Whipped (Hitched #2)(23)

He is true to his promise. We break for water, for food, for making out and holding each other, but then we f*ck again. In every position, in all the rooms of our tent house, slowly, quickly, passionately and tenderly. I lose count of my orgasms, and his. I lose count of everything but the feel of our flesh connected, of his scent and taste and the way he fills me and touches me and makes me feel.

And it is exquisite.

At the break of dawn we finally rest, my head against his chest, his arms around me, and that is how I fall asleep and wake up.

And, I realize, this is the best birthday present I could have asked for.


The next day Lachlan asks me to join him for the day. "I want to show you what I'm really about."

His comment intrigues me, and after we pull down the fort of sheets and put everything away, I follow him out for a Saturday adventure that could involve anything.

Given his regular job, I couldn't be more shocked when we arrive at a low-income neighborhood to pick up three kids.

Two boys and a girl stand around a basketball court waiting. When Lachlan and I walk up, one of the boys runs up to him, a big grin on his face. "Dude, you're late."

"Sorry, Kev, I overslept a bit. I'd like you to meet someone."

They both turn to me, and I hold out my hand. "Hi, I'm Vi."

The boy takes my hand and gives Lachlan a big grin. "Is this the chick you've been mooning over?"

I laugh as we shake, and Lach nudges the kid. "This is Kevin and his friends Mike and Lauren. I've been teaching them dance after school."

The kids follow us back to the car and climb in. "Where are we going now?" I ask.

"I'm going to show you my dream."

We arrive at the old mall and park in front of it. "I want to turn this into an after-school program for dance, free to any kid who needs a safe place to go after school and wants to learn dance, do homework, hang out."

I whistle under my breath. "I had no idea."

"I know what it's like to be on your own too young. I want these kids to have someone."

We get out and walk around as he describes what he envisions everywhere. The stage, the rooms for rehearsals, a game room and study room. He dreams big, and I fall a little harder for him because of it.

Several hours have passed when we get back and drop the kids off. We walk Kevin home and his mother greets us at the door. She smiles widely at Lachlan and then pulls me into a hug after introductions are made. "So nice to meet a friend of Lachlan's. He's such a dear man. Won't you two be staying for dinner? I've made plenty."

A quick look at their humble home was enough to tell me they probably didn't have 'plenty' to spare, but you'd never know it the way she opened her home to us. Again, I wondered at this man I was just getting to know. Who was he underneath all the sexy?

"Thank you, but we have other plans tonight," says Lach. "I promise I'll be by next week for your famous fried chicken, though. Wouldn't miss that." He kisses her cheek and we leave. On the way back from the car he reaches for my hand. "Thank you for coming today. It means a lot to share this with you."

I squeeze his hand, my heart swelling with a flurry of confusing emotions. "Thank you for bringing me."

"There's one more thing I'd like to show you, if that's okay?"

I nod. "Of course. I'm enjoying spending the day with you."

And it's probably good we aren't still at home. Because we'd both want more f*cking and my * probably needs a brief reprieve to recuperate.

This time he takes me to a very different neighborhood. One of wealth and prestige, with huge houses meant for the rich. He stops in front of one of the nicest ones. "This is going to be my house, once all the paperwork is finalized."

I whistle under my breath. I knew he had money, but I didn't know it was this much. "It's gorgeous."

He nods. "I've wanted a house like this my whole life. I used to dream about it when I was a kid, living in a place like Kevin's. Only my mom didn't cook fried chicken or keep things clean. I had to fend for myself as she left empty bottles of booze and overflowing ashtrays everywhere. I was lucky if I got a hot meal even once a week. This was my dream. To live somewhere that would always be warm, clean, spacious and full of food."

My heart breaks for that little boy he was, and I want to kick his mother in the crotch for being so lousy. Instead, I hold his hand. "You deserve a house like this and a life like that," I say.

We drive home in silence. I haven't told him it's my birthday, and I'm not sure I will. This day has been perfect, and I wouldn't change anything about it.

Until we get to our front door.

When I open it, the dark living room explodes in a group of people jumping up to scream, "Happy birthday, Vi!"

I punch Lachlan in the arm. "A surprise party?"

He grins at me and pulls me closer to him, kissing me on the head. "You'll get used to the surprises, Vi. I promise. Happy birthday, babe."



Kacie and Tate know how to throw a party. I contacted them to plan something special for Vi, and they turned our apartment into a dance club. The lights are low. A disco ball hangs from the ceiling. Tate has a mini bar set up in the kitchen. Kacie manages a playlist of pop songs in the living room. People dance and drink all over.

Karpov Kinrade's Books