Saving Dancer (Savage Brothers MC #2)(64)

“Yeah, the world needs more beautiful women like her mommy.”


“Shhh… baby. I’ve not heard your voice in over ten days. I just want to lie here on the bed and hear you, please?”

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” I ask, my eyes closing.

“Therapy today in Glasgow, so I didn’t feel like going in. You didn’t answer, how are you?”

“I’m okay, getting settled. I went to the cemetery and visited with my parents. It’s a nice plot they would like it. It’s peaceful.

“That’s good baby. I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you.

“I would have liked that.”

Nicole said you were going to therapy. How is, I mean, you know, is that going okay?”

“It’s rough going, but I’ll make it.”

“Are you eating okay? The book says you shouldn’t eat fish Carrie, I know you like it but…”

“The book?”

“I bought some pregnancy books. I wanted to know what you are going through.”

“I…I don’t know what to say to that.”

“Say you won’t eat fish, Care Bear.”

I smile.

“I won’t, Jacob. What else did you buy?”

“I bought a book for the baby. This lady at the book store told me it’s good if the baby hears our voices. She suggested it.”

“She did?”

“Yeah, she said her sons read to all of her grandkids like that. She swears they came out of the stomach looking for their dad’s voices. I kind of like that idea.”

I listen to him talk, I like the way he sounds kind of sheepish. It’s a good sound.

“What book did you get?”

“Goodnight Moon.”

“You could read it to me now.”

“I’d like that. Do you have a speakerphone?”

“Yeah why?”

“Turn it on so the munchkin can hear it too.”

Munchkin? I can’t help but grin.

“Okay Jacob,” I say while I click the speaker button.

I listen to him read and notice the subtle differences in him. He seems at ease, he seems…tender.

As he finishes, I pick the phone back up and turn off the speaker.

“That was nice Jacob, thank you.”

“Do you think the baby liked it? I’ve tried to find a book about motorcycles. There’s not that many. I’m going to make one up for our girl.”

“You’re a confusing man, Jacob Blake.”

“You should try being me. I’m trying to get better, Carrie. I promise. I’m trying, Care Bear.”

“And therapy?” I ask, needing to know more.

“I hate it. I hate every minute of it, but I’m trying.”


“Can I call you tomorrow night?”

This is it. The moment of truth.

“I’d like that, but kind of early? I get tired easily these days, so I crash with the chickens.”


“Okay. Talk to you then.”

“Sweet dreams, Care Bear.”

“Sweet dreams, Jacob.”

Chapter 38


I’ve been talking to Carrie on the phone every evening now for two weeks. Two weeks and I’m going insane. I’m doing my best not to rush her, but damn it all to Hell, something has to give. Listening to her sweet voice is driving me insane. I need to touch her, I need to hold her. I need to be with her. I haven’t held her, been inside of her or kissed her in over a month and a half. I can’t keep going like this.

So today starts operation, ‘Win Back My Woman’.

I decide to start small. I send her George. A giant teddy bear I bought the day of my first therapy meeting.

I have been online checking the tracking numbers all day. She got the present an hour ago. She hasn’t called. I’m disappointed, but there’s not much more I can do. It takes all I got, but I don’t call her that night.

Day two, I send her flowers. Daisies. The type that were on her dress the last time I saw her. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt when she doesn’t call.

Day three, I text her saying I miss her and attach a picture. It is of the crib I purchased and spent all night putting together. No word.

Day four, I’m about to give up hope. One small word from her, that’s all I need. Well okay, that’s not all. It would be a damn good start though. Today I send her a picture of the hummingbird feeder she hung up outside. There are two hummingbirds around it and I thought she’d like to see it. I also send her another text.

I miss you. Please call me.

I stare at my phone for an hour, for nothing.

Day five, I send her chocolate covered strawberries. They are her favorites.

I hear nothing. I’ve hurt her too bad. I’ve lost her.

Day six, I’m not even bothering to get out of bed. I’m depressed, I’m horny as hell and I just don’t see the point anymore. I’d rather stay in bed, stroke my cock and think about Carrie, than get up and miss her.

Life is just too empty without her. I’m missing everything from her smile, her laugh, to the way she lights up my world. I miss her voice, how she says my name. I miss her body—especially her body.

Jordan Marie's Books