Torrent of Tears (Scourge Survivor Series Book 3)(53)

Rowan wiped his mouth and shrugged. “I’m not sure. That would fall under the jurisdiction of the Noble Council. My father’s volumes of the laws are up in his study. You’re welcome to go through them, but it will take all night. And then, even if she could be removed, how would someone enforce it? The Noble Council and the Strati follow her without question.”

I shrugged. “Attalosean laws are absolute, right? If we found something, maybe we could use it to our advantage. It’s a starting point, anyway. You and Terran wade through the books and see if you can find something we can use.”

Rowan scowled. “And where will you be?”

“I have plans tonight.”

Rowan set his plate on the side table, the oh-no-you-don’t written all over his sexy puss. “Weren’t you listening? Ydorus said the guards have tripled in the streets. If they’ve connected those three men to Tham’s abduction, they’re going to know you’ll come after the fourth. Tasso will be bait for the largest ambush this city has ever seen.”

“He’s right,” Terran said. “There will be eyes on Tasso from now until you’re brought into the palace. It’s too dangerous.”

I was on a low boil as I stood. No fucking way was I not taking out Tasso for what he did. That asshole’s life was stamped paid and was mine for the taking. I drew a deep breath and reminded myself that these two weren’t trying to control me, really, they weren’t . . . really. “I appreciate what you’re saying—”

“I won’t let you.” Terran rose from his chair and almost looking confident as he squared off against me. “As your personal guard, my duty is to ensure your safety. You will not go hunting tonight.”

I pulled back and raised a finger. “Watch it Terran. Talk to me like I’m some female who needs protecting and I see a black eye in your future too.”

He met my glare and pushed forward until we were nearly nose to nose. “I know how to duck.”

Okay that was funny. I tried to hold onto my anger, but it was no use. The tension dissolved. “Look, I’m going, but if it stills the waters, we’ll come up with a solid plan. Ydorus, Eury and their boys can help and then we’ll take it from there. You two need to stay here to go through those law books and keep my little man safe though. I’m counting on you.”

Terran didn’t seem to like it, but nodded. Rowan, however, just glared.

“Good,” I said, “now everyone get their thinking caps on and we’ll finalize our plan before dinner.” I walked to the large picture window facing the backyard and knocked on the sea-green glass. Coal’s smile broke wide. “But for the next half hour we’re all taking a moment to live a normal life and play hide-and-seek with Coal. Not it.”


“If it be a sin to covet honor, I am the most offending soul.” With Shakespeare’s words warm on my lips, I thought how impressed Reign—and our Centaur tutor, Chiron of Delaran— would be that I actually remembered something from all the hours of tutoring they’d invested in.

Rowan kissed my forehead, his lips soft on my skin, his anxiety choking the air between us.

Avenging Tham by eliminating Tasso had to be done and it had to be now. Coal was in bed. The sun had set, the full moon had risen, and the iridescence of the field over Attalos was lighting my way to where I needed to be. But for the first time in my life, I was torn about leaving to fight. “Ydorus and the others are waiting for me.”

“Let them wait,” he whispered, studying my face. Gentle fingers traced the line of my jaw, and caressed my neck. Freshly showered, he smelled delicious, his loose brown curls damp against his neck. His hands moved lower, his touch pausing on the pockets of my battle vest.

My heart beat faster. “Thanks again for the weapons. I love them.”

He shrugged, his smile not touching his eyes. “You’re not really the kind of girl I’d buy flowers for.”

I chuckled.

He didn’t.

“Hey, don’t.” Stretching up on my tiptoes, I claimed his lips. His kiss was stiff, but I persisted, nipping and kissing until he loosened up a little. I pulled my lips from his. “I’ll be fine. Promise. You’ll be so busy with those law books, you won’t even miss me. I’ll be back before you know it and you can sew up any damage. We can have a repeat of last night.”

His glare was an ocular version of a fully extended middle finger. “Swear you’ll be careful.”

I held up my arm and let my Talon brand appear. “On my honor, I do so swear.”

He dropped his lips to the top of my head and pulled me tight. “You’re not nearly as invincible as you think you are, Princess.” To prove his point, he spanked the gash that wrapped from my hip to the cheek of my butt. Hard.

“Hey.” I hissed. “Be nice or I’ll reconsider my after-party plans and cuddle in with Coal.”

He almost smiled. “I don’t think so. If you get back here alive there will be a thorough exam of all your parts and pieces. Doctor’s orders.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him until we were both breathless. “It’s a date.”

Iridescence shimmered along the inner surface of the dome. It danced in greens, blues and pinks, illuminating the black night sky like the Aurora Borealis. Moving amongst the long shadows of sleepy homes, I ghosted through the abandoned streets. The city was quiet, the citizens all tucked safely in their beds. I doubted they were sleeping. The air was charged with violent intention. Mine. The Queen’s. The citizens’ themselves.

J.L. Madore's Books