Saving the Scientist (The Restitution League #2)(40)
“Come on then.” Miss Parvenue led the way up the stairs. “Annabelle?” she called out to the maid, “draw a bath.”
“I’m Cherise,” she offered as she tugged Ada up the stairs.
“Ada,” she responded, her attention on the lush paintings lining the stairwell.
“A strong name,” Cherise observed. “I like it. Come on, Ada, we’ve a great deal to do.”
Ada followed her up the stairs like a dowdy old pigeon waddling after a proud swan. Even in her delicate night clothes, the woman’s confidence, her comfort in her own skin, showed through.
A comfort—a confidence—Ada was painfully aware she didn’t possess.
A few bits of satin couldn’t create miracles.
She couldn’t help but wonder if she’d end up looking more like a sow’s ear than a silk purse.
Cherise’s boudoir was a vision out of a scandalous novel.
Tall posts edged in gilt and topped by an imposing silk canopy, towered above the bed, which held center stage. Piled high with downy quilts and an overabundance of feather pillows, it seemed poised for the next scandalous performance.
The artwork covering the walls sent the whole vision over the top. Naked women stared at her from every direction. Naked women lounging about on plump pillows. Naked women frolicking in forest glades. Naked women… oh, goodness.
Ada put a hand to her throat. Cheeks burning, she tore her gaze away from the randy scenes.
Much better to focus on the beaten copper tub tucked into the opposite corner of the room. Cherise must have been readying her toilette, as the maid was already pouring buckets of steaming water into the tub.
The whole room smelled of Cherise’s sensual perfume.
Like the decor, the combination of patchouli and jasmine suggested a rich, languid sensuality.
“In you go.” Cherise pointed at the half-full tub.
Ada stared down at the white bubbles. “There’s no need to go to such trouble.”
“I’m an actress, luv.” She held Ada’s gaze, her kohl-rimmed eyes bright and expressive. “The first lesson is to get into character.” She waved a hand at the bath. “From the ground up.”
The maid, Annabelle, stood shoulder to shoulder with her mistress, forming a wall of female determination Ada knew she couldn’t budge. She sighed and began undoing the tiny buttons that ran from neck to waist.
Once she’d slipped out of her dress, Annabelle had her bustle and petticoats off in a trice. Heavy with whalebone, her corset slapped down on top of the undergarments.
It took Ada a moment to get up the courage to remove her shift. She’d never thought herself unduly modest, but she’d never undressed in front of an audience before, either.
“Here you go.” Cherise held up a linen towel between them.
Ada sent her a grateful smile and shrugged out of her shift. She pressed the towel to her, holding the top above her breasts and scurried over to the tub.
Hot and lilac-scented, the water was divine. Ada groaned and slid under the bubbles.
Cherise perched on the edge of the tub. “Nothing in the world a hot bath won’t fix, is there?”
Ada grinned. “Thank you.”
“Haven’t done anything yet.” Cherise jumped up. “I’ve got a few items that’ll do the trick.”
While Ada soaked, the actress flung open a wardrobe and began tossing bright heaps of fabric onto the bed.
Just as Ada’s skin was growing rosy from the heat, Annabelle held out a bottle of hair wash. “If you lean forward, I’ll soap up your hair,” the girl offered.
All too soon, Ada was cleaned and scrubbed and wrapped in one of Cherise’s satin dressing gowns. She eyed the mountain of dresses on the bed, a protest already forming on her lips.
“One gown should do,” she said. “I still have my trunks. I have plenty of clothes to see me through until I can return home.”
Cherise’s gaze flickered over Ada’s gray gown. “Not the kinds of gowns a kept woman wears.”
“A kept—”
“Edison wants a transformation.” Cherise considered. “You look like a prosperous woman. A smart woman who can’t be bothered to cart about after a man.”
“I do?”
“You do.” Cherise smiled at her. “That’s a good thing.”
It didn’t feel like a good thing. Ada slumped down on the bed.
Movement above caught her eye. She stared up… at her self. Tucked into the upholstered canopy, a mirror ran the entire of the bed. Ada’s mouth hung open. Every wrinkle in the expensive counterpane, every glint of gold threat was reflected in the ceiling.
Every inch of naked flesh, every gasp, every sigh, every moan would be visible to the couple thrashing about below.
Had Edison made love here, where his lover would be able to watch his powerful muscles flex as he moved over her?
Ada’s cheeks flamed. She stared down at her hands.
Cherise laughed. “Men are silly creatures, aren’t they? Like to be center stage, most of them.”
She sank down on the bed until they were shoulder to shoulder and patted Ada on the knee. “You’re the strong kind of woman who doesn’t need a man’s power or his money.” She studied Ada’s gray dress, now folded neatly over the back of a chair. “We need you to appear the opposite.”