This Time(7)

Overhead, thousands of balloons and streamers hid the steel beam ceiling. Meg Witherspoon, with her decorating committee, bustled about adding the final touches and setting placards on the tables.

"Meg, this is wonderful," Belle said, breathless.

Meg brushed a wild curl out of her eyes and smiled. "Thank you. It went smoother than I thought."

"Your crew has obviously worked very hard. The class will appreciate all you've done."

"I took the liberty of thanking myself. I put Tyler McDermott and his wife at my table. Also Burke." Meg gave Belle a sideways glance with raised eyebrows.

Belle turned away.

"Good for you. You can have the honors."

"Burke is bringing a date." Meg said without any preamble.

"Oh?" she said, feeling herself bristle. She wanted to act and sound casual, but the quiver in her simple "oh" gave her away.

"Gates told me today. Grace Peterson is flying in to join him."

"Grace Peterson is coming to our reunion?"

"Got the placard right here," Meg flashed a small pale green card in front of Belle's face.

She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "This reunion is going to turn into a circus."

"No, it isn't Belle."

"A U.S. Senator, a famous football player, and a Hollywood starlet. It's going to be a circus."

Meg stationed another placard, smiling as she said. "Well, it won't be dull, that's for sure. When we graduated, I never imagined that we'd have such famous alumni."

"Life is full of surprises, eh Meg?"

"I can't wait to meet her. I hear she is stunning."

"I'm sure she is," Belle answered.

Meg faced her with her hands on her hips. "Come on, aren't you the least bit curious?"

She came back with a quick, "No."

"Well then," Meg started, holding up Belle's placard. "I have one last placard and it's yours. Where do you want to sit?"

"Anywhere but near the circus."

"You're the reunion chairperson, you have to sit at one of the head tables."

"Fine, but not at Burke's."

Meg agreed and dropped Belle's placard at the head of another table. "Are you going to speak to him at all?"

"Not if I can help it."

Meg started to scold, but instead she shifted her focus over her friend's shoulder and said softly, "You better decide quick, 'cause here he comes with Gates."

Instinctively, Belle glanced over her shoulder as the six-foot-three athletic form of Burke strode gracefully across the gym floor, a very jovial Gates Fuller walking beside him. She all but bounced with each step. When they reached Belle and Meg, Belle shot Meg a "help me" glance. Subtly, Meg stepped between her and Burke.

"Here's our first emcee," Gates said, overly sweet.

Belle dropped her gaze to the floor, her heart beating wildly.

"Burke, it's wonderful to see you," Meg said, greeting him with a slight hug.

"It's good to be home," he said, his voice smooth and deep. "I'm honored to be Friday night's emcee."

Covertly, Belle slipped around the small group and found a safe place among the bales of hay. Once out of sight, she buried her face in her hands and wept.

All the steeling of her heart, all the barricading of her soul crumbled at the first sound of Burke's voice. She let the tears come; tears of hurt, tears of anger, tears of frustration. Slowly, she sank to the floor, her back resting against a sweet smelling bale.

Lord, seeing him stirs up all the junk from the past. Give me grace to deal with him.

The tears flowed uncontrollably. Belle wept and prayed, pouring out her fears and feelings to the One who loved her most. Peace finally came just as Meg tenderly called her name.

"Over here," Belle answered in a loud whisper.

Meg came around the hay bale. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, wanting to say more, but feared she would lose control and cry again.

Gentle hands caressed her shoulders, and Meg joined her on the floor. "You're crying."

Belle laughed weakly. "Just a little, Meg. Just a little."

Meg whipped out an old dishrag she'd been using to wipe down the tables. "Here, blow your nose on this."

"It's filthy," Belle noted.

"It's all I have, and you can't go out to say hi to Burke with a runny nose and mascara under your eyes."

She smiled and reached for the smudged rag.

"He asked about you," Meg offered.

Belle blew her nose and used a clean spot on the towel to wipe her face. "What did he say?"

"Just wondered where you were."

"Oh," she said, feeling disappointed.

"You still love him?"

"No! No, no, no, definitely no!"

"So, the answer's no, then?" Meg asked.


"Why all the tears?"

"The moment he spoke to you, I felt it coming. This wave of emotion, you know? I wasn't ready for it. I thought I'd cried all the tears I could possibly cry over that man."

"You okay now?" Meg asked, tenderly brushing her hand over Belle's hair. "I like this short cut you have now."

Rachel Hauck's Books