Time Will Tell (Maybe #3)(45)
“So what’s the problem?” I ask, sipping on my milkshake.
She leans her chin on her elbow.
“He’s a manwhore. It was just a one-time thing….” She trails off, wincing. “That happened once before when I was like eighteen.”
My jaw drops. “Why am I only hearing about this now?”
She groans, covering her face with her hands. “He’s your neighbour and friend. It was awkward.”
“So you slept with him again? When?” I ask, frowning a little.
“The day before his birthday,” she says. “He came into the bar and… shit might have happened.”
So that’s why he was in a shitty mood on his birthday? Something isn’t adding up here.
“Are you sure it was a one-off thing?” I ask, trying to figure these two out.
She nods, playing with hair. “Yeah. He’s amazing in bed, like wow.”
Probably all the practice he’s had over the years.
“So what now, then?” I ask, tilting my head to the side.
“Now, nothing,” she replies nonchalantly. “We pretend it never happened.”
I expel a sigh. “I don’t get the two of you.”
She picks up a forgotten fry on her plate and pops it into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully. “When does Xander get back?”
“Next week,” I reply, allowing her to change the subject.
“You must be bored without him,” she says. “You two are practically married.”
“Are not.”
“Are too.”
“I do miss him,” I admit. “The house is dead without him. I’ve gotten used to having him there and he kind of spoils me and I only realise now just how much.”
April scoffs. “Brat.”
I smile at her. “Are you finished eating?”
She throws her napkin down on her plate. “Yes, let’s go shopping. I’m going to do some damage today.”
We both stand and walk to my car. “Do you actually need anything?”
She glances at me, her blue eyes sparkling. “What kind of question is that? I need everything. New jeans, new shoes…”
I shake my head at her. “Let me guess. You’re going to try everything on and take three hours in each store.”
I never try anything on. I just buy it. I don’t have the patience. April is the opposite. She’ll spend all day in a store and enjoy every second. She’ll also ask my opinion on every item she tries on. I usually make sure to bring snacks in my handbag to keep me occupied.
We get into the car and sing along to the songs playing on the radio. It feels good to be spending time with April. Really good.
But I also miss Xander.
A lot.
“Wooo!” I yell, poking Zach in the chest. “I beat you again! How does it feel to lose to a woman?”
Zach shakes his head at my antics. “And such a good sport you are.”
We’re playing pool at the clubhouse. He apologized to me about what happened on his birthday. I know he was in a bad mood and it is really unlike him to take it out on me. He’s never been anything but kind to me. Of course, I forgave him. He’s like my brother. I’ll always forgive him.
“I think this is the only thing I can beat you at, so yes, I’m going to milk it for all it’s worth,” I say, chalking up my pool cue.
A woman walks over and presses herself against him.
“I’m busy,” he tells the woman, then looks at me. “Let’s play again. If I win, you have to bake me whatever I want.”
I see Grim walking over to us. When he reaches us, he leans down and kisses me on the forehead. “How’s my girl, Trill?”
I smile widely. “Beating your son at pool.”
Grim grunts. “What’s f*ckin’ new? Zach, we’re going on a run tonight. So don’t be f*ckin’ going anywhere.”
Zach nods at his dad and glances back at me. “Who’s gonna keep an eye on Trill?”
I roll my eyes. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.”
Grim’s eyes soften. “Someone will be staying behind to watch her, don’t worry, but I need numbers tonight.”
My eyebrows furrow. “Is everything okay?”
“Club business,” both Zach and Grim reply at the same time.
Grim walks off and Zach strolls over to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Xander’s been calling me.”
“And he’s going insane. And I might be working him up to amuse myself.”
I narrow my eyes. “What do you mean?”
What’s he saying to him? I can only imagine.
He chuckles. “Oh, come on, let me have my fun.”
“Just remember that payback is a bitch,” I mutter under my breath. He hasn’t spoken to me about April. He never even mentions her and I have to wonder what’s going on in that head of his.
“He’s been calling me twice a day,” I say. “It sucks being in the house without him, you know?”
Great, I’ve turned into one of those women who can’t function without their man.
Zach kisses my cheek sloppily, making kissy noises. “Don’t worry, he’ll be back soon. Trust me. He thought he could do this two weeks on two weeks off thing, but this isn’t some fly in and out job, this is his relationship with you. He doesn’t want to be without you. He’s probably sitting there imagining all the men trying to hit on you and it’s slowly driving him crazy.”