our front door open, which snaps me out of my pity party. I pull on a pair of jeans and walk into the living room. Vi's holding two paper cups. Her hair's up in a twist. "Brought you coffee, sleepy head."

"Thanks. No work?" I ask as I accept the cup and take a yummy sip.

"I opened. Zoe is closing." She tilts her head and frowns. "You okay? You seem… off."

I take another sip of my coffee and my head clears a bit, senses sharpening. Maybe it's just the placebo effect, but it works. I notice Vi's red shirt, tight over her breasts. I notice her shorts and her smooth legs. I take her coffee and set both down. I don't think. I act.

I wrap my arms around her. I kiss her. I push her back. I pin her against the door.

Karpov Kinrade's Books