
“Explain,” I demand.

“Just heard that you and Saxon have something going on,” he says, shrugging his broad shoulders.

He’s a sexy man. That bald head really works for him. And that goatee—yum.

“That’s not what’s happening at all,” I mutter, folding my arms across my chest. My boobs are big so really I’m just resting my arms on top of them.

“That’s not what I heard,” he cajoles, clearly liking that he’s annoying me.

“Heard from who?” I ask, turning my body towards him. “Perth is too small of a city.”

I swear, everyone knows everyone’s business.

“Just around. Saxon is a good guy—trust me you could do a lot worse.”

“I could do a lot worse? What a ringing endorsement,” I grumble.

He laughs, which annoys me, and says, “I’m sure you’ve already done worse.”

Yes I have—him.

I pretend like I’m going to throw up in his car and the laughter immediately stops.

Then I start laughing.

“You’re such a pain in the ass,” he grumbles, pulling into the car park at my apartment.

“You love me,” I reply, looking in my handbag for my apartment key. After a while he gets frustrated and takes my bag from me, grabbing the key out himself.

“Impatient!” I growl.

He grins back at me. “I have to get back to work woman. Come on I’ll make sure you get in safe.”

“You’re so good to me Tag,” I say dramatically, batting my eyelashes at him.

“I was good to you that one night,” he says as he helps me to my front door.

“You had to bring that up, didn’t you?” I say to him on a sigh. Tag and I may have slept together. Once. It was years ago when I was in my first year of law school. We had a one-night stand and somehow became friends after that. He likes to irritate me and bring up ‘the time we f*cked’ every now and again. Once, when we were arguing at the bar, he used it as a comeback.

“Tag why is your shirt on backwards?” I’d said, laughing and pointing. “Did you make a trip to the back office?”

“Remember the time I took you to the back office?” he replied.

Everyone around us gasped at the information, and I punched him in the stomach.

Good times.

He gets me in safely and then heads back to work. In a moment of weakness, I pull out my phone and text Saxon: Tee-Hi.

I hit send.

He replies instantly.

Saxon-Hi? What are you doing up so late?

Tee-Went to the bar. How’s the tour going?

I check four times to make sure I spelt everything properly, then I put my phone down and have a quick shower then fall asleep in my bed.


Chapter Eight


When Tee didn’t message back last night, I assumed she fell asleep. I wonder who she went out with. At least she made it home safely.


I f*cking hope so anyway.

“Sax, we gotta head to the photo shoot,” Ryder yells from somewhere on the bus.

“Yeah, give me a minute!” I call out, patting my jeans to make sure I had my phone and wallet. I walk out, the other three standing there ready to go. “Let’s go.”

Kidd looks like he hasn’t slept, with a pale face and bags under his eyes. “What’s going on with you?”

He glances at me and scrubs a hand down his face. “Nothing bro, just tired.”

I call bullshit.

Kidd and I have a weird relationship. I wouldn’t exactly say that we are close, but at the same time we always have each other’s backs. He’s the only family I have, and that means something to me.

“How’s things with my baby cousin?” Ryder asks me on the way to the shoot.

“You’re a f*cking gossip, you know that?” I reply in a dry tone.

He grins crookedly. “We have a nosy family, you should probably get used to that.”

To have Tee, I would put up with her overbearing family plus more.

Jet whistles. “Good luck with that.”

Kidd decides to add his input. “I remember when we were playing at Steele one night, and she threw her drink on that guy. That was f*cking funny.”

My head spins to him. “What?”

I don’t remember that.

He chuckles. “Yeah. I don’t know what he said to her, but she was pissed. She threw her drink on him then picked up a pool cue and waved it around, threatening him.”

Ryder groans and scrubs a hand down his face. “Yeah, that sounds like her.”

It definitely does sound like her. My lip twitches.

Jet laughs, shaking his head. “You find it cute that she’s crazy? You have it bad, man.”

There was no point in trying to deny it.

Ryder stares at me, a thoughtful, almost searching look on his face. “Maybe you will be good for her after all.”

Looks like I get Ryder’s approval. Although not completely necessary, it definitely makes life easier. I wouldn’t want to jeopardise the band or cause any more drama.

Even though she would be worth it.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and send her a message.

Saxon-What are you wearing?

Chantal Fernando's Books