There was the sound of a hip hop song, I had heard it before but I wasn't sure what it was when I realized it was Stoll's phone. Stoll picked it up and answered it but it was obvious something was wrong.

When the call ended, he looked at Weldon. "Sir, the Doc made it out of the cell," the guards are searching him, I'm sure they'll find him soon!"

At first, I wondered who Stoll was talking about, but then I remembered that's what they called Trey.

Trey had escaped!

That was a good thing.

Weldon didn't look pleased, obviously. "I'm sure they will."

He sauntered up to Stoll who was holding Colton. "Let him go, Stoll. He's not going anywhere."

Stoll reluctantly agreed and walked up to me. My eyes were on the gun that was on the floor, the one that Ryan dropped and I lunged for it but Stoll beat me to it. With a nasty smirk, he was closer to me than before.

"I know your brother’s an idiot," Weldon said. “But you disappointed me. I had plans for you."

I could see the fear on Colton's face. It wasn't the first time I saw it, and it wasn’t the first time I wanted to murder the person who had caused it.

"Colton, you shouldn't have relied on your brother," Weldon said, smugly. “You know he's no match for me. He can’t save you, he can barely save himself."

Weldon raised his weapon. The barrel was right in front of Colton's face, mere inches away. "

"Noooo!!!" I ran toward Colton, ready to rip the head off Weldon’s torso, but Stoll was in my way.

Weldon was still grinning. "I'll give you a choice, Colton. Bullet in the head or fall to your death? There's a fifty percent chance the bullet might prolong your agony, but that kind of fall, will kill you in an instant. So, which do you prefer?"

Adrenaline bursting through me, I kicked Stoll hard in the nuts and got control of his weapon. I cocked it and pointed it at Weldon.

He didn’t seem at all affected. "What're you going to do, Jake? Are you going to use that thing to kill me?" he was still complacent. "Why don't you accept once and for all that you're no match for me—" The sound of the gunshot pierced the air. Colton stood there in shock.

So did I.

The gun in my hand was still vibrating, or maybe that was me.

"Jake." I turned to see Trey standing behind me. From the corner of my eye, I saw Stoll reaching for Ryan's gun and it was easy raising my handgun to shoot him this time, because this time I didn't think. I saw an obstruction and I removed it.

Colton came to me and hugged me.

It felt good to feel him that close but I was still shaking.

Trey's eyes had judgment in them. Even when he was the one who told me I couldn't fight the devil without becoming one, I saw the disappointment in him. I couldn't explain it to him. I couldn't tell him that he was right. Weldon was right. The only way I could be his match was by becoming worse than him.

If that was the price for Colton's freedom, I was happy to pay it.

The sound of approaching police vehicles broke the silence.

"I called the cops," Trey said. "I was part of the shady stuff Weldon made me do, and if I go to jail for the rest of my life, it will be worth it. But someone had to put an end to it. Many innocent people have gone without justice far too long."

"Trey, this wasn't your fault," I told him. "Weldon uses people, that's what he does! He was using you, just like everyone else."

"My guilt, it's too much. It won't let me sleep at night. It's like I was in a slumber and just woke up. I knew I was a marionette for Weldon but I was selfish because of my sister."

"I'd do anything for my brother," I said. “Work for Weldon, or sell my soul! Anything! That's called love."

The sirens were getting closer. "My brother's right," Colton spoke up, something he didn't do very often. "We know your situation, but these people won't. They might think you're an accomplice."

"Trey, you're good at living under the radar," I pointed out. "You can continue to do that. It won't be easy but it's better than going to prison."

Colton rushed to the edge of the rooftop and turned to us. "They're here."

"Trey," I said forcefully this time. “Run."



The bar was so full, I felt uncomfortable. I went to the back so I could smoke and there was a couple, young, making out heavily and they didn’t even notice me. I hadn’t lit up when someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me into the shadows.

As I waited for them to speak, I was breathing heavily. The person lit up the lighter I was carrying and held it up. When I saw his face, I tried to push him away but he wouldn’t budge. “Let go of me.” Instead, he pushed back and grinded into me. He forced me into a kiss and that’s when I was truly mad. “Get the fuck off me, Trey!”

He looked at me. “I’m sorry.”

“Stop it, stop apologizing if you’re just going to do it again!”

“Jake, I know you’re mad but I was doing it for us, I promise!”

“Two weeks,” my voice choked up. “Two fucking weeks, Trey. I thought you were dead!”

Kol Anderson's Books