The Slot (Rochester Riot #1)(62)
“Help,” Julia cried, but in actuality, it was nothing more than a ragged whisper.
“That’s it,” he crooned. “Ask for help. Struggle. That just makes it even hotter.”
She clenched her eyelids and tried to keep the tears at bay. Someone had his hands and mouth where they didn’t belong. In the parking lot of Shooters.
Then all of a sudden, the man on top of her was ripped away and she heard the sound of rock crunching. Or was that bone? A savior. A voice she knew.
She was cold.
So cold.
But safe.
“Stop that *! She’s not with him.” Adam yelled at the bouncer outside the door as he pushed past the crowd of people waiting to get into the club. The throng came between Adam and the couple and Carter slid from view. A few precious minutes passed before he could make his way outside. He scanned the parking lot and all was dark. Then he heard the muffled sound of a man’s voice coming from the side of the club.
Adam ran toward the voice and saw Carter hovering over Julia with her chest exposed. He grabbed him by his jacket and yanked hard. The muscle-bound bouncer appeared quickly at his side and helped Julia get her jacket back on and her top re-arranged.
“What’s going on?” Carter sputtered, enraged at the interruption. “Can’t you see we’re busy here?” Then his visage turned from indignation to fear when he recognized Adam.
“Take her inside,” Adam ordered the bouncer. Julie had already slumped against the huge man.
“Now, Adam…” began Carter, but he never got a chance to finish. Adam reared back and delivered a solid right hook to Carter’s jaw that sent him reeling backward. Adam took advantage of Carter’s surprise and held him against the brick wall by the throat. He kneed him in the gut and then slammed his head back into the exposed brick. Carter was choking and gasping. Adam felt strong arms grab him and pull him back.
“I’m going to kill him!” Adam yelled, struggling and shaking in the tight hold of two men who had left the line to see what all the commotion was about. Julia would be avenged. Why had they stopped him?
“Stop! He’s had enough,” ordered one of the men as he failed to restrain his flailing burden.
Carter looked weakly back at Adam. Adam shrugged off the two men and took a step closer to him.
“If I ever see you around another woman again…” he growled, his voice a gritty rasp of barely contained rage. Carter wheezed, then doubled over as he slumped to the snow-packed ground.
Adam turned back to the bouncer who was holding the drugged Julia. She looked like a limp rag doll in the arms of a giant teddy bear. Adam rushed over to her and grabbed her gently by the shoulders. Lifting her toward him. Her eyes. Those beautiful eyes now glazed over and unfocused. He wished Carter would stand up so he could hit him again.
“Hey, sweetie,” he said as he swept her silky hair back from her forehead. “Are you okay?”
Julia stared straight ahead. Unseeing. She wobbled and clung to his forearms until the pressure of her fingers made deep indentations in the muscle. He welcomed the sensation. The discomfort. “Adam? Is that you? I don’t feel so good.”
Adam cuddled her close and stroked the back of her head. He loved the feel of her against him. He could keep her safe. He would keep her safe. He’d never fail again. “Can I take you home, Julia? It’s important to me that you get home safe.”
Adam turned to the bouncer. “Go inside and tell the DJ to announce for SueAnn Johnson to get outside right now. Her friend is waiting. And don’t you ever let that piece of crap back in your place.”
“Don’t worry about that, man. I’m calling the cops to report this shit. He’ll be blackballed at every club in town. Aren’t you that famous hockey player?” The bouncer nodded to Adam and he winked in affirmation. He went back inside and Adam continued to hold Julia as if he would a distressed toddler.
“I’m sorry I took so long getting back to you,” he whispered in her ear. “Do you feel sick? Do you want to go to the hospital? You should have a blood test to see what he slipped you. File charges.”
“No!” Julia practically screamed at him. “I’m okay. Really. I just want to go home.” Her hands hadn’t left the sanctity of his arms since she’d been pulled away from Carter. “I didn’t want to go with him, Adam. I feel funny. Why do I feel so funny?”
Because a despicable sexual predator slipped you a mickey.
There would be time for the truth tomorrow. Julia nuzzled in further, her warm breath tickling his neck. She felt so good and perfect in his arms. How did this tiny slip of a woman pick a crack in his Heather hardened heart so damn fast?
“What the hell?” the shrill half-tipsy voice of SueAnn cut through the air behind him. “What happened out here?”
Adam tossed the bouncer his car keys and asked him to bring around his car. “Dude. After you call the police, if they need to take her statement or obtain some sort of physical evidence, have them call me.” Adam held out his hand so he could program his private cell number into the bouncer’s phone. “Promise you’ll delete this after tomorrow?”
“Solid,” the gigantic man responded. “You’re a good man, Adam Spencer.”
Adam shook the man’s beefy hand and then turned to SueAnn who stood there staring with her mouth hanging open.