Torrent of Tears (Scourge Survivor Series Book 3)(51)

Rowan came out of the bathroom bare-footed and bare-chested, wearing only his grey slacks. His hazel eyes were lit with green, his loose brown waves thoroughly rumpled.

Rounding the foot of the bed, he examined my haul. There was plenty for both of us, even considering my usual appetite. Coal looked at Rowan and then at me and I could see him piecing something together. Did he know about sex? Would he feel threatened by me spending private time with Rowan?

When his hands came up, I braced myself.

He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head. After pointing to me and then to Rowan, he made the sign for ‘happy’.

I set my fork down and signed as I answered. “Yes. Are you happy?”

He thought about that for a moment, pointed at Rowan, then to me and then hit his fist into the palm of his other hand.

My heart broke. I swallowed past a lump in my throat before I could answer him. “No, sweetie, I’m sure he doesn’t hit . . . and I would never let him.”

After a moment, he nodded and hopped off the bed. Jogging to the window he pointed at himself and then outside.

Right. I’d restricted them both to the house until I learned about the fallout to my little outing last night. “Sorry, today is an indoor day, maybe tomorrow. Is Ydorus or Eury here?” Coal shrugged, looking sad. Man, this kid was going to wrap me around his little finger. “Give me a few minutes to eat and take a shower, then I’ll head downstairs and see what’s doing. Are you getting dressed today?”

He shrugged again and I couldn’t stand it.

“Well, it doesn’t matter to me, but you’ll do better at hide and seek if you’re not tripping on your pant legs. And we can work on your signing some more too if you want.”

Coal brightened and scampered off across the hall.

Rowan kissed my forehead and the two of us descended on the food like vultures on a fresh kill. We’d burned a hell of a lot of calories this morning.

Terran stood at the doorway staring and shaking his head.

“What?” I said, stuffing a forkful of seasoned potatoes into my mouth.

“I thought you were a lesbian.”

Rowan choked, juice spraying into the air as he bent over, sputtering.

I pounded his back. “What? Why?”

Terran handed Rowan a napkin. “The leather pants, the short hair, the fighting, the language . . . and the boots.”

“What’s wrong with my boots?”

Terran shrugged again. “I’ve studied the Modern Realm. Tough women who wear boots and cut their hair short are often—”

I snorted and rolled my eyes. “Well, that’s a widely sweeping stereotype but I’m not. Not that there is anything wrong with that . . . but I am definitely one-hundred percent hot-blooded hetero.”

Rowan seemed to find the whole topic incredibly funny. I scowled and he raised his hands. “Hey, I like your boot. You being a lesbian never even crossed my mind.”

I shoveled another forkful of fruit-covered waffle into his mouth. “Cinderella is living proof that footwear can change your life. Can you imagine me stalking around last night wearing sling-backs and a skirt? Gimme a break.”

Terran trotted to the hall and grabbed a bag off the floor. “That reminds me, Leda asked me to bring this up.”

“What is it?” I reached up and accepted the large bag.

“A gift,” Rowan said. “I had her visit the third ring to pick up some things from one of the other realms black market boutiques.” Rowan shifted the tray off the bed so I could have a look. “Terran said you offered him your left nut for proper ladies’ workout wear.”

The two of them chuckled as I reached in and pulled out a pair of yoga pants and dug further. “Thank you, baby Jesus, underwear.” I looked down at the thoroughly feminine wisps of silk and satin. “You made Leda pick out underwear like this for me? Gods, what will she think?”

Rowan peered into the bag and bit his bottom lip. “I don’t care what she thinks and no, I called that order in myself, Leda just picked it up.”

“You did this yesterday? Awfully cock-sure, aren’t you?”

He bit his bottom lip, his hazel eyes glowing with a look my body recognized in an instant.

I swallowed.

“Well look at that, Terran,” Rowan said. “I do believe our Princess is blushing.”

I snatched a pair of panties and stretch pants and carefully slid out of bed. Tugging Rowan’s shirt down my thighs, I preceded to the bathroom.

“Not so fast, Trouble,” he said as I turned to shut the door. “I want to check your stitches before you go conquer the world. Hop in the shower, but leave those pants off until I have a look.”

“Stitches,” Terran repeated, his face going rigid. “Are you all right, Lexi? You said you were fine last night. I remember that much—”

“I am fine,” I assured him, my focus trained on Rowan stalking toward me. “He just gets off playing doctor.”

“Goodbye, Terran,” Rowan called over his shoulder. “Lock the door behind you.”

Terran cleared his throat. “Ah . . . okay, so, I’ll be down with Coal when the two of you finish up here.”

I swallowed at the wicked grin Rowan flashed me. “Yep. See you in a bit.”

When the latch clicked shut, Rowan had me up in his arms and then sitting on the cold, smooth vanity. When he spread my knees and stepped closer, I bit his chin. “How are you feeling this morning, Doc?”

J.L. Madore's Books