The Slot (Rochester Riot #1)(59)


The bouncer at the door looked like a human Sequoia, but he let them past the velvet ropes to walk inside the club. Julia paid the cover for both of them in honor of Sue’s special day. She’d buy her a Mojito later to toast.

SueAnn had on a gorgeous fringed, suede jacket, jean skirt, and Jimmy Choo platforms. Her friend was rocking it and with her blonde hair swept back from her heart-shaped face, all male eyes landed on the pair as they made their way from the front door to the mahogany bar.

“Look,” Sue pointed, “There’s two empty stools by that hot-ass bartender.”

She grabbed Julia’s hand and yanked her toward the seats before they could get snagged. Sue settled herself on the stool, made her order with a fluttering of her eyelashes and then twirled to scope the room.

“Look, Jules,” she said with a flirty wave of her hand to the corner. “There’s Jeff Rawlins. He’s such a cutie. Wait … isn’t he Adam Spencer’s neighbor?”

Yeah, the same neighbor Adam was trying to visit when he almost became a human sandwich.

The handsome college-aged bartender leaned over the bar to get Sue’s attention.

“I hear it’s your birthday, sweetie,” he said to Sue, giving her a wink. “I think a birthday drink is in order on the house. What would you like?”

Sue pretended to think and placed her pinky at the corner of her red lips. “Hmm … I think it’s the perfect night for a Cock Sucking Cowboy.”

He laughed and kissed Sue on the hand. “I had a feeling you wouldn’t disappoint, Red.”

“Wait, gorgeous,” Sue held on tightly to his hand so he couldn’t turn back around. “My hair is blonde.”

“But your lips … are red.”

Julia laughed until she saw Jeff thread his way through the crowded dance floor to acknowledge SueAnn. And trailing behind him … damn it.


Not tonight.

Not in public.

Adam Spencer walked with a slight limp, but other than that, he was the picture of male perfection. His thick, brown hair never quite adhered to the spiky style he attempted, but that just made it ever sexier. Like the man. His two days of beard growth fit right in with his plaid-yoked western shirt, jeans and brown cowboy boots.

Holy shit, girls. Hold on to your panties. And your hearts.

Jeff had just opened his mouth to greet them when the DJ started spinning one of Sue’s favorite fast songs. Sue bolted out of the stool and twirled Jeff out onto the dance floor.

“I see she hasn’t changed,” Adam laughed as he watched the two butt-slapping each other and making faces.

“It was her quarter century birthday this past Wednesday,” Julia chuckled. “She’s feeling no pain.”

“Didn’t you just get here?” Adam questioned.

“Yes, but I think she opened a bottle of wine while she was getting all beautified.”

“You don’t have a drink yet,” Adam said as he slipped onto Sue’s stool. “Let me get you one. What’s your pleasure?”

“Since it’s western night, let’s kick it old-school with a Leinie’s bottle,” she said because she knew this bar kept that local brew in stock.

“I like the way you think.” He ordered two bottles from the bartender and slid onto SueAnn’s stool in her absence.

“How are you feeling?” Julia asked, her face knit with concern. “Should you even be out right now?”

“Doc said I could do whatever I feel up to,” he replied. “Don’t worry, Miss Julia, I’m going to cool it.” He lifted his bottle and clinked it with hers. “Now, Jeff on the other hand…”

Julia set her bottle down on a coaster and her eyes followed his hand to the dance floor where SueAnn had her legs wrapped around Jeff’s hips as he twirled her in a bunch of small circles. Any faster and she’d be flashing the dance floor. Julia envied her friend and always had. Fun followed SueAnn wherever she went.

“Wow,” she said and put her hand over her eyes in a playful gesture. “That’s more dancing than I can take. I wonder what they call that move.”

Adam grinned. “Not sure. It kind of looks like an airborne version of The Sprinkler. Want to try it?”

“I’m pretty sure that would violate your medical instructions,” she shook her head. “Besides, I’m not a huge fan of making a public spectacle of myself. Unless…”

“Unless what?” he spun around and their knees touched. Julia felt the charge down to her toes. What was wrong with her?

“Unless it involves my work.”

He paused. “I completely get it. I feel exactly the same. When I fall on my ass, it’s in front of ten thousand.”

Adam slid his huge hand over her knee where their bodies touched and began to rub the pad of his thumb back and forth over her bare flesh. The friction felt amazing. Hot. She couldn’t stop staring into the depths of his eyes. She saw passion and want. But not just base desire for her body. Something more. Something she couldn’t understand or define.

“Well, I do declare,” SueAnn said in her best Scarlett O’Hara voice, “if it isn’t the famous and hunky NHL superstar Adam Spencer a sittin' on little ‘ole me’s barstool.”

Adam slid down to the floor and gestured to the stool with a flourish of his hand so SueAnn could take her rightful place as the queen of this western shindig. Jeff stood to her left and placed his arm loosely around Sue’s shoulders so he could rub her upper arm.

Colleen Charles's Books