The Ripple Effect (Rhiannon's Law #3)

The Ripple Effect (Rhiannon's Law #3) by J.A. Saare


Every book has amazing people behind the scenes who help an author along. This time around I decided to do an acknowledgment in an attempt to mention as many of them as possible. Please forgive me if the list is long. The Ripple Effect wasn’t easy to write and required the assistance of so many to get things right.

I have to start by thanking my husband. He cares for our children, despite working all day, to give me time to write. Although he doesn’t create the stories, he is the backbone behind them. It wouldn’t be possible to bring you new installments of the Rhiannon’s Law series without him. Then there are my beta readers and critique partners. Thanks to Rosalie, Belinda, Jim, and Mom for giving The Ripple Effect a read, as well as a huge thank you to Fallon Blake, who spent hours on the phone hammering out details and keeping me sane when I wanted to throw in the towel. I would be remiss if I didn’t give a huge thank you to Alabama Tactical Supply, Jim Saare, and John Bailey, who assisted me in weapon and ammunition research.

Of course I have to give a loud Holla! to the Dead Heads: an enthusiastic group of readers who support the series and spread the word. Bells and Kay, you rock! I also have to give a special thanks to Megan, who reminded me authors and readers connect through books and characters, and Michelle R, who continues to be one of my strongest supporters. You are a gem, Michelle. An absolute star.

Finally, an enormous thanks to editors, cover artists, and fellow authors Skyla Dawn Cameron and Sarah-Jane Lehoux. I appreciate everything you brought to the table, as well as your input and assistance. Thank you for all your hard work on The Ripple Effect. You are awesome-to-the-sauce.

Ultimately these books wouldn’t be possible without the readers and book bloggers, who give my work an opportunity and spread the word. I can’t mention everyone but I wanted to give a special thanks to Chelsea at Vampire Book Club, Jennifer at Reading with Tequila, Rhonda and Elena at Sam’s Awesomeness, Bells at Hanging With Bells, Amy at Fiction Vixen, Mandi and Tori at Smexy Books, Laura at Book City Chick, Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About, Jenny at Supernatural Snark, Spaz and Nat at Wicked Little Pixie, Marq at Love To Read For Fun, Catharine at Mamakitty Reviews, Ash at Smash Attack Reads, Alisha at My Need To Read, Anna at Anna’s Book Blog, Mel Hay at Melsworld, Julie at Yummy Men and Kick Ass Chicks, and Jessica at The Spinecracker. There are so many more of you I’d like to thank, but the list would never end. Believe me when I say I know who you are, and I’m ever grateful you enjoy and spread the word about my work.

For everyone else: Thank you for reading my books. Thank you for being so awesome. And thank you for making all of this possible for a normal mom (okay, maybe not normal, but let’s go with it) who started writing as an escape and discovered what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

Now take a seat, fasten your seat belt, and put your book in the upright position. The show is about to start.

Much Love and Well Wishes,

Jaime AKA J.A. Saare


For my children. The coolest little people I know.

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

~ Norman Cousins

Chapter One

Rhiannon’s Law #47: It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to be MacGyver. Many household products can be used as an explosive device or weapon. All it takes is a little imagination. Or, in my situation, blind f*cking luck.

I managed to snag a can of Raid and the long, extended lighter a split second before my ass connected with cheap linoleum flooring. I turned, got a visual, and aimed the spout of the flammable contents at my attacker. My hands remained steady while I placed the lighter in front of roach-be-gone and studied the possessed canine.

“Don’t make me do it,” I warned, flicked on the lighter, and prepared to press down on the plastic nozzle.

The dog charged and I went for broke. The flame created by my quick thinking was impressive. The demented beast yelped and backed away as fire scorched its muzzle. A part of me would have felt guilty if the damned thing wasn’t so eager to rip out my throat. The minute the dog backed away, I went for the gun tucked in the back of my jeans. The canine snorted several times, sized me up, and I knew only one of us would make it out of the kitchen alive.

“Sorry, pooch.”

When the raging beast rushed me again, I leveled my Ruger and squeezed the trigger. My aim was dead on, and I hit the large mutt directly between the eyes. It dropped to the floor and didn’t even twitch. There was a moment of silence before loud crashes came from the adjoining room.

“Rhiannon!” Goose screamed.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” I yelled and strode past the dirt-napping puppy.

For the umpteenth time I questioned why I had agreed take this job with Goose. I knew it wouldn’t be easy. We were dealing with a ghost that wasn’t a ghost, but rather an entity that had taken up the entire house we’d been hired to exorcise. At the time the money was too good to pass up. Now, with bloody bite marks and scrapes on my arms, legs, and face, I was beginning to wonder if it wouldn’t have been smarter to pick up extra shifts at The Black Panther.

“Rhiannon!” Goose was really panicking now. His voice was closer, indicating he was hauling ass in my direction.

J.A. Saare's Books