Saving the Scientist (The Restitution League #2)(43)

He had nothing.

He clenched his jaw.

“It’s all right,” she said. “I must look a fright. Had to be a shock.”

Though her tone was thoroughly reasonable, she still looked so sad, so… bruised.

“I appreciate the effort. I do, but I’m just not this sort of woman.” Ada sighed. “You were only being honest.”

“I was being a horse’s ass.”

“You looked shocked.”

“No!” Edison jerked in denial, shaking the entire bed. Then he forced himself to lay back and caught her gaze again. “I mean, yes… but it was a good kind of shock.”

She snorted. “You don’t have to do this.”

“Do what?”

“Make me feel desirable. It’s not part of the job.”

Edison slammed his fist down on the mattress. “Part of the job?”

Blasted hell. How could she not see the signs? She’d been heating his blood since the second she charged into her laboratory that night.

He pinned her gaze in the mirror above. “My desire—as you say—is not part of the job. And while that… confection sets off your attributes perfectly, it’s the woman in it I’m interested in. Have been since the beginning.” He smiled gently. “Whether you’re wearing a satin gown or a lab smock, you have my undivided attention, Mrs. Templeton.”

“Thank you for saying that, but it isn’t necessary.” She looked away, clearly trying to shrug off the hurt. “I don’t wish to put you in an awkward position.”

Edison didn’t respond with words. He let his gaze rove over the sensual beauty caught in the glass above—as if he wanted to devour her.

Which, he most assuredly did.

He wanted to kiss her, wanted to slide his hands along the silk stockings that ended—he had cause to know—at mid thigh. And once he had her damp and willing, he wanted to make her his in the only way that really mattered.

She was studying him back, her gaze meeting his in the mirror.

And she was responding to his perusal, to his desire. Her breath quickened. Her lips parted.

“What I wish to do, Mrs. Templeton, is kiss you.” Edison stared straight up into her eyes. “I’d start with your lips. After that, I’d taste your neck. From there, I’d move every so slowly down to your beautiful breasts. At that point, I’d be so filled with desire it would be hard for me not to pin you down and tear that gown straight off your body.” He paused to let his words sink in. “I’m sure you know what comes after that.”

“Oh.” Her gaze moved to the juncture of his thighs, where his member rose against his trousers, making his desire blatantly obvious.

She licked her lips as if eying a delightful pastry. He doubted she was even aware of it.

That was almost his undoing.

“Exactly.” He shifted his hips about, trying to ease the pressure now reaching a painful level in his loins. “Much as I ache to put action to words, now is not the time.”

Ada stiffened as the spell broke. “It certainly is not.”

Edison clasped her hand, threading his fingers between hers and holding tight. “My words may be clumsy, but never mistake them for my true thoughts.”

The ghost of a smile touched her lips. “This would be an opportune time to share those thoughts, Mr. Sweet.”

Expression solemn, he stared up at her face in the mirror, infusing his look with every ounce of the passion pulsing through him. “You are the most exasperating, the most intriguing, the most ravishing woman I have ever known.”

Chapter 13

Ravishing. He called her ravishing.

Ada held the words close, savoring the delight they evoked.

For today, she was a ravishing beauty who wielded her sexuality like a sword, bending men to her will. For today, she would allow herself to enjoy the power of her own sensual energy.

The hansom slowed as a knot of carriages and wagons clogged the road ahead. Two businessmen strode down the pavement, heads bent close in conversation. One caught sight of Ada alone in the passenger seat of the hansom.

The grin of pure male appreciation made her breath catch. His companion sent her a matching smile, and both tipped their hats.

The hungry looks buoyed her confidence.

She’d never had any success at being wanted, at being appreciated for her body instead of her mind. She rather liked it.

She liked it a great deal.

By the time they reached their borrowed manse, she’d collected a surprising number of admiring glances.

Not the least of which came from Edison.

His hot gaze roved over her as he helped her down from the hansom, lingering on her lips and the low neckline of her dress.

Cherise was right. He did look hungry. Ravenous. And ready to make a meal of her right there on the back steps.

Ada shuddered, but it wasn’t from cold.

Edison brushed past her and opened the door, signaling for her to wait as he entered. It didn’t take a second for him to return and hold the door wide. “All clear.”

Ada lifted the skirts of her borrowed gown and stepped through the entry. Their hideout was cold, cold and just as musty smelling as it had been the night before.

The chill air took on an entirely different feel when one was clad in a chest-baring gown. Even her legs felt different. Cherise had insisted on complete authenticity. Gone were her thick cotton stockings and long-wearing pantaloons and underskirts. Now her lower limbs were wrapped in the finest silk. Sheer, pliable, whisper-thin silk. The stockings caressed her calves, her knees, even her thighs.

Riley Cole's Books