Saving the Scientist (The Restitution League #2)(41)
Cherise’s grin turned the slightest bit wicked. “You, Mrs. Templeton, are going to become a kept woman.”
Ada tried to swallow, but her throat had dried up. “I’m not very good at being any kind of woman.”
Cherise laughed. “Good enough to get Edison Sweet lathered up.”
“What?” Ada’s voice rose in surprise. “No! He’s only taken on my case because…” She paused. Why had he agreed to help her exactly?
Cherise slid off the bed and began lifting up dresses. “I’ve no idea why he took on your case, but I do know that look in his eye.” She held out a deep blue confection covered in lace and ruffles, checking it against Ada’s skin. “He looks at you like a meal he wants to devour.”
Ada had no response to that pronouncement, although a small, secret place in her heart hoped Cherise was right.
That a man like Edison, a danger-seeking, risk-taking man of action could see anything attractive about her intrigued her more than she was willing to admit.
Ada stepped into the airy pantaloons and petticoats Annabelle held out, then raised her arms, allowing the maid to fasten her into a beautifully embroidered corset.
Only then did she step into the cloud of blue satin Cherise had chosen.
The image in the mirror above the vanity took her breath away. Cut wide over the shoulders, and low enough in front to expose the tops of her breasts, the dress set off her complexion to perfection. Even to her own eye, she looked radiant.
The slight currents of air stirred up by their movements brushed over her skin like featherlight caresses, reminding her she was all but naked. She wasn’t daring enough to wear this gown downstairs, let alone out in public.
The first time a man eyed that expanse of bare chest, embarrassment would melt her into a puddle.
Cherise stood behind her, grinning. “Now you look like a woman worth paying for.” She pressed Ada down onto the stool. “Except for the hair.”
By the time Cherise and Annabelle had brushed and teased and wound her hair up into some sort of towering concoction, Ada was beginning to feel less self-conscious. The new sensations caused by so much newly bared skin were fading.
A little.
“I believe we’re ready for your debut, Mrs. Templeton.” Cherise stepped away from the mirror so Ada could see herself.
She gasped.
The sensual creature looking back at her had no resemblance to Ada Templeton, chemical scientist.
This new woman would draw male attention like flowers beckoned bees.
Ada drew in a long, deep breath. She couldn’t help noticing how the movement made her breasts rise higher, pressing the creamy flesh against the lace edging of the neckline.
Even her eyes glittered, sparkling with a new sort of energy.
This woman had power.
Cherise bent down until they were cheek to cheek in the mirror. “You’re beginning to understand my point. We women have our own special kind of force. Wield it wisely.”
Newspaper in hand, Edison rushed back into Cherise’s house.
Finally, a string they could tug on.
He took the stairs two at a time, following the sound of laughter up to Cherise’s boudoir. He rapped a knuckle on the closed door and burst in without waiting for a response. The advertisement was their way in. Their quarry had seeded the beginnings of his own trap. Once they got...
Lucifer’s hammock.
His hand slid off the doorknob, every ounce of his attention commandeered by the vision seated at the vanity.
Holy bleeding hell.
He’d expected Cherise would tart her up, but this, this was outright genius.
The dress was perfection. Neither insipid pastel nor somber navy, the rich blue heightened Ada’s complexion, lending her color and vibrance. The towering construction Cherise had made of her dark hair highlighted the intelligent sparkle in her brown eyes.
The lip rouge was a wicked touch. Ada’s lips were kissable when un-enhanced. The light touch of red unearthed untold sensual possibilities.
Those were lips he could savor for a long, long while.
On her own, Ada was a delightful puzzle hidden beneath a boring old wrapping of newsprint. But this, this enhanced her essence the way the right frame set off a magnificent work of art.
Beautiful all on its own, but better for the combination.
The only off note was her scent. The patchouli, heavy and alluring, suited Cherise’s overt sexuality. He much preferred Ada’s innocent violet flavor.
A minor point.
“Well?” Hands on her hips, Cherise whirled around to face him.
“I wouldn’t have thought it possible,” he murmured, still dazed.
Even as the words left his mouth, Edison would have given anything to claw them back. Watching Ada’s response as they hit made him want to bang his head into a wall.
Her girlish grin froze, then shattered, leaving a sickly grimace in its place.
“Oh my blessed Jesus,” Cherise muttered. Her glare could have turned him to ash. “Sweet, a word.” She jabbed a finger at the door. “Now.”
He followed her out onto the landing, leaving Ada slumped in her seat, staring down at her hands.
Cherise pulled the door shut and folded her arms under her considerable bosom. “You stupid oaf, you have all the charm of old fish guts.”
Edison’s mouth worked, but words eluded him. Which was likely not a bad thing, considering.