Whipped (Hitched #2)(31)

"What do we win?"

He ponders that for a moment. "Loser gives the winner a full body massage with oils."

"Agreed," I say. I could definitely think of worse ways to spend an hour than with Lach's hands all over my oily body, rubbing my muscles until I moan. Just the thought starts to make me wet.

"Okay, go!" he says. "First question."

"Can I do multiple choice?" I ask.

"Nope. Yes or no, only. Second question."

"Hey wait, that didn't count."

"Okay fine, but that's your only freebie. Now go!"

"Is it an animal?"

"No," he says.

"Inanimate object?"




"A place we've been together?"

"Not yet."

Hmm… not yet? Where could that be?

"Sixteen questions left, babe."


"It can be."

What the hell does that mean? "Is it someplace you've been?"


So, not Australia.

I'm having so much fun with Lachlan that I barely notice when traffic finally picks up and we're moving again. I space my questions out carefully, talking about other things in between as I consider my clues.

We're a few hours outside of Las Vegas when I have one question left, and I think I know the answer, but I'm not sure. And then the steering wheel jerks in my hand, and I nearly drive the car into the ditch on the side of the road. "What the f*ck?"

I slow down and pull over, narrowly avoiding an accident with the side railing. Once parked, we get out to assess the damage. A blown left front tire.

"Ah man, that was my favorite tire," I say, kicking it.

Lachlan laughs. "You have a favorite tire on your car?"

"Yes, doesn't everyone?"

He just shakes his head and pops my trunk. "You got a spare in here?"

"Of course," I say. "I even know how to change it myself."

"I like a girl who can take care of herself." He looks me up and down, drawing my attention to my high heels, short skirt and silk blouse. "But are you sure you want to change it in that outfit? Because I'm happy to do it."

I prop a hand on my hip and consider my options. Play the damsel in distress and let my boyfriend change the tire, or ruin my outfit proving I can handle it all myself. This is actually a hard choice for me. I don't like depending on anyone else for things. It's why I learned how to change and check my oil, change my tire and assess minor engine repairs. I know a lot about this car, and while I'm not a mechanic, I know enough to not be scammed by one. But relationships can't survive with one person trying to be everything all the time—not to mention, neither would this outfit. I'm learning that with Lachlan. Sometimes we have to soften, to allow our partner to step in and lead, help, support. So I do that, and my favorite red heels thank me as Lach pulls out the tire and gets to work.

My phone bings, and I slide into the passenger seat and check it. It's a text from Zoe and it's not good.

He's being such a douchebag, I can't even. What do I do? Help!

What's he done this time? I type back, groaning inwardly.

He insists we can't have sex until we get married. He says his priest had a long talk with him and that I'm to blame for his unhappiness because I'm forcing him to live in sin by not marrying him.

"Everything okay?" Lachlan asks from the front of the car.

"Man trouble," I say through the open door.

"Zoe's guy again?"

"Who else?" Lachlan had heard enough of our conversations to know all about Zoe and her emotionally-stunted lover.

"What's he done this time?" he asks.

I fill him in and he makes a noise that is not very pleasant. "Tell her that if this guy can't take responsibility for his own choices, he's not a real man and doesn't deserve her."

I text her Lachlan's advice and wait. Her response makes me laugh.

That man of yours, does he have a brother?

LOL No. But we can definitely find you something better than this guy. Ask yourself, do you want to live with someone who blames you for his alleged sins instead of taking responsibility himself?

There's a long pause before she replies.

No. It makes me feel like shit. Like I'm a horrible person.

I look outside at Lachlan as he pulls the old tire off and sticks the spare tire on. I never feel like shit with him. He always makes me feel special, cared for, considered. Zoe deserves this. She deserves the best out there. I've kept my silence for months now, knowing it's her decision, but I can't hold my tongue any longer.

Dump him. He doesn't deserve you. And he'll never change.

Her response comes fast.

People can change.

"She says people can change," I tell Lach.

"Nope. I mean, sure, they can. But how long has she been with this guy?"

"A few years."

"And has he changed?"

Karpov Kinrade's Books