Night Watch (Kendra Michaels #4)(38)

“Very good. But what about the military background? Was she wearing her dog tags?”

“No. When she came at the guy who had me, she had a distinct forward fighting stance. Front knee bent, weight evenly distributed on the balls of her feet. She probably had military training. She’s in great shape, but she’s no kid. There’s a maturity in her movements. She’s at least thirty, but almost surely under forty.”

“How about the motorcycle?”

“Her odor. Or her lack of odor. Anyone riding for any length of time on a warm, sunny day like today should be giving off a distinctive smell … Perspiration evaporated by the sun and wind leaves behind a stale scent. Add automobile exhaust fumes, and it’s a recognizable combo. I didn’t pick up anything like that from her although I recognized the sound of her motorcycle starting up on the street and leaving. She either lives close by or transported the bike here using another vehicle, probably one where she could hide it. That’s why the police weren’t able to find it on any of the roads out of Big Bear.”

Lynch smiled. “Excellent, as usual. This may be better than a composite sketch.”

“I’m not sure about that. It’s as close as I can come. But I’m thankful for her, whoever she is.”

“So am I.”

She turned to see that Lynch was staring intently at her and had moved even closer. Almost unbearably close.

He lowered his voice. “You scared the hell out of me today, you know that? When you called and told me you were going back to that place … I couldn’t get over there fast enough.”

“Not necessary. I’m a careful girl.”

“Not always. One of the most fascinating things about you is that you’ve made mistakes, and you’ve learned from every one. Yet there’s still that streak of recklessness in you that makes me wonder what would happen if we ever came together. I believe it could be … mind shattering.” He moved still nearer. “What do you think?”

She wasn’t thinking at all. She could only stare up at him and feel. “I don’t know where you’re going with this, Lynch. I don’t believe you do either.”

“Maybe. I’m acting purely on impulse. I’ve been doing that all day ever since you called me. But I do know where I’m going. And I know I’ll never get there if you don’t stay alive.” He reached out and took the wineglass from her hand and placed it on a planter at the rooftop’s edge.

“What are you doing? I wasn’t—”

He pulled her close and kissed her.

Hot. Wet. Erotic.

Full-impact. Just like everything else Lynch did.

She went still. Then she realized that she was kissing him, too.

Not enough …

She pressed forward against him, opened her mouth, and took his tongue.

She couldn’t breathe. So close … She felt full of him … But not full enough. Her entire body was aching, readying to take more of him. This was Lynch. The center of how many moments of sexual tension that she’d ignored or pushed away? There was no way she could ignore it now. She felt as if she’d been starved, the hunger growing so intense that it had to break free.

His hands were cupping her buttocks, bringing her into him.

She arched and cried out as she felt him against her. Then she was frantically rubbing against him, making sounds deep in her throat.

“Yes.” His eyes were glittering wildly. “Kendra … It’s going to be—” His hands were on her sweatshirt, pulling it up, then off her. “Let’s get downstairs. You won’t like it if your neighbors decide to—”

“I don’t care.” All she cared about was his hands, which were now on her breasts. “Why should I? This is all that matters. Just do it.”

“Oh, I will.” His mouth was on her nipple, his teeth tugging. “I don’t know why it took me this long. I’ve been crazy to do this since I first saw you. Things kept … getting … in the way.”

She knew that, and she’d been the one putting up barriers against Lynch. Crazy. There didn’t have to be reasons when there could be this pure eroticism, when she could have him inside her.


She’d told Lynch she had to have reasons. That anything else wasn’t good enough for her anymore.

That was crazy, too. Not when they could have this moment. Sex was everything, wasn’t it?

“You’re backing off,” Lynch muttered. “Stop it. Dammit, I can feel it.”

“No, I’m not.”

“You are.” He pushed her away. He was breathing hard, and his eyes were blazing. “You’re thinking, and you’re wondering about what happens next. Do you think I don’t know you by now?”

“I know you’re not screwing me,” she said fiercely. “And I know I want you to do it.”

“Shit!” He whirled away from her. “I’ve got to be the stupidest son of a bitch on the face of the Earth.”

“Come back here.”

“No, I’m not screwing you.” He was breathing hard. “Because when you woke up in the morning, you’d still be wondering if you’d made a mistake. You’re comfortable with what we have now. You don’t know who the hell I am, and I intimidate you a little.”

Iris Johansen's Books