The Slot (Rochester Riot #1)(57)

Then, he let go.

The smile on her face was a beautiful thing as they swung back and forth like that for minutes, grinning like a couple of grade school kids on the playground with crushes on each other. If she’d have had her hair in pigtails, he would have pulled one and then ran away. She’d be passing notes to him during class.

He hadn’t felt this good, this free and easy since forever. Not since before he’d torn his ACL. Once the tire slowed to a wobble, he glanced up into her eyes. Her lush mouth was open on a pout and she looked like a woman who wanted to be kissed. Needed to be kissed. He wanted that too. More than anything. It would have to wait because the timing wasn’t right and he didn’t want to rush things. Didn’t want to push her. She coughed and broke the spell as she looked down at her gold watch.

“I have a client meeting in a half-hour,” she said as she swung her legs back onto solid ground. “I appreciate the ride in your tire. It was the most non-work fun I’ve had in a long time.”

“I think I’ll stay here if you’re okay to get back to your Ford?” When she nodded, he continued. “For some reason, I’m feeling better out here. Outside in this barn.”

“It’s a beautiful old barn,” she said as she looked around. “Perfect really. So much character. Kind of like the man who owns it.”

She winked at him and then he got another spectacular view of her backside as she walked through the open doors.

Adam didn’t know when he’d see her again. But one thing he did know for sure. Julia Wales would be his. And he’d be hers.


Chapter 5

“Oh my God! Mark Spencer, what happened to you?” SueAnn had Mark by the chin as she moved his bruised and swollen face from side to side. The poor man had wandered into the boutique to get a gift, and SueAnn had been going on like a mother hen ever since.

“I got into a little scuffle,” he replied as he pulled the bill of his ball cap lower over his features.

Julia turned away to examine a top she’d spotted the last time she was here but listened closely. She wondered if his ‘scuffle’ had anything to do with why his brother seemed to dislike him so much.

“Did you say the wrong thing to the wrong person?” she asked as she pulled a silk scarf in hues of blue out of the display case. “You always did have a smart mouth.”

SueAnn and Mark had dated back in high school. It hadn’t ended well. Mark had cheated on her at the senior prom with Beth Hamilton. Caught red-handed with his pants down in the hotel suite.

Julia thought that was probably why Mark was still prostrating to the temple of SueAnn begging for forgiveness. He wasn’t a bad guy, but he certainly wasn’t as smart as his talented brother. Or as hot.

“Something like that,” he mumbled as he let the delicate fabric slide through his fingers. “This is perfect, Sue. Can you wrap it for me in something really pretty?”

As he handed over his American Express, SueAnn nodded and pulled out a gold embossed gift box and tissue. Sue prided herself on special touches and customer service. That was why her small boutique was thriving in the midst of major retailers. If you wanted the perfect gift or a unique outfit, SueAnn’s was the place.

They’d just gotten back from lunch at Sue’s favorite restaurant when Mark had come in. Julia still had her favorite dessert stowed in her oversized handbag. First, though, time to ratchet up the dramatics with some teasing. She loved to get SueAnn riled up.

Sue stared at Mark’s retreating back and as soon as the jingle of the shop’s door indicated he’d gone through, she turned to Julia with a hand on one sassy hip.

“What do you think actually happened to him?” she asked.

Julia wasn’t a huge fan of Mark Spencer’s but he was harmless. But today, there was just something about him. Something that was off. Like he was all of a sudden starting to hide things.

“I don’t have any idea,” she replied. “Probably cheated with the wrong woman.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she brought her hand up to cover it. “Oh, Sue, I’m so sorry. That was insensitive of me to say.”

“Seriously, Julia?” Sue rolled her eyes. “That’s ancient history. I’m long over it. In fact, I could do so much better and I can see it plainly now that I’m an adult. Mark Spencer’s immature. And a tool.”

Julia’s eyes narrowed as a thought hit her. Hard.

Sue stared at her. “What are you thinking? You have that same look on your face when you’re plotting a renovation. Even if the poor owner has no idea they’re going to be renovated.”

“That scarf.”

“It’s Hermes,” Sue bragged. “What about it? Mark’s fool purchase is going to pay my rent this month.”

“Yeah, expensive. Like he’s trying to impress someone. And exactly the color of Heather’s eyes.”

“No! You don’t think so?” SueAnn gasped.

“I do think so,” Julia replied in earnest. “I think Mark and Heather are having an affair and that’s why Adam got in that accident.”

“So, it’s ‘Adam’ now?” Sue questioned. “Since when are you two on a first name basis?”

“Since you set me up on the blind date from hell,” Julia admonished. “I just happened to be driving by the hospital when news of the accident broke. I swung by.”

Colleen Charles's Books