Torrent of Tears (Scourge Survivor Series Book 3)(45)

With my hand flat on the screen, the skin of my palm tingled and I was in business. All I could think of was getting out on that street come sundown and teaching a few of the Queen’s soldiers how it felt to be ambushed.


Standing in the recessed doorway of a fancy-schmansy scarf and accessories shop, I spun my knife in one hand and my newly acquired Attalosean pain-stick in the other. No eyes could spot me even if the streets weren’t abandoned for the night. I was hidden, deep in the shadows and well away from the iridescent glow of the city’s luminescent field.

The first of Tham’s attackers had been child’s play—a disappointment actually. A quick this-is-for-Tham-you-fucker and a long smooth stroke to give him a Columbian necktie and I was off to a good start. The bastard hadn’t even had the balls to take it like a man, whimpering and snotting as he asphyxiated in a back alley. Pathetic. Apparently, he only had stones when jumping an innocent man surrounded by three other thugs.

The door opened at the bath house across the alley and a male stumbled out in the swath of light. The place was a seedy slap-and-tickle joint and a favorite amongst the Strati soldiers during off duty hours. Ydorus had tracked the other two soldiers to this brothel just after dusk and they had yet to depart. Smart boys.

The guy in the doorway stepped out of the harsh backlight and into the full glow of the moon. He was not my target.

I let the minutes tick by, snacking my way through the stash of candy Terran had nabbed me this afternoon, one lollipop at a time. Mmm cherry. Spinning the orb of saccharine bliss, I watched that door, waiting for the burst of adrenaline to kick in when my targets decided to put away their cocks and show their ugly faces.

More time passed and the warm wind turned chilly. I tucked the baton into the back of my leathers and patted my too-light vest. Gods, I missed my weapons. Savage had made me those blades and I missed each of them like lost children. I pictured the dozens and dozens of weapons hanging on the wall of my battle class back at the castle: daggers, flails, morning stars, rapiers, shurikens, axes, picks, and sickles. My heart gave a quick pit-a-pat at the thought.

Three more lives to claim and I’d be free to focus on how to get Coal and me home. Surely Zo or Castian could help my family find me. If they want to find me.

I shook my head. They might think I’m being selfish and went AWOL to blow off steam, but when I don’t show for my own party and they learn what happened to Tham . . .

My heart ached. Surely Zophia had told them by now. I rubbed my fingers across the soft, embroidered choker. Apt name—choker—because it choked the breath out of me to wear it. Gods, I miss you, hotness.

I knew exactly what Tham would say if he was standing beside me. His sultry, suede voice came into my mind and I bathed in its familiar warmth. You have one minute to wallow in the delicious misery of what you cannot change, sweeting. Embrace it annnnd proceed.

Well, I’d been leaning here listening to the slap of eager flesh for the better part of two hours, so I was pretty much done wallowing. I was ready to get to work. The door opened again, and as if called by my thoughts my two soldiers stepped out of their playhouse and started down the alleyway.

Perfect. A threesome they’ll never forget.

The grey sky of morning was lightening, the red line of dawn edging the horizon like a freshly slit throat. The Right of Vengeance dictated that the three lives I’d expired tonight were mine to take and aside from having the kills sanctioned by the Seelie Court, everything was solid. I doubted very much that the courts would come into play, but even if they did, I didn’t care. Justice had been served and I’d take the lumps rather than giving up Zophia’s assistance.

After blowing a kiss to the heavens, I slipped in the back gate of Rowan’s mansion and headed for the ornate double doors. It felt good to right the world a bit and nothing got the blood pumping like skulking around in the dark killing bad guys. I’d saved the best ‘till last, though. Tasso would learn about the demise of his three accomplices and understand it for the message it was.

You’re next, asshole.

As long as Terran, Coal, and I stayed out of sight today, I’d be in business for another round of fuck-you-and-the-Queen-too come nightfall. It was fast becoming my favorite pastime. I looked to the sky again.

Red sky in morning, Tasso take warning.

“You’re in a good mood.”

I whirled toward the barrier wall, my blade aimed at the shadows. My eyes had penetrated the darkness all night and were tired but focused. I blinked against the burn and traced the silhouette sitting under the canopy of the outdoor lounge.


I sheathed my blade and turned back toward the door. It was best not to meet his gaze head on. My body hummed with adrenaline and the way that man pegged me with those seductive hazels, I might just pin him down and ride him rough, right here—right on his back patio. Yup, there was something about fighting that triggered my sex drive.

“I’m a big girl, Doc,” I said, pleased that my voice was tight. “No need to wait up.”

Releasing the handle on the door I strode through the back vestibule and into the living room beyond. The room was even more impressive tonight. With the familiar urge to live large after a battle zinging in my veins, everything came into focus—each smell, sound and sight more delicious, exciting and vibrant than the night before.

J.L. Madore's Books