Ryan smiled. "I admire your innocence, Jake."

"How did you—”

"Just a hunch."

"You're Ryan, aren't you?" Jake walked up to us. "You're the one who was...Dead?"

"It's true, I'm Ryan. As for the dead part, appearances can be deceiving."

"That's not what I meant...”

"I'm know. I'm just joking," Ryan paused. "The thing is I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Trey. I couldn't bear it if he needed me and I wasn't there for him. I had to find a way to help."

"Trey really saved you?" Jake asked and I had a feeling he knew about my encounter with him.

Ryan was certain when he said, "He did. He saved me many times actually and I owe him my life. And whatever Weldon did to make you believe otherwise," Ryan said. “It’s bullshit!"

Jake hesitated and glanced at me. “I saw him trying to hit on my brother," he blurted out. "He said things... that I really don't want to think about.”

"Did you ask Trey why he did it?"

Jake looked away. "He claims it was just so they'd think he was one of them. So he could continue to help us without them knowing."

"I know how hard it is," Ryan said. “To let go of things, trust me I know. Trey's not perfect. No one is, but he has a good heart. That I can vouch for. He'd never try to hit on your brother if he loves you. And I can assure you that he does indeed love you. No one rips apart their own lives to help just anyone."

"Maybe he's telling the truth, Jake." I tried to get him to calm down.

"Maybe?" Ryan looked fake-hurt. "That's kind of a rude thing to say to someone who might literally have saved your ass!"

"I'm sorry..."

"It's a joke! Sheesh you two need to lighten up! Which reminds me: where's Trey?"

"The last I saw him he was keeping a watch over Weldon."

"Wait you have Weldon?" Ryan couldn't believe it. "And you're telling me this now?"

"It didn't come up I guess," my brother said.

“Okay, for future reference?" Ryan said. “If you have the evil overlord in your custody, you lead with that!!!"

Jake grinned. "I'll try to remember."

"Have you nice people decided what you're going to do with me?" Stoll interjected.

"My vote is still for chucking him,” Ryan said.

“No... chucking... please," Jake responded.

"You're really not making it easy to act out my diabolical plan," Ryan complained.

"I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities in the future."

"Let's take this douche bag to his douche bag boss," Ryan said.

Jake was about to say something to me, when a shot rang through the air and forced us to pause whatever we were doing. We watched the front of Ryan’s chest fill out with a deep red. The color of his blood. It happened so fast I was paralyzed.

Jake turned to the shooter who was still hiding in the shadows and pointed his gun at him. "Don't stand in the shadows like a fucking coward!"

At this, the man walked up to us, taking slow steps. "You wanted the douche bag boss," Weldon said. “You got it!"


"While you jag offs were thinking of the least effective way to end this crisis," Weldon walked right up to Ryan, who was on the floor, gurgling blood, and fighting to breathe. "I was getting rid of that stupid friend of yours, and my useless whore of a sister."

He pointed his gun at Ryan’s chest. "You should have stayed dead," he spit the words out and I watched him shoot the wounded Ryan twice right in the middle of his chest. "There! Problem solved!" Weldon laughed and walked up to me and Colton. "Now you can leave the big decisions to me, Jake."

I stood there, and his presence was intimidating. I wanted to use my Glock and just blow his face off but I couldn't risk failure. One wrong move and Colton and I would both be dead. A problem that was serious, considering I was low on ammo.

Without wasting a second, Weldon pointed his gun at Colton and I lunged for him but he held up his hand. "I'm not going to kill him," he said. “You know that's not my idea of fun. He's more important to me than this piece of trash."

He returned his attention to Colton. "Untie him," Weldon gestured to Stoll. "Go on! Hurry!"

Colton hesitated but eventually started stepping toward Stoll and untied Stoll, threw the piece of rope aside.

The minute Stoll was free, he stood and grabbed hold of Colton's arm, restraining him.

"Where's Trey?" I asked.

"Dead," Weldon responded.

"I don't believe you."

"Really? And why’s that?"

I glanced at him. "Because that's not your idea of fun."

Weldon grinned. "Gotta hand it to you, Jake. You've gotten stronger since I first saw you. But let's face it, your conscience and your insistence on being fair and hopeful comes in the way of your learning experience."

"You don't know anything about me."

"I'm the only one who does, Jake."

Kol Anderson's Books